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version 0.1.0
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Zikai Lin authored and cran-robot committed Mar 23, 2019
0 parents commit 9c0f787
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Showing 41 changed files with 3,854 additions and 0 deletions.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Package: dfConn
Type: Package
Title: Dynamic Functional Connectivity Analysis
Version: 0.1.0
Authors@R: c(person("Zikai", "Lin", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre")),
person("Maria", "Kudela", email = "", role = c("aut")),
person("Jaroslaw","Harezlak",email = "", role = c("aut")),
person("Mario","Dzemidzic", email = "", role = c("aut")))
Maintainer: Zikai Lin <>
Description: An implementation of multivariate linear process bootstrap (MLPB) method and sliding window technique to assess the dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) estimate by providing its confidence bands, based on Maria Kudela (2017) <doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.01.056>.
It also integrates features to visualize non-zero coverage for selected a-priori regions of interest estimated by the dynamic functional connectivity model (dFCM) and dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) curves for reward-related a-priori regions of interest where the activation-based analysis reported.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
Suggests: iterators, testthat, itertools
Imports: doParallel, nlme, parallel, foreach, ggplot2, knitr,
RColorBrewer, fields, latex2exp, mgcv, gplots, splines, stats,
stringr, graphics, data.table, gtools, Rcpp (>= 0.12.18)
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2019-03-22 16:22:03 UTC; ziklin
Author: Zikai Lin [aut, cre],
Maria Kudela [aut],
Jaroslaw Harezlak [aut],
Mario Dzemidzic [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2019-03-23 09:13:24 UTC
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
YEAR: 2019
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions MD5
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
fa28a1cdc5b5805cbfec838ac043fc4d *DESCRIPTION
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93b7a7047065da580135d8dce6890273 *NAMESPACE
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771904ec595c41c37a5eaaa284955008 *R/dfConn.R
66199f7cbe55168ee969ec3faeb4c8ac *R/lme_model0.r
280e7ef9a179406017ccad79de2fc7ac *R/lme_model6.r
1ad2e4f3571ca0d04394a2ca5ee582f6 *R/lmm_ci_vis.R
e7420249fc19c4e3cb6791a217683ac1 *R/mlpb.R
48345987ba7c60695901db2d4eb808ff *R/nzc_mat_construct.r
a2ca620d8352fc8a38d8c2ebbf8e4d48 *R/nzc_mat_vis.r
a2f439f6db7c754a7f0182f6143947f4 *R/plots.r
61f720d5cb54596384caeae466f95993 *R/setters.R
8d39b9c394ee48e22b7e392e9db4d594 *R/summary_table.r
852948da1bed1d808d2a3739de5ae977 *R/sysdata.rda
1137d1ad613ebc8fba702abfb16ca33d *R/utils.r
929fb0a54af8e643467cf9a4a5a63a25 *
1dc116c571fd89cef1cbde6dadb83f66 *data/DynModel_results.rda
c48f1474670b3f46d96982ecdade3d4d *data/MLPB_output_median.rda
24944c332629f20dd1c739319178572f *data/coverage.tbl.list.rda
d4fbd1314ed2648a8021c1336de9e6c1 *data/fMRI_dataList.rda
c9bb9b3e1e798019ffa7f7483640cd0e *data/fMRI_dataList_shrinked.rda
5073b53fa8f3088d8a6e4803a1f5e692 *man/DynModel_results.Rd
709765a2b7c36d468f0676dfe24116f6 *man/MLPB3.Rd
52d620f6e47149e5ab257c5ab674e824 *man/MLPB_boot.Rd
ab420afbcb3b38f9209756efe02161a7 *man/MLPB_output_median.Rd
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625cd173de4cf8b896e448d235bb5225 *man/data_summary_coverage.Rd
0a987d54dde8932b4799ed5867749d36 *man/fMRI_dataList.Rd
97f3abf819c842e4d85af868b90cbd20 *man/fMRI_dataList_shrinked.Rd
c1d5ee13d0e7343a822a3a1cdd63cb9d *man/lmmConn.Rd
f8041479fe05ef1ed078a5af8654a54a *man/lmmDyn.Rd
294039488892ec38f4342b58d921a1ca *man/nzc_vis.Rd
f103a402addfdebb68cca4c21b339339 *man/plot_generate_timeDependence.Rd
23b3dd69cab930e98293c85d89100dfe *src/MLPB3.cpp
61059660eb073d93e00e8ee054237071 *src/Makevars
61059660eb073d93e00e8ee054237071 *src/
af378eca0bc4b9114d08e0c7d121036b *src/RcppExports.cpp
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

230 changes: 230 additions & 0 deletions R/MLPB3.R
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
#' @title Multivariate Linear Bootstrapping - core function
#' @param X data matrix
#' @param Boot integer, number of bootstrap samples to be generated
#' @param l numeric, the banding parameter, default is 1
#' @param eps numeric the parameters for making Gamma_kappa_matrix positive definite if necessary, default is 1;
#' @param beta numeric the parameters for making Gamma_kappa_matrix positive definite if necessary, default is 1;
#' @param l_automatic numeric the banding parameter, default is 1, data-adaptively;
#' @param l_automatic_local numeric, the banding parameter default is 0
#' @return a numeric matrix with n*boot rows and m columns, where n, m refer to the number of rows and number of columns in input data matrix, and boot refer to number of bootstrap samples to be generated.
#' @examples
#' # Multivariate linear bootstrapping on a random matrix with 2 rows and 4 columns
#' MLPB3(matrix(rnorm(16),2,4), 3)
#' @export
#' @useDynLib dfConn

MLPB3 <- function(X, Boot, l = 1, eps = 1, beta = 1, l_automatic = 0, l_automatic_local = 0) {
# Dimension of observed values
n1 <- dim(X)[1]

# sample sizes of (n1-dimensional) data observed
n2 <- dim(X)[2]
N <- n1 * n2
# Boot<-100
l_matrix <- matrix(rep(l, n1^2), n1, n1)

# Defining function kappa (trapezoid [cf. McMurry & Politis (2010)])
kappa <- function(x, l) {
kappa <- matrix(0, dim(l)[1], dim(l)[2])
kappa[l > 0] <- 2 - abs(x/l[l > 0])
kappa[abs(x/l) <= 1 & l != 0] <- 1
kappa[abs(x/l) > 2 & l != 0] <- 0

# Rearranging the data columnwise in one large n1*n2-dimensional vector
X_vec <- X
dim(X_vec) <- NULL

######################################################################## Here starts the computation of covariances ###

# Estimating all multivariate covariances and putting them in one large n1*(2n2-1) matrix C_matrix<-matrix(rep(0,(n1*n1*(2*n2-1))),n1,(2*n2-1)*n1)
# C_matrix_kappa_trans<-matrix(rep(0,(n1*n1*(2*n2-1))),n1,(2*n2-1)*n1) R_matrix_kappa_trans<-matrix(rep(0,(n1*n1*(2*n2-1))),n1,(2*n2-1)*n1)
C_matrix <- C_matrix_kappa_trans <- R_matrix_kappa_trans <- matrix(0, n1, (2 * n2 - 1) * n1)

# Sample mean
if (n1 == 1)
X_mean <- mean(X) else X_mean <- rowMeans(X)
# if(n1!=1){ X_mean<-rep(0,n1) for(k in 1:n1){ X_mean[k]<-mean(X[k,]) } }

# Computing C_matrix
for (k in (-(n2 - 1)):(n2 - 1)) {
blub <- 0
if (n1 == 1)
C_matrix[, ((((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + 1):(((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + n1))] <- (1/n2) * t(X[(max(1, 1 - k) + k):(min(n2, n2 - k) + k)] - X_mean) %*% (X[(max(1, 1 - k)):(min(n2,
n2 - k))] - X_mean) else C_matrix[, ((((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + 1):(((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + n1))] <- (1/n2) * (X[, (max(1, 1 - k) + k):(min(n2, n2 - k) + k)] - X_mean) %*% t(X[, (max(1, 1 -
k)):(min(n2, n2 - k))] - X_mean)
# if(n1!=1) C_matrix[,((((n2+k)-1)*n1+1):(((n2+k)-1)*n1+n1))]<-(1/n2)*(X[,(max(1,1-k)+k):(min(n2,n2-k)+k)]-X_mean)%*%t(X[,(max(1,1-k)):(min(n2,n2-k))]-X_mean)

if (l_automatic == 1) {

################################## Computing Autocorrelations ###

R_matrix <- matrix(0, n1, (2 * n2 - 1) * n1)
denominator_matrix <- matrix(0, n1, n1)
diag(denominator_matrix) <- sqrt(diag(C_matrix[, (n1 * (n2 - 1) + 1):(n1 * n2)]))
denominator_matrix <- solve(denominator_matrix)
for (k in 1:(2 * n2 - 1)) {
R_matrix[, ((k - 1) * n1 + 1):(k * n1)] <- denominator_matrix %*% C_matrix[, ((k - 1) * n1 + 1):(k * n1)] %*% denominator_matrix

M_zero <- 2
M_zero_sqrt <- M_zero * sqrt(log10(n2)/n2)

if (l_automatic_local == 0) {
h <- 1
marker <- 0
while (marker == 0) {
# Kn_vec<-seq(1,max(5,log10(n2))) if(max((abs(R_matrix[,((2*n2-1)+h*n1):((2*n2-1+n1-1)+n1*(max(5,log10(n2))+h-1))])))<M_zero*sqrt(log10(n2)/n2)) marker<-1
if (max((abs(R_matrix[, (n1 * (n2 - 1) + 1 + h * n1):(n1 * n2 + n1 * (max(5, log10(n2)) + h - 1))]))) < M_zero_sqrt)
marker <- 1
l_adapt <- h - 1
h <- h + 1
l <- l_adapt
l_matrix_adapt <- matrix(rep(l, n1^2), n1, n1)
l_matrix <- l_matrix_adapt

if (l_automatic_local == 1) {
l_matrix_adapt <- matrix(0, n1, n1)
marker <- matrix(0, n1, n1)
for (j in 1:n1) {
for (k in 1:n1) {
h <- 1
while (marker[j, k] == 0) {
if (max(abs(R_matrix[j, seq((n1 * (n2 - 1) + 1 + h * n1 + k - 1), (n1 * n2 + n1 * (max(5, log10(n2)) + h - 1) + k - 1), by = n1)])) < M_zero_sqrt)
marker[j, k] <- 1
l_matrix_adapt[j, k] <- h - 1
h <- h + 1
l_matrix <- l_matrix_adapt


# Computing C_matrix_kappa_trans
for (k in (-(n2 - 1)):(n2 - 1)) {
blub <- 0
if (n1 == 1)
C_matrix_kappa_trans[, ((((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + 1):(((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + n1))] <- (kappa(k, l_matrix)/n2) * t(X[(max(1, 1 - k) + k):(min(n2, n2 - k) + k)] - X_mean) %*%
(X[(max(1, 1 - k)):(min(n2, n2 - k))] - X_mean)
if (n1 != 1 && k < 0)
C_matrix_kappa_trans[, ((((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + 1):(((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + n1))] <- t(t((kappa(k, l_matrix)/n2)) * (X[, (max(1, 1 - k) + k):(min(n2, n2 - k) + k)] -
X_mean) %*% t(X[, (max(1, 1 - k)):(min(n2, n2 - k))] - X_mean))
if (n1 != 1 && k == 0)
C_matrix_kappa_trans[, ((((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + 1):(((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + n1))] <- t((1/n2) * (X[, (max(1, 1 - k) + k):(min(n2, n2 - k) + k)] - X_mean) %*% t(X[,
(max(1, 1 - k)):(min(n2, n2 - k))] - X_mean))
if (n1 != 1 && k > 0)
C_matrix_kappa_trans[, ((((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + 1):(((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + n1))] <- t((kappa(k, l_matrix)/n2) * (X[, (max(1, 1 - k) + k):(min(n2, n2 - k) + k)] -
X_mean) %*% t(X[, (max(1, 1 - k)):(min(n2, n2 - k))] - X_mean))
############################################################################# Computing the diagonal matrix for standardization to get autocorrelations (as above)
denominator_matrix <- matrix(0, n1, n1)
diag(denominator_matrix) <- sqrt(diag(C_matrix[, (n1 * (n2 - 1) + 1):(n1 * n2)]))
denominator_matrix <- solve(denominator_matrix)

# Computing R_matrix_kappa_trans (for equivariance to construct positive definite estimator)
for (k in (-(n2 - 1)):(n2 - 1)) {
blub <- 0
if (n1 == 1)
R_matrix_kappa_trans[, ((((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + 1):(((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + n1))] <- (1/stats::var(as.vector(X))) * (kappa(k, l_matrix)/n2) * t(X[(max(1, 1 - k) +
k):(min(n2, n2 - k) + k)] - X_mean) %*% (X[(max(1, 1 - k)):(min(n2, n2 - k))] - X_mean)
if (n1 != 1 && k < 0)
R_matrix_kappa_trans[, ((((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + 1):(((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + n1))] <- denominator_matrix %*% t(t((kappa(k, l_matrix)/n2)) * (X[, (max(1, 1 - k) +
k):(min(n2, n2 - k) + k)] - X_mean) %*% t(X[, (max(1, 1 - k)):(min(n2, n2 - k))] - X_mean)) %*% denominator_matrix
if (n1 != 1 && k == 0)
R_matrix_kappa_trans[, ((((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + 1):(((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + n1))] <- denominator_matrix %*% t((1/n2) * (X[, (max(1, 1 - k) + k):(min(n2, n2 - k) +
k)] - X_mean) %*% t(X[, (max(1, 1 - k)):(min(n2, n2 - k))] - X_mean)) %*% denominator_matrix
if (n1 != 1 && k > 0)
R_matrix_kappa_trans[, ((((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + 1):(((n2 + k) - 1) * n1 + n1))] <- denominator_matrix %*% t((kappa(k, l_matrix)/n2) * (X[, (max(1, 1 - k) + k):(min(n2,
n2 - k) + k)] - X_mean) %*% t(X[, (max(1, 1 - k)):(min(n2, n2 - k))] - X_mean)) %*% denominator_matrix

# Arranging the autocovariance matrices in R_matrix_kappa_trans in one large matrix corresponding to X_vec
R_kappa_matrix <- matrix(rep(0, N * N), N, N)
for (i in 1:n2) {
R_kappa_matrix[(((i - 1) * n1 + 1):((i - 1) * n1 + n1)), ] <- R_matrix_kappa_trans[, (n1 * (n2 - i) + 1):(n1 * (2 * n2 - i))]

R_kappa_matrix_hilf <- R_kappa_matrix

# Computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Gamma_kappa_matrix
spectraldecomposition <- eigen(R_kappa_matrix)

# orthogonal matrix
S <- spectraldecomposition$vectors

# diagonal matrix
D <- diag(spectraldecomposition$values)

D_eps_counter <- 0
# Manipulating the diagonal matrix D to ensure positive definiteness
if (min(diag(D)) <= eps * N^(-beta)) {
D_eps_counter <- D_eps_counter + 1
D_eps <- D
D_non_definite <- D
# for(k in 1:N){ D_eps[k,k]<-max(D[k,k],eps*N^(-beta)) }
diag(D_eps) <- ifelse(diag(D) > eps * N^(-beta), diag(D), eps * N^(-beta))
# Computing the banded positive definite covariance matrix estimator
R_kappa_matrix <- S %*% D_eps %*% t(S)

# Get back to autocovariances!
Gamma_kappa_matrix <- matrix(rep(0, N * N), N, N)
nominator_matrix <- solve(denominator_matrix)
for (i in 1:n2) {
for (j in 1:n2) {
Gamma_kappa_matrix[(((i - 1) * n1 + 1):((i - 1) * n1 + n1)), (((j - 1) * n1 + 1):((j - 1) * n1 + n1))] <- nominator_matrix %*% R_kappa_matrix[(((i - 1) * n1 +
1):((i - 1) * n1 + n1)), (((j - 1) * n1 + 1):((j - 1) * n1 + n1))] %*% nominator_matrix

# Computing the (lower-left) Cholesky decomposition
L <- t(chol(Gamma_kappa_matrix))
L_inv <- solve(L)

# Multilpication of L and centered X_vec that is X_vec_cent X_cent<-matrix(rep(0,n1*n2),n1,n2) for(k in 1:n1){ X_cent[k,]<-X[k,]-X_mean[k] }
X_cent <- X - rowMeans(X)

# Rearranging the data columnwise in one large n1*n2-dimensional vector
X_vec_cent <- X_cent
dim(X_vec_cent) <- NULL

# 'Whitening' the centered data
W_vec <- L_inv %*% X_vec_cent

# Computing the centered and standardized residuals Z_vec
W_vec_cent <- W_vec - mean(W_vec)
W_vec_var <- stats::var(W_vec)
dim(W_vec_var) <- NULL
Z_vec <- (1/sqrt(W_vec_var)) * W_vec_cent

W_matrix <- matrix(W_vec, n1, n2)
# W_matrix_cent<-matrix(rep(0,n1*n2),n1,n2) for(k in 1:n1){ W_matrix_cent[k,]<-W_matrix[k,]-mean(W_matrix[k,]) }

W_matrix_cent <- W_matrix - rowMeans(W_matrix)

W_matrix_var <- (1/n2) * W_matrix_cent %*% t(W_matrix_cent)
W_matrix_var_inv <- solve(t(chol(W_matrix_var)))

# W_matrix_stud<-matrix(rep(0,n1*n2),n1,n2) for(k in 1:n2){ W_matrix_stud[,k]<-W_matrix_var_inv%*%W_matrix_cent[,k] }
W_matrix_stud <- W_matrix_var_inv %*% W_matrix_cent

Z_vec <- W_matrix_stud
dim(Z_vec) <- NULL

########################################################################## Here starts the LPB bootstrap loop ###

# rewrite LPB bootstrap loop using Rcpp, Xiaochun Li
sv_draw <- replicate(Boot, sample(1:n2, n2, replace = TRUE))
boot_func(Boot, sv_draw, matrix(Z_vec, nrow = n1), L)
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions R/RcppExports.R
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

myseq <- function(start, end, by) {
.Call('_dfConn_myseq', PACKAGE = 'dfConn', start, end, by)

boot_func <- function(Boot, sw_mat, Z_mat, L) {
.Call('_dfConn_boot_func', PACKAGE = 'dfConn', Boot, sw_mat, Z_mat, L)

mm_func <- function(Xjj, F, mm, n_boot, window_size = 20L, n_sig = 750L) {
.Call('_dfConn_mm_func', PACKAGE = 'dfConn', Xjj, F, mm, n_boot, window_size, n_sig)

boot_cjj_func <- function(Xjj, MLPB3, boot_rep = 250L, n_boot = 1L, n_sig = 750L, window_size = 20L) {
.Call('_dfConn_boot_cjj_func', PACKAGE = 'dfConn', Xjj, MLPB3, boot_rep, n_boot, n_sig, window_size)

a_func <- function(bootjj, up_limit = 731L, n_sig = 750L, window_size = 20L) {
.Call('_dfConn_a_func', PACKAGE = 'dfConn', bootjj, up_limit, n_sig, window_size)

bootcjj <- function(X, MLPB3, up_limit = 731L, window_size = 20L, boot_rep = 250L, n_boot = 1L, n_sig = 750L) {
.Call('_dfConn_bootcjj', PACKAGE = 'dfConn', X, MLPB3, up_limit, window_size, boot_rep, n_boot, n_sig)

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