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version 1.0.3
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fbellelli authored and cran-robot committed Sep 1, 2023
0 parents commit 36025cd
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Showing 83 changed files with 8,846 additions and 0 deletions.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Package: countries
Type: Package
Title: Deal with Country Data in an Easy Way
Version: 1.0.3
person("Francesco Saverio", "Bellelli", , "", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"),
comment = c(Website = ""))
Description: Wrangle country data more effectively and quickly.
This package contains functions to easily identify and convert country names,
download country information, merge country data from different sources,
and make quick world maps.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
Imports: stringdist, tidyr, stringr, dplyr, knitr, fastmatch,
lubridate, utils, methods, stats, httr, jsonlite, ggplot2,
viridis, grDevices
Suggests: data.table, rmarkdown, testthat
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Config/testthat/edition: 3
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2023-09-01 13:31:41 UTC; FSB
Author: Francesco Saverio Bellelli [aut, cre, cph] (
Maintainer: Francesco Saverio Bellelli <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2023-09-01 15:50:02 UTC
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions MD5
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
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0e6122e6aa53c9d8e83c9c47e1bbc3ae *
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b263764e99818915c3af9f626a0bc694 *R/check_wide_format.R
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d68c0805e97fddf25e5845f6e0acfa2f *R/data_world.R
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341fdd3989356adaafec9f49047ba9a4 *R/find_timecol.R
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99f98f0605b128410f1bb9139b9d018e *R/
5a37546d74ead984da1179870df4876c *R/quick_map.R
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8aa6f00a0f289c0cb7a690d701708e6f *R/which_min-max-mode.R
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1048f4c99ba33ecd0f55bdac05ff0a9f *inst/doc/auto_merge.html
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820e1a3ba367d48dad727f95169b0afe *inst/doc/dealing_with_names.html
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5e57f2c0290c218a1240048c240aacdd *man/country_reference_list.Rd
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1a055bcc57e9650f6c69039c43e6ba04 *man/match_table.Rd
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e8da43942f05cb2a582d09439cf0f3ee *man/quick_map.Rd
6c86f0a89214839bb4b6939a84f00eb6 *man/which_min.Rd
8d0533094c347962433a572f9c95d329 *man/world.Rd
5250cf6b34d84721cdb2683b313e85ad *tests/testthat.R
2d3a8fcf9094d36f345bdc195a5007f1 *tests/testthat/test_function_output.R
c5cfe6ac0e8888634d23da4f1dfec0be *vignettes/auto_merge.Rmd
d876d0ec1d539156ca867838b51583ed *vignettes/data_structure.Rmd
0088a25ad588b8d95628009bd1e63555 *vignettes/dealing_with_names.Rmd
19e68c3cc34e35e63a7d46c4ff215d6e *vignettes/quick_map.Rmd
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# countries 1.0.3
* Fixed hyperlinks in for resubmission
* Eliminated references to unexported objects in documentation

# countries 1.0
* First CRAN submission

# countries 0.3

* Added function *country_info()* to download information about countries (e.g. capital city, currency, neighbouring countries, etc.)
* Added function *list_fields()* returning a list of accepted fields for *country_info()*
* Added function *auto_merge()* to quickly join multiple dataset and automatically deal with country names and time columns
* Added function *auto_melt()* to automatically pivot tables containing country names and years in their headers
* Added function *quick_map()* to easily plot coloured country maps
* Added function *palettes_countries()* providing access to the package's colour themes
* Added vignette on plotting chloropleth maps with *quick_map* and merging country data with *auto_merge()*
* Bug fixes

# countries 0.2

* Added function *is_country()* to test whether a string is a country name or related to list of countries names
* Added function *is_date()* to test whether values are dates
* Added function *is_keycol()* to test whether a set of columns could be the keys of a table
* Added function *find_countrycol()* to automate search of columns containing country names in data frames
* Added function *find_timecol()* to automate search of date and/or year columns in data frames
* Added function *find_keycol()* to automate search of table keys in data frames
* Added functions *which_min()*, *which_max()* and *which_mode()* returning all the positions of vector's minimum, maximum and mode values.
* Speed improvements for the functions *country_name()* and *match_table()*
* Bug fixes
* Added vignette on data structure

# countries 0.1

* Function *country_name()* for converting and translating country names based on a fuzzy matching approach
* Function *match_table()* to easily construct conversion tables with the help of fuzzy matching algorithm
* Function *Mode()* returns the statistical mode of a vectors (most frequent observation)
* Dataset *country_reference_list* containing a country names in different languages and naming conventions
* Added vignettes and documentation
* Created website for the package
95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions R/auto_melt.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
#' @title Automatic pivoting of country and year columns to a long format
#' @description
#' When at least 3 country names or years are found in the column names, the function will automatically transform the table from a wide to a long format by pivoting the country/year columns.
#' This is equivalent to applying \code{tidyr::pivot_longer()} or \code{data.table::melt()} on the columns with years or countries as names.
#' The function is able to detect years also when they are preceded by a prefix.
#' @param x A data.frame object to check and pivot country or year columns.
#' @param names_to String indicating how the column holding the name of the pivoted columns should be called in the output table. Default is \code{"pivoted_colnames"}
#' @param values_to String indicating how the column containing the values of the pivoted columns should be called in the output table. Default is \code{"pivoted_data"}
#' @param verbose Logical value. If set to \code{TRUE} (the default), a message will be displayed on the console indicating which columns are being pivoted. If set to \code{FALSE}, the messages are turned off.
#' @param pivoting_info Logical value indicating whether to return the list of names of the column that have been pivoted. Default is \code{FALSE}. If set to \code{TRUE}, the output will be a list instead of simple data.frame. Teh list will contain 1) the pivoted table, 2) the list of pivoted columns.
#' @returns A table transformed into a "long" format by pivoting country or year columns. If year columns are found, a numeric column called \code{"year_pivoted_colnames"} is added isolating the years extracted from the table header's.
#' @seealso \link[countries]{auto_merge}, \link[countries]{find_countrycol},\link[countries]{find_timecol}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # example data
#' example <- data.frame(Date = c("01.01.2019", "01.02.2019", "01.03.2019"),
#' Japan = 1:3,
#' Norway = 2:4,
#' Germany = 3:5,
#' US = 4:6)
#' example2 <- data.frame(Sector = c("Agriculture", "Mining", "Forestry"),
#' X2000 = 1:3,
#' X2001 = 2:4,
#' X2002 = 3:5,
#' X2003 = 4:6)
#' # examples pivotting countries and years from column names
#' auto_melt(example)
#' auto_melt(example2)
auto_melt <- function(
names_to = "pivoted_colnames",
values_to = "pivoted_data",
verbose = TRUE,
pivoting_info = FALSE

# check inputs
if(!|is.null(x)){stop("Argument - x - needs to be a dataframe")}
if (|is.null(names_to)) stop("The argument - names_to - cannot be NA or NULL. It needs to be a string.")
if (|is.null(values_to)) stop("The argument - values_to - cannot be NA or NULL. It needs to be a logical value")
if (|is.null(verbose)) stop("The argument - verbose - cannot be NA or NULL. It needs to be a logical value")
if (|is.null(pivoting_info)) stop("The argument - pivoting_info - cannot be NA or NULL. It needs to be a string.")
if (!is.character(names_to)|length(names_to)!=1)stop("The argument - names_to - is invalid. It needs to be a string.")
if (!is.character(values_to)|length(values_to)!=1)stop("The argument - values_to - is invalid. It needs to be a string.")
if (!is.logical(verbose) | length(verbose)!=1) stop("Function argument - verbose - needs to be a logical statement (TRUE/FALSE)")
if (!is.logical(pivoting_info) | length(pivoting_info)!=1) stop("Function argument - pivoting_info - needs to be a logical statement (TRUE/FALSE)")

# convert input to data.frame
data <-

#check column names for countries/years
temp <- check_wide_format(data)

# proceed if there is any column to pivot
if (!is.null(temp)){

# pivot table if countries or years were found and adjust name
data <-, dplyr::all_of(temp$col_name), names_to = names_to, values_to = values_to))

# move pivoted keys to front of table
data <- data[, c(names_to, colnames(data)[colnames(data) != names_to])]

# convert year to numeric if possible, otherwise add numeric column with detected year in string
if (colnames(temp)[1] == "year"){
if (all(grepl('^(?=.)([+-]?([0-9]*)(\\.([0-9]+))?)$', temp$col_name, perl = TRUE))){
data[, names_to] <- as.numeric(data[, names_to])
} else {
data[,"year_pivoted_colnames"] <- temp[fastmatch::fmatch(data[, names_to], temp$col_name), 1]

# save name of pivoted columns
pivoted_cols <- as.vector(temp$col_name)

# issue message to console
if (verbose) cat(paste0(colnames(temp)[1], " detected in column names, pivoting columns: ", paste(temp$col_name[1:3], collapse=", ", sep = ""), if (nrow(temp)>3){paste0(", ..., ", temp$col_name[nrow(temp)])}, "\n"))
} else {

pivoted_cols <- NULL

if (verbose) cat("No column was pivoted\n")

# final output
if (pivoting_info){
return(list(output = data,
pivoted_cols = pivoted_cols))
} else {


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