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astamm authored and cran-robot committed Apr 4, 2024
0 parents commit 86c01f4
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Showing 42 changed files with 2,290 additions and 0 deletions.
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Package: midi
Title: Microstructure Information from Diffusion Imaging
Version: 0.1.0
person("Aymeric", "Stamm", , "", role = c("aut", "cre"),
comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-8725-3654"))
Description: An implementation of a taxonomy of models of restricted diffusion
in biological tissues parametrized by the tissue geometry (axis, diameter,
density, etc.). This is primarily used in the context of diffusion magnetic
resonance (MR) imaging to model the MR signal attenuation in the presence of
diffusion gradients. The goal is to provide tools to simulate the MR signal
attenuation predicted by these models under different experimental
conditions. The package feeds a companion 'shiny' app available at
<> that serves as a graphical
interface to the models and tools provided by the package. Models currently
available are the ones in Neuman (1974) <doi:10.1063/1.1680931>, Van
Gelderen et al. (1994) <doi:10.1006/jmrb.1994.1038>, Stanisz et al. (1997)
<doi:10.1002/mrm.1910370115>, Soderman & Jonsson (1995)
<doi:10.1006/jmra.1995.0014> and Callaghan (1995)
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
RoxygenNote: 7.3.1
Depends: R (>= 3.5)
Imports: cli, ggplot2, plotly, purrr, R6, rlang, withr
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Config/testthat/edition: 3
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-04-02 16:24:18 UTC; stamm-a
Author: Aymeric Stamm [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Aymeric Stamm <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-04-03 19:43:03 UTC
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
YEAR: 2024
COPYRIGHT HOLDER: midi authors
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions MD5
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
7aa0f16f7b14891ea93ab044bdcf4aaa *DESCRIPTION
dd8ec45e7858ad206d2be6d2cda63364 *LICENSE
2e8e84a80e0822887a8f10426a98d2bf *NAMESPACE
ed86a386b7dc64be1b022689c500c931 *
a660b7ef32d57581d5f8eb0c3c127e91 *R/constants.R
2d088450ea688adc20f6d2483228a1a8 *R/cylinder-bundle-compartment.R
45d39ee49ff97f3f5a4e4662c4cdb039 *R/cylinder-bundle-geometry.R
cae9bfa165037e4f9de6f0fb796b61ce *R/cylinder-compartment.R
9430dd0396f0251f5d17ab167a4d0727 *R/cylinder-radial-compartment.R
4f87644577c090b9450fcf2bfb25e00a *R/midi-app.R
1fc3256859aac92b23c586631a2dbdb5 *R/midi-package.R
daab2b1b7570d7fdb75d41cf3b7e23fd *R/samplers.R
a6eb55ebf0ffd6fea6eb332e348f4686 *R/sysdata.rda
6adfb60b9036bb1a0eb271775bfbd4c3 *R/utils.R
2f7a3c5e1b8fab86482b9e9755cdfaa5 *
20c8d3f97d93e2e318a22508275b5a02 *build/partial.rdb
aee060adc3ae076fb91fbe25b6f80b78 *man/CallaghanCompartment.Rd
0545d262d15cd870a56ac6615b444f0d *man/CylinderBundleCompartment.Rd
59d4a7d1eb83e80a3749ef97d736a6e8 *man/CylinderCompartment.Rd
de9ca219d44116366347acfb8db0d5dd *man/CylinderRadialCompartment.Rd
a9b2c161f4f6e4041c2b19776b7615c1 *man/NeumanCompartment.Rd
1dd9b0cda5b5a68fd7b36d44a1d314ad *man/SodermanCompartment.Rd
ec94bfe03985cc4e5fea4b17156e1c79 *man/StaniszCompartment.Rd
f82093ed3a7728ddad6b1f882b389e6c *man/VanGelderenCompartment.Rd
f8f91b805e1fbee17403242b452afb48 *man/autoplot.bundle.Rd
55976051f8d3960d73d2391bde1b63d6 *man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-2-1.png
556650fb325ca17bb4f99306ba7110b3 *man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-4-1.png
f150fd3806a63ff89acadc16dda698fd *man/midi-package.Rd
9107f7b43d7f4eff1cf1752381a06613 *man/plot.bundle.Rd
5bc3a60301d3bd82f548e7bd3bba2851 *man/plot3d.Rd
441a0cc3538a496bb38485baeca1ef07 *man/run_app.Rd
90d81d1c4d0a7fcce20eb73521375f5d *man/simulate_bundle.Rd
68cedb4ac41be7121ac48b0b700e6171 *tests/testthat.R
d7ff938b5b929dd086f536cc8df265dc *tests/testthat/test-callaghan-compartment.R
d41088fcfe5a992544235c548ebac2da *tests/testthat/test-cylinder-bundle-compartment.R
a40cbb5b0cdfc53a4bf163e1ace699b5 *tests/testthat/test-cylinder-compartment.R
8ae3ba1e64eab2f6be239c001badf84e *tests/testthat/test-neuman-compartment.R
482ed520fe462d8d877e57208279540f *tests/testthat/test-samplers.R
58291618b2d85ccfb22aaae01e98c58e *tests/testthat/test-soderman-compartment.R
18915eb3bd9f9f7798d3fc24dc01c5f7 *tests/testthat/test-stanisz-compartment.R
19d3e5ccceed861a126b237deea80fd6 *tests/testthat/test-vangelderen-compartment.R
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# midi 0.1.0

* Initial CRAN submission.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions R/constants.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
gyromagnetic_ratio <- function() {
2.675987e8 # rad s^-1 T^-1

free_diffusivity <- function() {
3.0e-9 # m^2 s^-1
192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions R/cylinder-bundle-compartment.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
#' Cylinder bundle compartment class
#' @description A class to model restricted diffusion in a bundle of cylinders.
#' @export
CylinderBundleCompartment <- R6::R6Class(
public = list(
#' @description Instantiates a new cylinder bundle compartment.
#' @param axis A numeric vector of length 3 and unit norm specifying the
#' mean axis of the cylinder population.
#' @param radius A positive numeric value specifying the mean radius of the
#' cylinder population in meters.
#' @param diffusivity A positive numeric value specifying the diffusivity
#' within the cylinders in m\eqn{^2}.s\eqn{^{-1}}.
#' @param cylinder_density A numeric value specifying the density of the
#' cylinders in the voxel. Must be between 0 and 1.
#' @param axial_diffusivity A numeric value specifying the axial diffusivity
#' in the space outside the cylinders in m\eqn{^2}.s\eqn{^{-1}}. If not
#' provided, defaults to a tortuosity model reducing the intrinsic
#' diffusivity depending on orientation dispersion. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param radial_diffusivity A numeric value specifying the radial
#' diffusivity in the space outside the cylinders in
#' m\eqn{^2}.s\eqn{^{-1}}. If not provided, defaults to a tortuosity model
#' reducing the axial diffusivity depending on radius heterogeneity.
#' Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param n_cylinders An integer value specifying the number of cylinders in
#' the bundle. Defaults to `1L`.
#' @param axis_concentration A numeric value specifying the concentration of
#' cylinders along the mean axis. Defaults to `Inf`.
#' @param radius_sd A numeric value specifying the standard deviation of the
#' radius of the cylinder population in meters. Defaults to `0`.
#' @param radial_model A character string specifying the radial model to
#' use. Choices are `"soderman"`, `"callaghan"`, `"stanisz"`, `"neuman"`,
#' and `"vangelderen"`. Defaults to `"soderman"`.
#' @param seed An integer value specifying the seed for the random number
#' generator. Defaults to `1234`.
#' @return An instance of the [`CylinderBundleCompartment`] class.
initialize = function(axis,
axial_diffusivity = NULL,
radial_diffusivity = NULL,
n_cylinders = 1L,
axis_concentration = Inf,
radius_sd = 0,
radial_model = c("soderman", "callaghan", "stanisz",
"neuman", "vangelderen"),
seed = 1234) {
radial_model <- rlang::arg_match(radial_model)

# Set axis
if (length(axis) != 3L || abs(sum(axis^2) - 1) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
cli::cli_abort("The axis must be a length-3 unit vector.")
private$axis <- axis

# Set radius
if (radius <= 0)
cli::cli_abort("The radius must be positive.")
private$radius <- radius

# Set diffusivity
if (diffusivity <= 0)
cli::cli_abort("The diffusivity must be positive.")
private$diffusivity <- diffusivity

# Set cylinder density
if (cylinder_density < 0 || cylinder_density > 1) {
cli::cli_abort("The cylinder density must be between 0 and 1.")
private$cylinder_density <- cylinder_density

# Set axial diffusivity
if (is.null(axial_diffusivity)) {
if (is.infinite(axis_concentration)) {
axial_diffusivity <- diffusivity
} else {
axial_diffusivity <- diffusivity * concentration_index(axis_concentration)^2
} else {
if (axial_diffusivity > diffusivity)
cli::cli_abort("The axial diffusivity should not be greater than the intrinsic diffusivity.")
private$axial_diffusivity <- axial_diffusivity

# Set radial diffusivity
if (is.null(radial_diffusivity)) {
radial_diffusivity <- axial_diffusivity * (1 - 0.8 * cylinder_density)
} else {
if (radial_diffusivity > axial_diffusivity)
cli::cli_abort("The radial diffusivity should not be greater than the axial diffusivity.")
private$radial_diffusivity <- radial_diffusivity

if (cylinder_density > 0) {
if (is.infinite(axis_concentration) && radius_sd == 0) {
axis_sample <- list(axis)
radius_sample <- list(radius)
} else {
withr::with_seed(seed, {
axis_sample <- rwatson(n_cylinders, axis, axis_concentration)
radius_sample <- rgamma(n_cylinders, radius, radius_sd)

private$cylinder_compartments <- purrr::map2(
.x = axis_sample,
.y = radius_sample,
.f = \(axis, radius) {
axis = axis,
radius = radius,
diffusivity = diffusivity,
radial_model = radial_model

#' @description Computes the signal attenuation predicted by the model.
#' @param small_delta A numeric value specifying the duration of the
#' gradient pulse in seconds.
#' @param big_delta A numeric value specifying the duration between the
#' gradient pulses in seconds.
#' @param G A numeric value specifying the strength of the gradient in
#' T.m\eqn{^{-1}}.
#' @param direction A length-3 numeric vector specifying the direction of
#' the gradient.
#' @param echo_time A numeric value specifying the echo time in seconds.
#' @param n_max An integer value specifying the maximum order of the Bessel
#' function. Defaults to `20L`.
#' @param m_max An integer value specifying the maximum number of extrema
#' for the Bessel function. Defaults to `50L`.
#' @return A numeric value storing the predicted signal attenuation.
#' @examples
#' cylinderBundleComp <- CylinderBundleCompartment$new(
#' axis = c(0, 0, 1),
#' radius = 1e-5,
#' diffusivity = 2.0e-9,
#' cylinder_density = 0.5,
#' radial_model = "soderman"
#' )
#' cylinderBundleComp$get_signal(
#' small_delta = 0.03,
#' big_delta = 0.03,
#' G = 0.040,
#' direction = c(0, 0, 1)
#' )
get_signal = function(small_delta, big_delta, G, direction,
echo_time = NULL,
n_max = 20L,
m_max = 50L) {
b <- bvalue(small_delta, big_delta, G)
work_value <- (private$axial_diffusivity - private$radial_diffusivity) * sum(direction * private$axis)^2
hindered_signal <- exp(-b * (private$radial_diffusivity + work_value))
if (private$cylinder_density < .Machine$double.eps) {
cylinder_contribs <- purrr::map_dbl(
.x = private$cylinder_compartments,
.f = \(compartment) {
small_delta = small_delta,
big_delta = big_delta,
G = G,
direction = direction,
echo_time = echo_time,
n_max = n_max,
m_max = m_max
restricted_signal <- mean(cylinder_contribs)
return(private$cylinder_density * restricted_signal +
(1 - private$cylinder_density) * hindered_signal)
private = list(
axis = NULL,
radius = NULL,
diffusivity = NULL,
cylinder_compartments = NULL,
cylinder_density = NULL,
axial_diffusivity = NULL, # m^2.s^-1
radial_diffusivity = NULL # m^2.s^-1

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