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version 0.2.6
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lwjohnst86 authored and cran-robot committed Apr 30, 2016
0 parents commit 7ca15dd
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Showing 32 changed files with 1,529 additions and 0 deletions.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Package: prodigenr
Title: Research Project Directory Generator
Version: 0.2.6
Authors@R: person("Luke", "Johnston", , "", c("aut", "cre"))
Description: Create a project directory structure, along with typical files
for that project. This allows projects to be quickly and easily created,
as well as for them to be standardized. Designed specifically with scientists
in mind (mainly bio-medical researchers, but likely applies to other fields).
Depends: R (>= 3.1.2)
License: MIT + file LICENSE
LazyData: true
Suggests: rmarkdown, git2r, packrat, knitr, testthat
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-04-29 17:00:58 UTC; luke
Author: Luke Johnston [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Luke Johnston <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-04-30 00:16:00
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
YEAR: 2015-2016
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions MD5
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
90c17f84d693b77792afa99e9aa4b23a *DESCRIPTION
ddb53d8ec14a4592849266ac05157e5e *LICENSE
8faea9a4680950417c132141bfee75bc *NAMESPACE
ce221787641d1ed5844f28754184f4dc *R/list_templates.R
0477f91b27e684ae413c53482f41c3f1 *R/prodigen.R
f49e52a95dbc55b7b1c0856c3755e30f *
9074b79483d35651b2642f68e2c28f15 *build/vignette.rds
3ff2055d4844bd21aab5b429efc415e1 *inst/doc/introduction.R
f9128e5f5764852cf28d0fbf10948eb7 *inst/doc/introduction.Rmd
06e247865cb9d673cba31dc6a11518f1 *inst/doc/introduction.html
bb92aaaf3f0bbb1be7ce62e99da5a5ad *inst/templates/files/R/fetch_data.R
b83f6ec5d25726cd87ef3189fdbed33b *inst/templates/files/R/functions.R
d79fa66d7f1a85d11fbb18095bc48331 *inst/templates/files/R/load_data.R
092ab4df59fd1ea8f984a4d58b59b834 *inst/templates/files/R/setup.R
0f57d75254a0e7625d240f7443c9bd86 *inst/templates/files/
fee8a18773f6a58061cf7aef69a6c9b6 *inst/templates/projects/abstract/
f3566f0b5172098d11d1f60ab7391f87 *inst/templates/projects/abstract/abstract.Rmd
ac754814e641869e0d2ce4b76ac9402a *inst/templates/projects/manuscript/
55658a0e8e31ba29da81389cc53c054c *inst/templates/projects/manuscript/doc/manuscript.Rmd
4c7635a8de8b8c4d9f57f48f7a70cb1b *inst/templates/projects/poster/
0902a70397f07d23b8aee6a14df41bf3 *inst/templates/projects/poster/beamerthemeCustomPoster.sty
d40ce241c60b815789f69333621a8f1e *inst/templates/projects/poster/poster.Rmd
fc71f152dec9d2fbcc04a17212e68428 *inst/templates/projects/poster/template.tex
18a13da95db5d5dcfcf21647630dddf4 *inst/templates/projects/slides/
66ef33c363ef0e9d8e8fedf0353aeb77 *inst/templates/projects/slides/slides.Rmd
b08302683d33c2deb73b2fbd566a5e09 *inst/templates/projects/slides/template.tex
689560a39942f835159b1c9af082af6b *man/list_templates.Rd
c0ef83876a625c902c099a9e5dac2240 *man/prodigen.Rd
2ffba69e65ca57623c926451edbcc829 *tests/testthat.R
deb68e1c9003a63d9bca0820f422d5d9 *tests/testthat/test-projects.R
f9128e5f5764852cf28d0fbf10948eb7 *vignettes/introduction.Rmd
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions R/list_templates.R
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#' List project templates within \pkg{prodigenr}.
#' Get a list of available templates in a package.
#' @param type Type of template (file or directory, aka project)
#' @param package Name of package
#' @return Vector of templates available
#' @export
#' @examples
#' list_templates('projects')
#' list_templates()
list_templates <- function(type = 'projects', package = 'prodigenr') {
temp.type <- match.arg(type)
if (temp.type == 'projects') {
list.dirs(system.file('templates', temp.type, package = package),
full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions R/prodigen.R
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
##' Create a project directory and associated files.
##' The main workhorse of the \pkg{prodigenr} package. Creates a
##' project directory layout, with template files and helper scripts.
##' @title Create a project directory based on a template
##' @param proj.type type of project to create, based on the templates found in
##' \code{\link[prodigenr]{list_templates}} function
##' @param name of the new project directory
##' @param proj.path location of where the new project will be created
##' @param git.init Logical, whether to initialize the new project with git
##' @param packrat.init Logical, whether to track the R package usage with
##' packrat.
##' @return Creates a project directory with files and subdirectories
##' @export
##' @author Luke W. Johnston
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Get a list of possible project templates
##' list_templates('projects')
##' # Create a project. Best done in a fresh R console.
##' prodigen('poster', 'poster', 'dev/', TRUE, FALSE)
##' prodigen('poster', 'poster', 'path/to/dir/', FALSE)
##' prodigen('poster', 'posterName', git.init = FALSE)
##' prodigen('slides', 'conference-presentation', packrat.init = FALSE)
##' prodigen('abstract', 'name', './', FALSE)
##' prodigen('manuscript', proj.path = './', git.init = TRUE)
##' }
prodigen <- function(proj.type, = NULL, proj.path = getwd(),
git.init = FALSE, packrat.init = FALSE) {

proj.type <- match.arg(proj.type, list_templates())
if (is.null( { <- proj.type
} else if (!is.character( {
stop('Please use a character string (ie. in quotes) for the project name.')

if (!dir.exists(proj.path))
stop('Please use a proj.path that currently exists on your computer.')

proj_old <- file.path(proj.path, proj.type)
proj_new <- file.path(proj.path,

if (file.exists(proj_new))
stop('Project already exists, please use a different')

proj.files <- system.file('templates', 'projects', proj.type, package = 'prodigenr')
proj.path, recursive = TRUE)
file.rename(proj_old, proj_new)

# Copy over the RStudio, Rprofile, and R/ files
template.files <- system.file('templates', 'files',
package = 'prodigenr')
template.files <- list.files(template.files, all.files = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE,
include.dirs = FALSE)[-1:-2]
file.path(proj_new), recursive = TRUE)

file.rename(file.path(proj_new, 'rstudio.Rproj'),
file.path(proj_new, paste0(, '.Rproj')))

file.append(file.path(proj_new, ''),
file.path(proj_new, ''))
file.remove(file.path(proj_new, ''))

if (git.init & requireNamespace('git2r', quietly = TRUE)) {
repo <- git2r::init(proj_new)
gitignore.file <- file.path(proj_new, '.gitignore')
if (!file.exists(gitignore.file))
file.create(gitignore.file, showWarnings = FALSE)
file = gitignore.file, append = TRUE)

if (packrat.init & requireNamespace('packrat', quietly = TRUE)) {
proj_new, enter = FALSE,
options = list(
vcs.ignore.lib = TRUE,
vcs.ignore.src = TRUE

if (git.init & requireNamespace('git2r', quietly = TRUE)) {
git2r::add(repo, unlist(git2r::status(repo, verbose = FALSE)))
git2r::commit(repo, 'Initial commit')

53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# prodigenr

[![Build Status](](

This is a *pro*ject *di*rectory *gen*erato*r* (`prodigenr`) that will
create a project directory structure with template files necessary for
managing and analyzing data for a variety of projects. This allows
for a standardized approach to having a modular research project.
This package can be found at
[on the GitHub `prodigenr` repo]( Note,
this is still in development.

# How to install

Install by forking or cloning this repo, or by using the R command:


# Usage

The main function is the `prodigen` command. So, for instance, if you
want a manuscript project, type out:

prodigen( = 'cancerAndToxins',
proj.type = 'manuscript', proj.path = '/path/to/new/project')

This then creates a directory tree, with template files for starting
your analysis! The main secondary function is the `list_templates`
command, which lists the available template projects and files (submit
a PR if you want another template included!):

list_templates('projects') ## Shows project templates

For a more detailed tutorial, see the vignette (still in development):

vignette('introduction', 'prodigenr')

# Related packages or projects

There are several ways of creating projects, each of which has it's pros and cons.

- [`ProjectTemplate`](
- [`makeProject`](
- R package structure via
[`devtools`](, argued for in this

`prodigenr` tries to use ideas from R packages/`devtools` while still being as simple
as possible and be more specific to academic researchers primarily in
biomedical/non-computer science fields. However, it can always improve! I
welcome any suggestions, just submit a
[GitHub issue](!
Binary file added build/vignette.rds
Binary file not shown.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions inst/doc/introduction.R
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
## ----templates, collapse=TRUE--------------------------------------------

## ---- eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
# prodigen('manuscript', 'ManuscriptName', '~/path/to/new/project')

## ---- eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
# prodigen('manuscript', 'ManuscriptName', '~/path/to/new/project', git.init = TRUE)

## ---- eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
# prodigen('manuscript', 'ManuscriptName', '~/path/to/new/project', packrat.init = TRUE)

## ---- eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
# prodigen('slides', 'PresentationName', '~/path')
# prodigen('abstract', 'Name', '.') # Current directory

116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions inst/doc/introduction.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
title: "Introduction to prodigenr"
author: "Luke W. Johnston"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to prodigenr}

Are you an academic researcher who often writes up abstracts for conferences or
submits manuscripts to journals? Do you often have to make slides or posters for
presentations? Is your usual workflow to copy a previous project and start
replacing the old text for the new text? This R package was designed with you in

`prodigenr`, or *pro*ject *di*rectory *gen*erator, simplifies the process of
creating these new projects and can help make your workflow more reproducible.
Standard files and folders are created for specific projects (e.g. abstracts or
manuscripts), along with a workflow that tries to be simple and easy to use.

Because researchers often write or create many papers, slides, posters, and
abstracts, it can quickly become tedious and messy to always make a new
directory with all the necessary files and organization.

## The main command: `prodigen`

To use `prodigenr`, you simply need to use the `prodigen` command. At present,
there are only four template projects that you can view using:

```{r templates, collapse=TRUE}

These templates are projects that an academic researcher typically encounters.
However, if you have a suggestion or want to add a template, please create a
[Github issue]( or submit a [Pull Request](!

Starting a manuscript? Create a project directory like so:

```{r, eval=FALSE}
prodigen('manuscript', 'ManuscriptName', '~/path/to/new/project')

Do you use [Git]( You can start a git repository in the new project simply through the `git.init` argument:

```{r, eval=FALSE}
prodigen('manuscript', 'ManuscriptName', '~/path/to/new/project', git.init = TRUE)

Or if you need to use [Packrat](, start it with `packrat.init`:

```{r, eval=FALSE}
prodigen('manuscript', 'ManuscriptName', '~/path/to/new/project', packrat.init = TRUE)

The same procedure is used for making the other project templates.

```{r, eval=FALSE}
prodigen('slides', 'PresentationName', '~/path')
prodigen('abstract', 'Name', '.') # Current directory

A `` file is contained within each project that explains more about
what each folder does and what some of the files do that were created.

The end goal of each project is to be as self contained as possible. So that if
you ever need to go back to the analysis, it is easy to re-run the code and get
the results that you say you got. This is especially useful if others such as
reviewers ask for something or want to confirm your results. For more
information on good practices to use in making an analysis project, see

## Workflow when using projects created from `prodigenr`

A typical workflow would be to:

1. Write up your analysis and associated written explanations of the results, as
you would for any research project, in the abstract, poster, slides, or
manuscript `.Rmd` ([R Markdown]( file.
2. Any piece of code you use more than once or is fairly complex, convert it
into a function. Put this new function into the `R/functions.R` file.
3. Fetch and wrangle your data in the `R/fetch_data.R` and to use the data, load
it using `load_data()`.
4. Knit the `.Rmd` file. You now have your final abstract, poster, slides, or
manuscript to use for your research.

## Related packages or projects

There are several ways of handling a project. There is at least two packages
that have similar goals as `prodigenr` as well as through the use of the R
package structure:

- [`ProjectTemplate`]( is well documented and still
actively developed. Only downside is that it is fairly complicated to use and
complex in the project workflow it creates.
- [`makeProject`](
is very simple and stripped down in what it creates and in it's use. Downside is
that it wasn't updated since 2012.
- Use of the R package structure via
which is argued for in this
[blog]( and
compared to `ProjectTemplate` in this

It's up to you to decide which style to use. The goal behind creating
`prodigenr` was to incorporate the ideas behind R packages and mesh well with
RStudio, while also trying to be as simple as possible so it is in some ways a
hybrid between `ProjectTemplate` and `makeProject`. It can always be improved,
so if you have suggestions just submit a
[GitHub issue](!

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