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Derek Cyr authored and gaborcsardi committed Jun 26, 2007
0 parents commit ba05459
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Showing 5 changed files with 225 additions and 0 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Package: kzs
Type: Package
Title: Kolmogorov-Zurbenko Spline
Version: 1.0
Date: 2007-06-26
Author: Derek Cyr <> and Igor Zurbenko <>.
Maintainer: Derek Cyr <>
Depends: R (>= 2.5.0), graphics, stats
Description: The Kolmogorov-Zurbenko Spline function utilizes the moving average to construct
a piece-wise estimator of the underlying signal of the given input data.
License: GPL version 2 or newer
Packaged: Wed Jun 27 15:28:28 2007; Owner
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import(graphics, stats)
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions R/kzs.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
`kzs` <-
function(x, delta, h, k=1, show.edges=FALSE)
if (h >= min(diff(sort(x[,1]))))
stop("Invalid 'h': Value should be much less than the minimum difference of consecutive X values")
if (delta >= (max(x[,1])-min(x[,1])))
stop("Invalid 'delta': Value should be much less than the difference of the max and min X values")
xrange <- range(x)
d <- delta/2
v <- -delta/(2*h)
for (i in 1:k) {
data <- as.vector(x)
maxx <- max(data[,1])
minx <- min(data[,1])
yvals <- data[,2]
ord <- sort(data[,1])
Nk <- (maxx-minx)/h
incrm <- seq(v,Nk-v,by=1)
xk <- as.vector(ord[1]+(incrm*h))
zk <- numeric(length(xk))
for (j in 1:length(xk)) {
w <- abs(ord-xk[j])
Ik <- yvals[w <= d]
zk[j] <- mean(Ik)
Zk <- data.frame(zk)
x <- data.frame(cbind(xk,Zk))
xf <- na.omit(x)
if (show.edges == FALSE){
y2 <- x[-(1:(-v*k)),]
y3 <- y2[-(nrow(y2):(nrow(y2)-(-v*k)+1)),]
xj <-
xf <- na.omit(xj)

37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions man/kzs-package.Rd
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
\title{ Kolmogorov-Zurbenko Spline }
A collection of functions utilizing splines to estimate the underlying
signal of the given input data.
Package: \tab kzs\cr
Type: \tab Package\cr
Version: \tab 1.0\cr
Date: \tab 2007-06-26\cr
License: \tab GPL Version 2 or later\cr
The relation between variables Y and X as a function [namely, Y(x)] of a current value of
X = x is often desired as a result of practical research. Usually we search for some simple
function Y(x) when given a data set of pairs (Xi, Yi). These pairs frequently resemble a
noisy plot, and thus Y(x) is desired to be a smooth outcome from the original data to capture
important patterns in the data, while leaving out the noise.\cr
The \code{KZS} function estimates a solution to this problem through use of splines, which is
a nonparametric estimator of a function. Given a data set of pairs (Xi, Yi), splines estimate
the smooth values of Y from X's.
Derek Cyr \email{} and Igor Zurbenko \email{}
Maintainer: Derek Cyr <>
"Spline Smoothing." \url{}
\keyword{ package }
134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions man/kzs.Rd
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@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
\title{ Kolmogorov-Zurbenko Spline }
The Kolmogorov-Zurbenko Spline function utilizes the moving average to construct
a piece-wise estimator of the underlying signal of the given input data.
kzs(x, delta, h, k = 1, show.edges = FALSE)
a data frame of paired values X and Y. The data frame should consist of two columns
of data representing pairs (Xi, Yi), i = 1,..., \emph{n} and X, Y are real values; the first
column of data represents X values and the second column represents the corresponding
Y values.
the physical range of smoothing in terms of unit values of X.\cr
\emph{Restriction:} \eqn{\code{delta << Xn-X1}}
a scale reading of all outcomes of the algorithm. More specifically, \code{h} is the interval
width of a uniform scale covering the interval \eqn{\code{(Xn - delta/2, Xn + delta/2)}}.\cr
\emph{Restriction:} \eqn{\code{h < min(Xi+1 - Xi)}} and \eqn{\code{h > 0}}
the number of iterations the function will execute; \code{k} may also be interpreted as
the order of smoothness (as a polynomial of degree \code{k-1}). By default, \code{k} is set to perform
a single iteration.
a logical indicating whether or not to display the resulting data beyond the range of X
values of the user-supplied data. If \code{FALSE}, then the extended edges are suppressed. By
default, this parameter is set to \code{FALSE}.
The relation between variables Y and X as a function [namely, Y(x)] of a current value of
X = x is often desired as a result of practical research. Usually we search for some simple
function Y(x) when given a data set of pairs (Xi, Yi). These pairs frequently resemble a
noisy plot, and thus Y(x) is desired to be a smooth outcome from the original data to capture
important patterns in the data, while leaving out the noise. The \code{KZS} function estimates a
solution to this problem through use of splines, which is a nonparametric estimator of a
function. Given a data set of pairs (Xi, Yi), splines estimate the smooth values of Y from
X's. The \code{KZS} function Y(x) averages all values of Yi for all Xi within the range \code{delta} around
each scale reading \code{hi} along the variable X. The \code{KZS} algorithm is designed to smooth all fast
fluctuations in Y within the \code{delta}-range in X, while keeping ranges more then \code{delta} untouched.
The separation of short scales less than \code{delta} and long scales more than \code{delta} is becoming more
effective with higher \code{k}, while effective range of separation is becoming \eqn{\code{delta}*sqrt(\code{k})}.
a two-column data frame containing:
\item{Xk }{X values resulting from execution of algorithm}
\item{Y(Xk) }{Y values resulting from execution of algorithm}
\references{ "Spline Smoothing." \url{}}
\author{ Derek Cyr \email{} and Igor Zurbenko \email{} }
The \code{KZS} function is designed for the general situation, including time series data. In many
applications where variable X can be time, the \code{KZS} is resolving the problem of missing values in
time series or irregularly observed values in longitudinal data analysis.
# This example was created with the intent to push the limits of KZS. The function has a wide peak and a
# sharp peak; for a wide peak, you may permit stronger smoothing and for a sharp peak you may not (you would
# be over-smoothing). The key here is to find satisfying values for the parameters.
t <- seq(from=-round(400*pi),to=round(400*pi),by=.25) #Total time t
tp <- seq(from=0,to=round(400*pi),by=.25) #Positive t (includes t=0)
tn <- seq(from=-round(400*pi),to=-.25,by=.25) #Negative t
nobs <- 1:length(t) #Number of total t values
# True signal
signalp <- 0.5*sin(sqrt((2*pi*abs(tp))/200)) #Positive side of signal
signaln <- 0.5*sin(-sqrt((2*pi*abs(tn))/200)) #Negative side of signal
signal <- append(signaln,signalp,after=length(tn)) #Appending into one signal
# Randomly generate noise from the standard normal distribution
et <- rnorm(length(t),mean=0,sd=1)
# Add the noise to the true signal
yt <- et + signal
# Data frame of (t,yt)
pts <- data.frame(cbind(t,yt))
# Plot of the true signal
plot(signal~t,xlab='t',ylab='Signal',main='True Signal',type="l")
# Plot of yt (signal + noise)
plot(yt~t,ylab=expression(paste(Y[t])),main='Signal buried in noise',type="p")
# Apply KZS function - 3 iterations
title(main="KZS(delta=80, h=0.20, k=3, show.edges=false)")
legend("topright", c("True signal","KZS estimate"), cex=0.8, col=c("red","black"), lty=1:1, lwd=2, bty="n")
# EXAMPLE 2 - Use same data with 5 iterations
title(main="KZS(delta=80, h=0.20, k=5, show.edges=false)")
legend("topright", c("True signal","KZS estimate"), cex=0.8, col=c("red","black"), lty=1:1, lwd=2, bty="n")
# EXAMPLE 3 - Rerun KZS on the same function after removing 20\% of the data points.
# This provides an opportunity to create a random scale along the variable X.
# Generate and remove a random 20\% of t
t20 <- sample(nobs,size=length(nobs)/5) #Random 20\% of (t,yt)
pts20 <- pts[-t20,] #Remove the 20\%
# Plot of (t,yt) with 20\% removal
plot(pts20$yt~pts20$t,xlab='t',ylab=expression(paste(Y[t])),main='Signal buried in noise - 20\% removal',type="p")
# Apply KZS function - 3 iterations
title(main="KZS(delta=80, h=0.20, k=3, show.edges=false) - 20\% removal")
legend("topright", c("True signal","KZS estimate"), cex=0.8, col=c("red","black"), lty=1:1, lwd=2, bty="n")
# EXAMPLE 4 - Use same data with 5 iterations
title(main="KZS(delta=80, h=0.20, k=5, show.edges=false) - 20\% removal")
legend("topright", c("True signal","KZS estimate"), cex=0.8, col=c("red","black"), lty=1:1, lwd=2, bty="n")
\keyword{ smooth }
\keyword{ ts }
\keyword{ nonparametric }

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