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cellocgw authored and cran-robot committed Apr 20, 2022
0 parents commit d074f5b
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Showing 20 changed files with 1,075 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ChangeLog
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
* Rev 1.0 Initial Release
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Package: contFracR
Type: Package
Title: Continued Fraction Generators and Evaluators
Version: 1.0
Date: 2022-03-24
Author: Carl Witthoft
Maintainer: Carl Witthoft <>
Description: This library provides functions to convert numbers to continued fractions and back again.
License: LGPL-3
Imports: Rmpfr, go2bigq, gmp, methods
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2022-04-18 20:04:24 UTC; cgw
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2022-04-20 08:32:29 UTC
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions MD5
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
205f1ac10db99343d77276c80e7ea1d7 *ChangeLog
0b7f30f752f4b6ee51abca4e7514416b *DESCRIPTION
d76b58ff2e101fba83cafc3fa4c11df7 *NAMESPACE
a17a81180a3185baf4ca4f358a51901a *R/cfrac.R
d33af6dae1cb708a7fcb8f252a71ab6e *R/fracHelpers.r
f25365c7d5ff3826445f4f4808f4505c *R/root2cfrac.R
19bef864ab509e4ae4da8d994df3ff57 *R/sqrt2periodicCfrac.r
5e990ff1b6de9755c37fd4676fd3fde9 *R/transcNumFracs.r
87d945ce1990b788fce1cddc01cad3c0 *man/cfrac2latex.Rd
92bbe514e6a99798fb77908b345913a9 *man/cfrac2num.Rd
527d800f2060fb05f28065bfa7e525ed *man/cfrac2simple.Rd
8e0d93bc392fa417507d9b5fd1db9715 *man/contFracR-package.Rd
8bbd5e8f2ed5553392e5e7c681485345 *man/e2cfrac.Rd
340dfad89cdbe601bb622111c4bb73d2 *man/num2cfrac.Rd
2f2918ec98dbf29f9e16e32c9a7f7ecd *man/phi2cfrac.Rd
fa38fde739e78ae14ddc8e8860c3ea4c *man/pi2cfrac.Rd
69d16dc2fb911b0eaafa0cb1b09eebd2 *man/recipCfrac.Rd
5fa33bd50c47a0250a0de7163dad1b8d *man/root2cfrac.Rd
5633e3bb4f104ff6d7a4ffcc4ce0a0d0 *man/sqrt2periodicCfrac.Rd
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
importFrom("gmp", "as.bigz", "as.bigq","pow.bigq", "is.bigz", "numerator" , "denominator")
importFrom("Rmpfr", "mpfr", ".bigq2mpfr", ".mpfr2bigz")
importFrom("go2bigq", "go2bigq")
importFrom("methods", "is")
importFrom("utils", "tail")
162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions R/cfrac.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
# requires go2bigq; I do want that to be a separate package, though.
# Function num2cfrac

#Inputs can be numeric, bigz, or reasonable character strings representing numbers. Or feed a bigq to "numerator"
# char strings can include '-' or '+' leading sign and 'eX' exponential notation
# you can calculate irrationals to arbitrary precision by setting the inputs to num = (irat_num)*1eN , denom = 1eN for N some nice integer
# mpfr values not allowed because teensy rounding errors, e.g. "3.2400000000001" make a hash of the fraction

num2cfrac <-function(num, denom = 1, ...) {
if(length(num) >1 ) {
warning('only using first element of num')
num <- num[1]
if(length(denom) >1) {
warning('only using first element of denom')
denom <- denom[1]
# new sortorific bit of code to catch bigq
if (is(num,'bigq') ) {
denom <- denominator(num)
num <- numerator(num)
numclass <- class(num)
denomclass <- class(denom)
classlist <- c('numeric','character', 'bigz')
if (!(numclass %in% classlist) || !(denomclass %in% classlist)){
stop('Inputs must be bigz,bigq, numeric, or character')
# do go2bigq on both and 'flip' the division in gmp space
if(!is.bigz(num)) num <- go2bigq(num)
if(!is.bigz(denom)) denom <- go2bigq(denom)
# ok, now can reduce from bigz or bigq form. In addition, this step
# produces a bigq in reduced form.
thebigq <- num[[1]]/denom[[1]]
numdenom <- c( abs(numerator(thebigq)), denominator(thebigq))
thesign <- sign(thebigq)
ND <- numdenom
if (numdenom[2] == 0 || numdenom[1] == 0 ) stop('zeros not allowed')
if (numdenom[1] == 1) return (invisible(list(intvec = c(0,denom), numdenom = ND) ) )
intvec = as.bigz(NULL) #NOT a R-vector, but NULL will be "replaced" with first value assigned.
jlev = 1 # start vector index
# numerator == 0 means there was a common factor; this is easiest way to catch it.
# rats: is.element, %in% don't like bigq
#while (!is.element(numdenom[1], c(0,1)) && numdenom[2] != 0 ) {
while(numdenom[1] !=1 && numdenom[1] != 0&&numdenom[2]!= 0){
intvec = c(intvec, floor(numdenom[1]/numdenom[2] ) )
num = numdenom[1] - (intvec[jlev] * numdenom[2] )
numdenom = c(numdenom[2],num) # reciprocalling
jlev = jlev + 1
intvec <- intvec * thesign
return(invisible(list(denom = intvec , numdenom = ND )) )

# FUNCTION cf2latex -- build the latex formula and the inline equation
# the input 'denomvals' is the 'intvec' output of num2cfrac, or any other legal Continued Fraction form vector of integers. Similar for numvals if setting up a non-simple continued fraction.
# Beware: R interprets backslashes in a char string as escapers in most cases. Example:
# foo <- "this string has \f backslashes \\ and stuff"
# > unlist(strsplit(foo,''))
# [1] "t" "h" "i" "s" " " "s" "t" "r" "i" "n" "g" " " "h" "a" "s"
# [16] " " "\f" " " "b" "a" "c" "k" "s" "l" "a" "s" "h" "e" "s" " "
# [31] "\\" " " "a" "n" "d" " " "s" "t" "u" "f" "f"

# So strings must be submitted in double-escaped format

cfrac2latex <-function(denomvals, numvals = 1, denrepeats = 1, doellipsis = FALSE, ...) {
vrep <- denomvals[-1] # don't repeat the lead integer
denomvals <- c(denomvals[1], rep(vrep, times= denrepeats) )
# Do some legerdemain to get length(numvals) to match length(denomvals)
# and some new variable PM , pm
numvals <- rep(numvals, length = length(denomvals)-1)
PM = c(' - ',' + ',' + ')
pm <- PM[sign(numvals) + 2]
# now remove signs from numeric numvals
numvals <- abs(numvals)
eqn <- paste0(denomvals[1], pm[1])
# stop the loop one short to avoid extra "+"
for (jj in 2:(length(denomvals) -1) ) {
#first denomval is integer, hence teh index shift for nums
eqn <- paste0(eqn, numvals[jj-1],'/(',denomvals[jj], pm[jj], collapse='')
#now the last integer, no plus sign
if (doellipsis){
eqn <- paste0(eqn, numvals[jj],'/', denomvals[jj+1],' ...',collapse='')
eqn <- paste0(eqn, numvals[jj],'/', denomvals[jj+1],collapse='')
#finish the inline version
clospar <-paste0(rep(')',jj-1),collapse='')
eqn <- paste0(eqn, clospar,collapse='' )
# Now a Q&D conversion to LaTeX, skipping markdown "$"
# tex2copy is useful only for copy/paste, as the \ will be parsed by console
# replace '1' with num value. ([0-9]{1,})
tex2copy <- gsub('([0-9]{1,})/[(]', '\\\frac{\\1}{' , eqn)
tex2copy <- gsub('[)]', '}', tex2copy)
tex2copy <- gsub('([0-9]{1,})/', '\\\frac{\\1}{', tex2copy)
tex2copy <- paste0(tex2copy,'}',collapse='')
# convert the single actual character "\f" to two characters "\\" and "f"
texeqn <- gsub('\\f', '\\\\\\f', tex2copy)
return(invisible(list(eqn=eqn, tex2copy = tex2copy, texeqn = texeqn)) )

#calculating numeric value of a continued fraction representation ,
# where K is either the Continued Fraction form sequence of integers, or a single value
# if the particular source is that value repeated 'numterms' times.
# outputs
# cgmp is the gmp num&denom
# cmpfr is the mpfr conversion of cgmp
# nums, denoms returns the input vectors used

#TODO: check for list inputs and either ban them or unlist(carefully)
cfrac2num <- function(denom, num = 1, init = 0, nreps= 1, msgrate = NULL ) {
if (length(denom) == 1){
# "exit strategy" when denoms == 0.
# Zero is only legal in the first position of the contfrac sequence anyway.
if( denom == 0 ) {
return(invisible(list(cgmp = as.bigq(0), mdec=mpfr(0,10),denom = denom, num = num)))
# bug-ish in tail(gmp), so check nterms value
denom <- rep(denom, max(nreps,1) )
# One More Thing(TM) to check: if all we have is the 'a' term:
if (length(denom) == 1) {
return(invisible(list(cgmp = as.bigq(denom), mdec=mpfr(denom,10),denom = denom, num = num)))
# expand num to be length(denom) -1 if it isn't already (first denom is the integer)
# and if length(num) == 1 , repeat it by nterms-1
if( !is(num[[1]],'bigq')){
num <- as.bigq(rep(num,length=length(denom)-1 ) )
num <- rep(num,length = length(denom)-1)
if (!is(denom[[1]],'bigq')) {
Kq <- as.bigq(denom)
Kq <- denom
# just this?
#spart <- init
spart <- ( tail(Kq, 1) )[[1]] + init
# add a status msg. Also notice reverse order as befits unwinding a cont frac
loopvals <- (length(denom) - 1):1
if (!is.null(msgrate)){
msgrate <- floor(msgrate)
msgnums <- loopvals[!(loopvals %% msgrate)]
for (kk in loopvals) {
if ( kk %in% msgnums) message('kk is now ', kk)
spart <- Kq[kk] + num[kk] /spart #1 / spart

} else {
for (kk in loopvals) {
spart <- Kq[[kk]] + num[[kk]] /spart #1 / spart
mdec <- .bigq2mpfr(spart) #no reason to apply nonoptimal nbr bits
fracpart <- spart - Kq[[kk]]
return(invisible(list(cgmp = spart, cmpfr = mdec, fracpart = fracpart, denom = denom, num = num)))
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions R/fracHelpers.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# simple helpers
# see
# move original b1 inside the sequence and setting the new b1 == 0
# and for numerator, prepend a "1"
# generate terms for 1/X
recipCfrac <- function( denom, num = 1, ...){
# ensure proper lengths
num <- rep(num,length=length(denom) -1)
denom <- c(0,denom)
num <- c(1,num)
return(invisible( list(denom=denom, num = num)) )

# generate equivalent simple denom for any num,denom vectors
cfrac2simple <- function(denom, num=1, ...){
foo <- cfrac2num(denom = denom, num = num)$cgmp
thenum <- numerator(foo)
thedenom <- denominator(foo)
denom <- num2cfrac(thenum, thedenom)$denom
return(invisible(list(intfrac = foo, denom = denom)) )
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions R/root2cfrac.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# wikipedia suggests that making x and y big ( nth root of z^m with arbitrary z = x^n + y . Maybe choose largest possible x? In simplest
# setup,let m == 1 . Then find the largest n-th cube less than z.
# lead term is a^m
# nums are my, (n-m)b, (n+m)b, (2n-m)y, (2n+m)b, 3,3,4,4,.....
# denoms are 1na^(n-m), 2a^m, 3na^(n-m), 2a^m, 5na^(n-m), alt 2term and 7,9,11,...term

root2cfrac <- function(x, n, m = 1, nterms = 10, ...){
n <- floor(n[1])
m <- floor(m[1])
#TODO: check to see if can replace x, m with some root K(x) and m*K . Probably
# doesn't guarantee faster convergence.
if(length(x) > 1) warning('only first element of x will be used')
x <- as.bigq(x[1]) #(just in case x is not an integer)
# want a^n + b = x
# gmp doesn't allow fraction powers
xm <- .bigq2mpfr(x)
a <- go2bigq(floor( xm^(1/n)))[[1]]
b = x - pow.bigq(a, n )
#TODO: use denom <- as.bigz(NULL) etc. to initialize, thus returning
# bigz vectors instead of messy lists
# and see about simplifying the converstion to numerics
denom <- as.bigz(NULL) #list()
num <- as.bigz(NULL) #list()
numericdenom <- vector()
numericnum <- vector()
denom <- c(denom,pow.bigq(a, m))
num <- c(num,m * b)
jnum = 1 #indexer
for (jt in seq(1,nterms, by = 2)) {
#that skipseq works but take care
num <- c(num, (jnum *n-m)*b,(jnum *n + m)*b )
denom <- c(denom,jt*n* pow.bigq(a, (n-m)), 2*pow.bigq(a,m) )
# bump num index
jnum = jnum + 1
#finish off denom but watch for oddeven jt as it always ends with odd regardless of nterms
denom <- c(denom, (jt+3) *n* pow.bigq(a, (n-m)))
numericdenom <- as.numeric(denom)
numericnum <- as.numeric(num)
return(invisible(list(num = num, denom=denom, numericnum = numericnum, numericdenom = numericdenom, x=x, n= n, m= m)) )
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions R/sqrt2periodicCfrac.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# algebraic calculation of square root simple continued fracs
# This function finds the periodic expansion. Use root2cfrac for nonperiodic but
# faster convergence.
# input must be int or bigz, or a charstring which will be floor-ed to bigz
# Default limit on nterms just to avoid monstrous output
# sqrt(n/m) = sqrt(n*m)/m ,so can do this for any rational number.
# irrationals we can only approximate anyway.
# reference:
# rt(67) is 8; 5 2 1 1 7 1 1 2 5 16
#output definition:
# repeated: TRUE if repeat sequence found. FALSE if exceed nterms w/o repeat
# input: echo the inputs

sqrt2periodicCfrac <- function (num, denom = 1, nterms = 50, ...){
if ( length(num) >1 || length(denom) >1 ){
warning('Only first element of num or denom will be used')
num <- num[1]
denom <- denom[1]
input <- c(num,denom) #save to dump into output
#convert to a single bigz and save the denom to re-apply at end of calculation
#first, reduce to minimum fraction.
frac <- abs(as.bigz(num) /as.bigz(denom))
num <- numerator(frac) * denominator(frac)
# This is a final multiplier to get the desired sqrt value
thedivisor <- denominator(frac)
# this will store the cont frac denoms
#TODO: replact with initialization thedenom <- as.bigz(NULL)
# and see about simplifying the converstion to numerics
thedenom <- as.bigz(NULL) #list()
numericdenom <- vector()
#follow math.stackexchange question 2215918
# get the greatest square less than x; make sure mpfr has reasonable precision
kbits <- max(5 * ceiling(log10(num)), 500)
mpnum <- mpfr(num,kbits)
#start the engine
m <- floor(sqrt(mpnum)) # the first term in standard contfrac notation
thedenom <- c(thedenom, .mpfr2bigz(m) )#this is the "integer" part of contfrac form
pq <- c(m,1) # this is mpfrs
newq <- (num - pq[1]^2) / pq[2]
#if newq is zero, terminate, perfect square was input
if (newq == 0 ) {
return(invisible(list(thefrac = thedenom, numericfrac = numericdenom, thedivisor=thedivisor, repeated='perfect_square', input=input) ))
mpdenom <- floor( (pq[1] + m)/newq)
thedenom <- c(thedenom, .mpfr2bigz( (pq[1] + m)/newq) )
# numericdenom[2] <- as.integer(thedenom[[2]])
newp <- mpdenom * newq - pq[[1] ]
pq <- c(newp,newq)
#loop on that for either nterms or until mpdenom == 2*m
# Since we can only feed rationals to the function, and we convert
# to an integer value, there can't be a 'preamble'
idx <- 2
repeated = FALSE # indicating no repeat sequence found
while ( (idx <= nterms) && !repeated ) {
newq <- (num - pq[[1]]^2) / pq[[2]]
mpdenom <- floor( (pq[1] + m)/newq)
newp <- mpdenom * newq - pq[[1]]
pq <- c(newp,newq)
thedenom <- c(thedenom, .mpfr2bigz(mpdenom) ) # watch for giant integers...
if (mpdenom == 2*m) {repeated = TRUE}
idx <- idx + 1
# now stick that 1/m term back in
thedenom[1] <- thedenom[1]/thedivisor
numericdenom <- as.numeric(thedenom)
numericnums <- vector()
numericnums[1] <- 1/as.integer(thedivisor)
numericnums[2:(length(numericdenom) -1)] <- 1
thenum <- as.bigq(numericnums)
thenum[1] <- 1/thedivisor #removes possible precision foulup
return(invisible(list(denom = thedenom, num = thenum, numericdenom = numericdenom, numericnum =numericnums, repeated=repeated, input=input) ))


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