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version 0.2.3
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orgadish authored and cran-robot committed Nov 9, 2023
0 parents commit 414d883
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Showing 42 changed files with 1,875 additions and 0 deletions.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Package: filecacher
Type: Package
Title: File Cacher
Version: 0.2.3
person("Or", "Gadish", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"))
The main functions in this package are with_cache() and cached_read().
The former is a simple way to cache an R object into a file on disk,
using 'cachem'. The latter is a wrapper around any standard read function,
but caches both the output and the file list info. If the input file list
info hasn't changed, the cache is used; otherwise, the original files are
re-read. This can save time if the original operation requires reading from
many files, and/or involves lots of processing.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: cachem, glue, here, purrr, rlang, vctrs
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
Suggests: arrow, data.table, dplyr, fs, readr, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Config/testthat/edition: 3
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2023-11-09 08:17:04 UTC; orgadish
Author: Or Gadish [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Or Gadish <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2023-11-09 10:30:02 UTC
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
YEAR: 2023
COPYRIGHT HOLDER: filecacher authors
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions MD5
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
ab5e50bc7a3736ac7b611ea2b8663d75 *DESCRIPTION
a699489fbaa4c98f0be448cb32b5ce39 *LICENSE
030e9df7f37ee257cff118182f32630b *NAMESPACE
da6460df974ce8421fcc06a1bcca6a18 *
3ed23ba66095a20862982211659b34b9 *R/cached_read.R
db56f626aaf2ceb024cc59d2fb749043 *R/file_cache.R
7cd4505a59b22a915f14ec3bd64fff52 *R/interpret_type.R
57f8c3d43fca95fdb6eba3265ddde21f *R/util-dfs_equal.R
47ba852b5c44ae23c92ab08a6fb43ed7 *R/util-fns_equal.R
8e0b2dc83dd19e55a19f75d89c11e2dd *R/util-get_file_info.R
370946680ccdc94145b2051f41eacd6d *R/vectorize_reader.R
de2b0df4045c92ae0afc83c555991e67 *R/with_cache.R
1e871536b2d1ba54e17007186c3a29e5 *
071c2fc2ab835760ab14c7ec44ab8d85 *inst/WORDLIST
6087ff9f569743b5b84d6e0114aea7e5 *inst/examples/cache.R
8b028e4421ceec1db98e204aba5adef2 *inst/examples/cached_read.R
0be50cdfc61e4711032a55aaef73fa01 *inst/examples/vectorize_reader.R
fa33100515046319623e73627fb82a50 *inst/extdata/create_extdata_from_iris.R
d100dbed6c5ce6f74e0ba16127fa7e16 *inst/extdata/iris_complete.csv
97a71b453f64dee5d29a4de436bbd739 *inst/extdata/iris_setosa_only.csv
892af90bb2a229c30e8140658e2fc1d4 *inst/extdata/iris_versicolor_only.csv
904ae0155a55b8618059a144f9e7e525 *inst/extdata/iris_virginica_only.csv
a910434f5b1f1ededf32aea20efa7195 *man/cached_read.Rd
f1f3a5d5d050fee4013f1a277d8baefd *man/dfs_equal.Rd
abcc22cc06204a12f6067331f6711798 *man/file_cache.Rd
24db7f85a969168ff6c54e66fe88cb60 *man/fns_equal.Rd
ce98425ac564644c7590657217df6da2 *man/get_csv_fns.Rd
1cc345250e7fa7d4cb305749701754bb *man/get_csv_read_fn.Rd
d0f2ad5d3f676040e055272dfab3d664 *man/get_file_info.Rd
48108a8b173d37ed634da43bd2f2947b *man/interpret_cache_type.Rd
6bddb3b8d0d7c02d9c1db5da895d8d2c *man/vectorize_reader.Rd
17f9bab2ff57b42f977e0dc72c5ed760 *man/with_cache.Rd
7347c3a61edadfd418402153d613c76c *tests/testthat.R
a943b01dbddfcd0b5067767b3d47ed6a *tests/testthat/test-cached_read.R
e5321ba8ccb06d3fe9e9f0f720adfb5b *tests/testthat/test-file_cache.R
f1169a22866b9364f64c0f42d71f277b *tests/testthat/test-interpret_type.R
9b7423ed0fa99644850bdd05f0e3f6fc *tests/testthat/test-util-dfs_equal.R
3d1ff45ccb9389492678f3a49eba2c34 *tests/testthat/test-util-fns_equal.R
e11e606c90be9f3fb6d63a0ea0b60593 *tests/testthat/test-util-get_file_info.R
14d1411a2e03dc3e5846f8cec10db5ae *tests/testthat/test-vectorize_reader.R
5d2464789c4ea4ba83932c3125686316 *tests/testthat/test-with_cache.R
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# filecacher 0.2.3

* Initial CRAN submission.
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions R/cached_read.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
#' Read files via cache of file list and contents
#' @description
#' Reads data and save to a local file for easier management and re-reading.
#' By default, also saves the file info to determine whether the cache
#' is valid, or whether the contents need to be updated because the files
#' have been modified. To skip this, or force reading from scratch, set
#' `skip_file_info=TRUE` or `force=TRUE`, respectively.
#' If updating is called for, all the files are re-read.
#' `cached_read_csv()` is a convenience function using a csv read function
#' based on `read_type`.
#' @param files A file or files to read with `read_fn`.
#' @param read_fn A function which takes file(s) as its first parameter and
#' reads them. To use a single-input read function such as
#' `arrow::read_csv_arrow()` with multiple files, use [vectorize_reader()],
#' e.g. `read_fn = vectorize_reader(arrow::read_csv_arrow)`.
#' @param skip_file_info Whether to skip saving and/or checking the file info.
#' Use this when just querying the file system (without opening files) is slow.
#' @inheritParams with_cache
#' @seealso [vectorize_reader()] to convert a single-input read function into a
#' multiple-input function.
#' @return The result of `read_fn(files)`.
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/cached_read.R
cached_read <- function(files, label, read_fn,
cache = NULL, type = NULL, force = FALSE,
skip_file_info = FALSE) {
.cache <- file_cache(cache = cache, type = type)

read_with_cache <- function() {
label = label, cache = .cache, type = type, force = force

# Option 1: If skipping file info, simply call `with_cache`.
if (skip_file_info) {

# Option 2: Caching via file info.
file_info_label <- paste0(label, "-file_info")
cached_file_info <- .cache$get(file_info_label)
# cached_file_info = <key_missing> if doesn't exist.
new_file_info <- get_file_info(files)

if (!dfs_equal(cached_file_info, new_file_info)) {
.cache$set(file_info_label, new_file_info)


#' @rdname cached_read
#' @inheritParams get_csv_read_fn
#' @export
cached_read_csv <- function(files, label, read_type = NULL,
cache = NULL, type = NULL,
skip_file_info = FALSE, force = FALSE) {
files = files,
label = label,
read_fn = get_csv_read_fn(read_type),
cache = cache,
type = type,
skip_file_info = skip_file_info,
force = force
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions R/file_cache.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#' Gets or creates a `cachem` object for use with other functions.
#' @param cache The path to an existing directory to use for caching.
#' If `NULL` (default) uses the current path, using [here::here()].
#' For advanced use, also accepts (and passes on) an existing
#' `cachem` object. If so, all other parameters are ignored.
#' @inheritParams interpret_cache_type
#' @return A [cachem::cache_disk()] object.
#' @export
#' @seealso [cachem::cache_disk()]
#' @example inst/examples/cache.R
file_cache <- function(cache = NULL, type = NULL, ext_prefix = "cache_") {
if (inherits(cache, "cachem")) {

if (is.null(cache)) {
cache <- here::here()
} else if (!is.character(cache) || !dir.exists(cache)) {
"`cache` must be an existing cache or the path to an existing directory."

cache_type <- interpret_cache_type(type, ext_prefix = ext_prefix)
dir = cache,
max_size = Inf,
read_fn = cache_type$read_fn,
write_fn = cache_type$write_fn,
extension = cache_type$extension
134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions R/interpret_type.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
#' Get the CSV read/write function
#' @description
#' Read functions are vectorized.
#' @param type Type of csv read/write functions to get.
#' If `NULL`, returns the first installed.
#' @return List of read/write functions.
get_csv_fns <- function(type = NULL) {
if (!is.null(type)) vctrs::vec_assert(type, character(), size = 1)

rw_fns <- list(
"readr" = if (rlang::is_installed("readr")) {
read = \(f) readr::read_csv(f, id = "file_path"),
write = readr::write_csv
"arrow" = if (rlang::is_installed("arrow")) {
read = vectorize_reader(arrow::read_csv_arrow, "file_path"),
write = arrow::write_csv_arrow
"data.table" = if (rlang::is_installed("data.table")) {
read = vectorize_reader(data.table::fread, "file_path"),
write = data.table::fwrite
"base" = list(
read = vectorize_reader(utils::read.csv, "file_path"),
write = utils::write.csv

if (is.null(type)) {
installed_fns <- rw_fns[!is.null(rw_fns)]
fn_list <- installed_fns[[1]]
} else if (type %in% names(rw_fns)) {
fn_list <- rw_fns[[type]]
} else {
collapsed_names <- glue::glue_collapse(
sep = ", ", last = ", or "
"`type` must be NULL or one of {collapsed_names}, not '{type}'."


#' Get the first CSV Read function installed
#' @param read_type Type of csv read function to use. One of:
#' * "readr": `readr::read_csv()`
#' * "arrow": `vectorize_reader(arrow::read_csv_arrow)()`
#' * "data.table": `vectorize_reader(data.table::fread)()`
#' * "base": `vectorize_reader(utils::read.csv)()`
#' * `NULL` (default): uses the first installed.
#' @return Function that reads multiple paths to CSVs.
get_csv_read_fn <- function(read_type = NULL) {
if (!is.null(read_type)) vctrs::vec_assert(read_type, character(), size = 1)


#' Generate cache parameters from preexisting shorthand types.
#' @param type A string describing the type of cache.
#' Must be `NULL` or one of 'rds', 'parquet', or 'csv'.
#' If `NULL` (default), uses 'rds'.
#' @param ext_prefix The prefix to use with the file extension,
#' e.g. "cache_csv", instead of "csv".
#' @return List of `read_fn`, `write_fn`, and `extension` for use with
#' [cachem::cache_disk()].
interpret_cache_type <- function(type, ext_prefix = "cache_") {
if (is.null(type)) {
type <- "rds"
} else {
vctrs::vec_assert(type, character(), size = 1)

arrow_is_installed <- rlang::is_installed("arrow")
if (type == "parquet" && !arrow_is_installed) {
stop("The `arrow` package must be installed to use `type='parquet'`.")

build_ext <- function(ext) {
paste0(".", ext_prefix, ext)

csv_fn_list <- get_csv_fns()

types <- list(
"rds" = list(
read_fn = NULL,
write_fn = NULL,
extension = build_ext("rds")
"parquet" = if (arrow_is_installed) {
read_fn = arrow::read_parquet,
write_fn = arrow::write_parquet,
extension = build_ext("parquet")
"csv" = list(
read_fn = csv_fn_list$read,
write_fn = csv_fn_list$write,
extension = build_ext("csv")

if (!type %in% names(types)) {
collapsed_names <- glue::glue_collapse(
sep = ", ", last = ", or "
"`type` must be NULL or one of {collapsed_names}, not '{type}'."

29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions R/util-dfs_equal.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#' Compare two data frames (ignoring row order) and ensure they are equal.
#' @description
#' Similar to `dplyr::all_equal(x, y, ignore_row_order=TRUE)`,
#' which is now deprecated.
#' If either argument is not a data.frame it returns `FALSE`,
#' rather than raise an error.
#' @inheritParams base::all.equal
dfs_equal <- function(target, current) {
if (! || ! {

df_sort <- function(df) df[, df), , drop = FALSE]

target_df <- df_sort(target)
current_df <- df_sort(current)

target_names <- names(target_df)
current_names <- names(current_df)

length(target_names) == length(current_names) &&
all(target_names == current_names) &&
setequal(target_df, current_df)
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions R/util-fns_equal.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#' Check whether two function objects have the same text definition.
#' @param x First function to compare.
#' @param y Second function to compare.
#' @return Logical
fns_equal <- function(x, y) {
if (!rlang::is_function(x) || !rlang::is_function(y)) {
stop("`x` and `y` must be functions.")

# Replacement for `base::deparse1`, which is only available in R >= 4.0.0.
deparse_1 <- function(z) paste(deparse(z), collapse = " ")

deparse_1(x) == deparse_1(y)

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