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emmanuelparadis authored and gaborcsardi committed Oct 27, 2013
1 parent 16f410a commit e456b51
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Showing 19 changed files with 557 additions and 359 deletions.
18 changes: 10 additions & 8 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
Package: coalescentMCMC
Version: 0.2
Date: 2013-01-02
Version: 0.3
Date: 2013-10-27
Title: MCMC Algorithms for the Coalescent
Author: Emmanuel Paradis
Maintainer: Emmanuel Paradis <>
Depends: ape, pegas, phangorn, adegenet, coda
Authors@R: c(person("Emmanuel", "Paradis", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"), email = ""))
Depends: ape, coda
Imports: phangorn, stats
ZipData: no
Description: coalescentMCMC provides a flexible framework for
coalescent analyses in R. It includes a main function running the
MCMC algorithm, auxilliary functions for tree rearrangement, and some
MCMC algorithm, auxiliary functions for tree rearrangement, and some
functions to compute population genetic parameters.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Packaged: 2013-07-19 10:01:33 UTC; paradis
Packaged: 2013-10-27 04:34:21 UTC; paradis
Author: Emmanuel Paradis [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Emmanuel Paradis <>
NeedsCompilation: yes
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2013-07-19 16:23:13
Date/Publication: 2013-10-27 07:08:27
32 changes: 15 additions & 17 deletions MD5
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,24 @@
0632cc7589c46bbf4981f0a778f1ef2a *COPYING
41db9f31b72a1a1d407dcdc7ef1f3442 *DESCRIPTION
67aaf5cffbeea97b2eeaf843d51736a8 *NAMESPACE
cbba597e045c358f3de88d65790d0ddf *NEWS
76fc210f685a966a80af3d766bf2a5f9 *R/coalescentMCMC.R
055c18b2e6e0a17502d01cd1f894166b *DESCRIPTION
4c0e9e2412b04458ac4fe1f24368b785 *NAMESPACE
d9e6cdd8fe023cb932c9202efbc3de92 *NEWS
0f81220bc1e0b8d81bec4efdc50214a6 *R/coalescentMCMC.R
a52942fca58804291fa4cca2a5e9c3dd *R/dcoal.R
01edab916944e326887dcf69a832c144 *R/treeOperators.R
5855c71436ebb147dfc8d5b038d500ef *R/treeOperators.R
d3bc00b2363b4155824eff32034801ad *R/zzz.R
e5199c70ce61c9060f806ed82cb289d4 *Thanks
01319ab1a68cc304cbb0593461e10541 *build/vignette.rds
dfa3ae7f0e0bc0918691ff5894094c03 *inst/doc/CoalescentModels.R
38240cef46b41eeb490ec9514930a48c *inst/doc/CoalescentModels.Rnw
0bcdbabfb7092b7640dfcfbef43d486a *inst/doc/CoalescentModels.pdf
89de4cff6c4b5e549a113a2a9fbdb011 *inst/doc/Running_coalescentMCMC.R
e23289a4d68e33f3c7c9a15ab6b41b7a *inst/doc/Running_coalescentMCMC.Rnw
9a296a8f19c56174dc7e784bfaa19c79 *inst/doc/Running_coalescentMCMC.pdf
f5d8bb0591f7b77f4f0741657243cce6 *man/coalesceMCMC.Rd
8da39d8199433c96cf9ee1c1fa9ff5e1 *inst/doc/CoalescentModels.pdf
0d5a83d0784207bb0911e0352170ab6b *inst/doc/Running_coalescentMCMC.R
e2e9e5b527e95804201ce3d789cc2eed *inst/doc/Running_coalescentMCMC.Rnw
90a4f0bf20a91e8348586a180be3c104 *inst/doc/Running_coalescentMCMC.pdf
5776e0661b44e5213b0689cc176aa3d9 *man/coalesceMCMC.Rd
9aa980aea36886b18ac6a09b823765da *man/coalescentMCMC-internal.Rd
75cee3886d17bba64ac13c52d9e87beb *man/dcoal.Rd
822affb72dc7c49b0b62f4d05bb47acf *man/treeOperators.Rd
f768c542f46f407ec6cce19410f749cc *man/dcoal.Rd
90b1945d199985a0b7162999b6f140d0 *man/treeOperators.Rd
2a6f9e9e044a78154d3cfda5936d6f48 *src/Makevars
412493cc6a8a250e740281af9e1c9086 *src/coalescentMCMC.c
c3e22b2a119684f9a878926188ddd39e *src/coalescentMCMC.c
38240cef46b41eeb490ec9514930a48c *vignettes/CoalescentModels.Rnw
9d144704316ef46e6c8ec412bc1fde3e *vignettes/Running_coalescentMCMC-001.pdf
8dc91bbd23b6a474511cec93c97a6534 *vignettes/Running_coalescentMCMC-002.pdf
e23289a4d68e33f3c7c9a15ab6b41b7a *vignettes/Running_coalescentMCMC.Rnw
e2e9e5b527e95804201ce3d789cc2eed *vignettes/Running_coalescentMCMC.Rnw
8bc7717e10b96e671d31408560cf5981 *vignettes/coalescentMCMC.bib
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
useDynLib(coalescentMCMC, .registration = TRUE)

export(.coalescentMCMCenv, coalescentMCMC, dcoal, dcoal.linear,
dcoal.step, dcoal.time, dcoal.time2, EdgeLengthJittering,
getMCMCtrees, NeighborhoodRearrangement, TipInterchange)

importFrom(ape, as.phylo, branching.times, dist.dna, Ntip, reorder.phylo)
importFrom(coda, mcmc)
importFrom(phangorn, phyDat, pml)
importFrom(stats, hclust, rbinom, reorder, runif)
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions NEWS
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,40 @@


o coalescentMCMC() has been extensively modified. It has a new
option (model) to select the coalescent model. Currently, only
two models can be fitted.

o The coalescent parameters are now output as part of the "coda"

o Trees of the MCMCs are extracted with the new function
getMCMCtrees. The trees of successive chains are stored and can
be retrieved separately. If several lists of trees are stored,
getMCMCtrees() will call an interactive menu to select the list
to retrieve.

o The vignette "Running_coalescentMCMC" has been updated and now
presents a (almost) complete analysis.


o The packages adegenet and pegas are no more required.

o Improved DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE files.

o The arguments of NeighborhoodRearrangement() have been modified.



o The main MCMC has been completely rewritten.

o The package coda is now used to analyse MCMC outputs.
99 changes: 79 additions & 20 deletions R/coalescentMCMC.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## coalescentMCMC.R (2013-07-19)
## coalescentMCMC.R (2013-10-18)

## Run MCMC for Coalescent Trees

Expand All @@ -9,25 +9,50 @@

coalescentMCMC <-
function(x, ntrees = 3000, burnin = 1000, frequency = 1,
tree0 = NULL, quiet = FALSE)
tree0 = NULL, model = NULL, quiet = FALSE)
if (is.null(tree0)) {
d <- dist.dna(x, "JC69")
X <- phangorn::phyDat(x)
tree0 <- as.phylo(hclust(d, "average"))

n <- Ntip(tree0)
X <- phyDat(x)
n <- length(tree0$tip.label)
nodeMax <- 2*n - 1
nOut <- ntrees# + burnin
nOut <- ntrees
nOut2 <- ntrees * frequency + burnin

getlogLik <- function(phy, X) phangorn::pml(phy, X)$logLik #phangorn:::pml6(phy, X)
getlogLik <- function(phy, X) pml(phy, X)$logLik

TREES <- vector("list", nOut)
LL <- numeric(nOut)
LL <- numeric(nOut2)
TREES[[1L]] <- tree0
lnL0 <- getlogLik(tree0, X)
LL[[1L]] <- lnL0
LL[1L] <- lnL0

if (is.null(model)) {
np <- 1L
para.nms <- "theta"
## quantities to calculate THETA:
two2n <- 2:n
K4theta <- length(two2n)
tmp <- choose(two2n, 2)
getparams <- function(phy, bt) {
x4theta <- rev(diff(c(0, sort(bt))))
sum(x4theta * tmp)/K4theta
f.theta <- function(t, p) p
} else { # only "time" (ie, exponential model) for the moment
np <- 2L
para.nms <- c("theta0", "rho")
getparams <- function(phy, bt) { # 'bt' is not used but is needed to have the same arguments than above
out <- nlminb(c(0.02, 0),
function(p) -dcoal.time(phy, p[1], p[2], log = TRUE))
f.theta <- function(t, p) p[1] * exp(p[2] * t)
params <- matrix(0, nOut2, np)

i <- 2L
j <- 0L # number of accepted trees
Expand All @@ -42,21 +67,34 @@ coalescentMCMC <-
cat("Generation Nb of accepted trees\n")

bt0 <- branching.times(tree0)
params[1L, ] <- para0 <- getparams(tree0, bt0)

nodesToSample <- (n + 2):nodeMax

while (k < nOut) {
if (!quiet)
cat("\r ", i, " ", j, " ")

tr.b <- NeighborhoodRearrangement(tree0, n, nodeMax)
## select one internal node excluding the root:
target <- sample(nodesToSample, 1L) # target node for rearrangement
THETA <- f.theta(bt0[target - n], para0) # the value of THETA at this node

tr.b <- NeighborhoodRearrangement(tree0, n, nodeMax, target, THETA, bt0)
## do TipInterchange() every 10 steps:
## tr.b <-
## if (!i %% 10) TipInterchange(tree0, n)
## else NeighborhoodRearrangement(tree0, n, nodeMax, target, THETA, bt0)
if (!(i %% frequency) && i > burnin) {
k <- k + 1L
TREES[[k]] <- tr.b
## do TipInterchange() every 10 steps:
## tr.b <-
## if (!i %% 10) TipInterchange(TREES[[i]], n)
## else NeighborhoodRearrangement(TREES[[i]], n, nodeMax)
lnL.b <- getlogLik(tr.b, X)
LL[[i]] <- lnL.b
LL[i] <- lnL.b
## calculate theta for the proposed tree:
bt <- branching.times(tr.b)
params[i, ] <- para <- getparams(tr.b, bt)
i <- i + 1L
ACCEPT <- if ( FALSE else {
if (lnL.b >= lnL0) TRUE
Expand All @@ -66,19 +104,40 @@ coalescentMCMC <-
j <- j + 1L
lnL0 <- lnL.b
tree0 <- tr.b
para0 <- para
bt0 <- bt

dim(LL) <- c(i - 1, 1)
colnames(LL) <- "logLik"
#dim(LL) <- c(i - 1, 1)
LL <- cbind(LL, params)
colnames(LL) <- c("logLik", para.nms)
LL <- mcmc(LL, start = 1, end = i - 1)

## compress the list of trees:
attr(TREES, "TipLabel") <- TREES[[1L]]$tip.label
for (i in seq_len(nOut)) TREES[[i]]$tip.label <- NULL
class(TREES) <- "multiPhylo"
assign(".TREES", TREES, envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)
## TREES <- .compressTipLabel(TREES)

j <- 1
list.trees <- ls(envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)
if (l <- length(list.trees))
j <- 1 + as.numeric(sub("TREES_", "", list.trees[l]))
assign(paste("TREES", j, sep = "_"), TREES, envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)
if (!quiet) cat("\nDone.\n")
#list(mcmc = LL, trees = TREES)

getMCMCtrees <- function() get(".TREES", envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)
getMCMCtrees <- function() {
list.trees <- ls(envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)
l <- length(list.trees)
if (!l) return(NULL)
if (l == 1)
return(get(list.trees, envir = .coalescentMCMCenv))
## l > 1:
cat("Several lists of MCMC trees are stored:\n\n")
for (i in 1:l) cat(i, ":", list.trees[i], "\n")
cat("\nReturn which number? ")
i <- as.numeric(readLines(n = 1))
get(paste("TREES", i, sep = "_"), envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)
38 changes: 16 additions & 22 deletions R/treeOperators.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## treeOperators.R (2013-01-10)
## treeOperators.R (2013-10-18)

## Trees Operators for Running MCMC

Expand All @@ -9,22 +9,18 @@

getIndexEdge <- function(tip, edge)
## 'integer(1)' mustn't be substituted by '0L' except if 'DUP = TRUE':
.C("get_single_index_integer", as.integer(edge[, 2L]),
as.integer(tip), integer(1L), PACKAGE = "coalescentMCMC",
.C(get_single_index_integer, as.integer(edge[, 2L]),
as.integer(tip), integer(1L), NAOK = TRUE, DUP = FALSE)[[3L]]

getIndexEdge2 <- function(node, edge)
.C("get_two_index_integer", as.integer(edge[, 1L]),
as.integer(node), integer(2L), PACKAGE = "coalescentMCMC",
.C(get_two_index_integer, as.integer(edge[, 1L]),
as.integer(node), integer(2L), NAOK = TRUE, DUP = FALSE)[[3L]]

NeighborhoodRearrangement <- function(phy, n, nodeMax)
NeighborhoodRearrangement <- function(phy, n, nodeMax, target, THETA, brtimes)
THETA <- pegas::theta.tree(phy, 1)$theta
bt <- c(rep(0, n), branching.times(phy))
## select one internal node excluding the root
target <- sample((n + 2):nodeMax, size = 1L)

## pegas is no more needed:
## THETA <- theta.tree(phy, 1)$theta
bt <- c(rep(0, n), brtimes)
e <- phy$edge # local copy

### i1, i2, and i3 are edge indices
Expand All @@ -33,13 +29,11 @@ NeighborhoodRearrangement <- function(phy, n, nodeMax)
## i1 <- which(e2 == target)
i1 <- getIndexEdge(target, e)
anc <- e[i1, 1L] # the ancestor of 'target'
## i2 <- which(e1 == target)
i2 <- getIndexEdge2(target, e) # the 2 edges where 'target' is basal
## i3 <- which(e1 == anc)
i3 <- getIndexEdge2(anc, e) # this includes i1, so:
i3 <- i3[i3 != i1]
sister <- e[i3, 2L] # the sister-node of 'target'
sel <- sample(2L, size = 1L)
sel <-, 1L)
i2.move <- i2[sel]
i2.stay <- i2[-sel]
phy$edge[i3, 2L] <- child2move <- e[i2.move, 2L]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,10 +83,10 @@ EdgeLengthJittering <- function(phy)
### all edge lengths are added to a random value on U[-MIN, MAX]
### (the ultrametric nature of the tree is kept)
z <- range(phy$edge.length)
MIN <- z[1]
MAX <- z[2]
x <- runif(1, -MIN, MAX) # should be OK even if MIN=0
phy$edge.length <- phy$edge.length + x
z <- range(phy$edge.length)
MIN <- z[1]
MAX <- z[2]
x <- runif(1, -MIN, MAX) # should be OK even if MIN=0
phy$edge.length <- phy$edge.length + x
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions Thanks

This file was deleted.

Binary file added build/vignette.rds
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified inst/doc/CoalescentModels.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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