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Going into production

Running CrateDB in different environments requires different approaches. This document outlines the basics you need to consider when going into production.

Table of contents

The process of forming a cluster is known as bootstrapping. Consult the how-to guide on :ref:`CrateDB multi-node setups <multi_node_setup>` for an overview of the two different ways to bootstrap a cluster.

If you have been using CrateDB for development on your local machine, there is a good chance you have been using :ref:`single host auto-bootstrapping <auto-bootstrapping>`.

For improved performance and resiliency, you should run production CrateDB clusters with three or more nodes and one node per host machine. To do this, you must manually configure the bootstrapping process by telling nodes how to:

  1. :ref:`Discover other nodes <node-discovery>`
  2. :ref:`Elect a master node <master-node-election>`

This process is known as manual bootstrapping. See the :ref:`how-to guide <manual-bootstrapping>` for more information about how to bootstrap a cluster manually.

Switching to a manual bootstrapping configuration is the first step towards going into production.

The setting allows you to override the default cluster name of crate. You should use this setting to give a logical name to your cluster.

For example, add this to your configuration file: acme-prod

The acme-prod name suggests that this cluster is the production cluster for the Acme organization. If Acme has a cluster running in a staging environment, you might want to name it acme-staging. This way, you can differentiate your clusters by name (visible in the Admin UI).


A node will refuse to join a cluster if the respective cluster names do not match


    :ref:`Cluster names for multi-node setups <multi-node-cluster-name>`

By default, CrateDB binds to the loopback address (i.e., localhost). It listens on port 4200-4299 for HTTP traffic and port 4300-4399 for node-to-node communication. Because CrateDB uses a port range, if one port is busy, it will automatically try the next port.

When using :ref:`multiple hosts <multi_node_setup>`, nodes must bind to a non-loopback address.


Never expose an unprotected CrateDB node to the public internet

You can bind to a non-loopback address with the setting in your configuration file, like so:

You must configure the hostname using DNS. You must then set to match the DNS name.

You should use the hostname to describe each node logically. To this end, the example hostname (above) has four components:

When CrateDB is bound to a non-loopback address, CrateDB will enforce the :ref:`bootstrap checks <bootstrap-checks>`. These checks may require changes to your operating system configuration.


    `Host settings`_

CrateDB supports multiple types of node, determined by the node.master and settings. You can use this information to give a logical DNS label to each of your nodes.


CrateDB :ref:`sets node names automatically <multi-node-node-name>`. If you are happy with automatic node names, there is no need to set and hence you can use the same configuration on every node.

When :ref:`configuring cluster bootstrapping <prod-bootstrapping>`, you can :ref:`specify the list of master-eligible nodes <master-node-election>` using hostnames. This allows you to configure logical hostnames with DNS node labels that differ from the node name set by CrateDB.

If you would prefer your node names to match your DNS node labels, you will have to configure manually on each host.


    :ref:`Node names for multi-node setups <multi-node-node-name>`

You can configure a master-eligible node that also handles query execution loads like this:

node.master: true true

A good DNS label for this node might be node-01-md.

Here, node is used as base label with a sequence number of 01. Every node in the cluster should have a unique sequence number, independent of the node type. The letters md indicate that this node has node.master and set to true.

If you optionally want your node name to match (:ref:`see above <node-name-match>`), configure the setting in your configuration file, like so: node-01-md

Alternatively, you can configure this setting at startup with a command-line option:

sh$ bin/crate \

You can configure a node that only handles client requests and query execution (i.e., is not master-eligible) like this:

node.master: false true

A good DNS label for this node might be node-02-d.

Here, node is used as base label with a sequence number of 02. Every node in the cluster should have a unique sequence number, independent of the node type. The letter d indicates that this node has set to true.

If you optionally want your node name to match (:ref:`see above <node-name-match>`), configure the setting in your configuration file, like so: node-02-d

Alternatively, you can configure this setting at startup with a command-line option:

sh$ bin/crate \

You can configure a node that handles cluster management (i.e., is master-eligible) but does not handle query execution loads like this:

node.master: true false

A good DNS label for this node might be node-03-m.

Here, node is used as base label with a sequence number of 03. Every node in the cluster should have a unique sequence number, independent of the node type. The letter m indicates that this node has node.master set to true.

If you optionally want your node name to match (:ref:`see above <node-name-match>`), configure the setting in your configuration file, like so: node-03-m

Alternatively, you can configure this setting at startup with a command-line option:

sh$ bin/crate \

You can configure a node that handles client requests but does not handle query execution loads or cluster management (i.e., is not master-eligible) like this:

node.master: false false

A good DNS label for this node might be node-04.

Here, node is used as base label with a sequence number of 04. Every node in the cluster should have a unique sequence number, independent of the node type. The absence of any additional letters indicates that node.master and are false.

If you optionally want your node name to match (:ref:`see above <node-name-match>`), configure the setting in your configuration file, like so: node-04

Alternatively, you can configure this setting at startup with a command-line option:

sh$ bin/crate \

By default, CrateDB keeps data under the CRATE_HOME directory (which defaults to the installation directory). When you upgrade CrateDB, you will have to switch to a new installation directory.

Instead of migrating data by hand each time, you should move the data directories off to a persistent location. You can do this using the CRATE_HOME environment variable and the path settings in your configuration file.


    `Path settings`_

If you are following the shared-nothing approach to deployment, the best way to handle persistent data is to keep it on an external volume. This allows you to persist data beyond the lifespan of an individual virtual machine or container.


This is required if you are using Docker, which is stateless by design. Failing to persist data to a mounted volume will result in data loss when the container is stopped.


Using an external volume for persistence also allows you to optimize the underlying storage mechanism for performance.

You should take care to size your data storage volumes according to your needs. You should also use storage with high IOPS when possible to improve CrateDB performance.

On a Unix-like system, you might mount an external volume to a path like /opt/cratedb. If you are installing CrateDB by hand, you can then set CRATE_HOME to /opt/cratedb. Make sure to set CRATE_HOME before running bin/crate.

Then, you could configure your data paths like this:

path.conf: /opt/cratedb/config /opt/cratedb/data
path.logs: /opt/cratedb/logs
path.repo: /opt/cratedb/snapshots

Here, the values given for path.conf,, and path.logs reflect the default paths when CRATE_HOME is set to /opt/cratedb. The example above configures them for illustrative purposes. You do not have to configure these settings if you are happy with the defaults.


Normally, configuration files, data files, log files, and so on would be kept under specialized directories such as /etc, /var/lib, and /var/log (see the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy for more information).

However, if you want to customize your installation to make use of a single external volume, it is necessary to bring these directories together under a single mount point. You can do this by relocating all data directories under your mount point (/opt/cratedb in the example above). Other approaches are possible (for example, using symbolic links).

If you have installed CrateDB using a system package for :ref:`Debian <debian>`, :ref:`Ubuntu <ubuntu>`, or :ref:`Red Hat <red-hat>`, the CRATE_HOME variable (as well as some data paths) are configured for by the systemd service file. You can view the crate service file, like so:

sh$ systemctl cat crate

CrateDB is a Java application running on top of a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM uses a heap for memory allocations. For optimal performance, you must pay special attention to your :ref:`heap configuration <memory>`.

By default, CrateDB configures the JVM to dump out-of-memory exceptions to the file or directory specified by CRATE_HEAP_DUMP_PATH. You must make sure there is enough disk space available for heap dumps at this location.


    `JVM environment variables`_

CrateDB logs JVM garbage collection times using the built-in garbage collection (GC) logging provided by the JVM. You can configure this process with the GC logging environment variables.

You must ensure that the log directory is on a fast-enough disk and has enough space. When using Docker, use a path on a mounted volume.

If garbage collection takes too long, CrateDB will log this. You can adjust the timeout settings to suit your needs. However, the default settings should work in most instances.

If you are running CrateDB on Docker, you should configure the container to send debug logs to STDERR so that the container orchestrator handles the output.

For security reasons, most production clusters should use wire encryption for network traffic between nodes and clients. Check out the reference manual on secured communications for more information.