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Derk Norton edited this page Oct 20, 2021 · 13 revisions


You have arrived at version 2 of the Bali Type Compiler™ project. This project provides an API that can be used to compile the procedures defined in a type document into bytecode associated with each procedure such that the bytecode can be run on the Bali Virtual Machine™. The type compiler is built using the Bali Component Framework™.


Type documents are defined using Bali Document Notation™ to describe the attributes that make up documents of that type as well as the messages that that type of document can receive and process using the Bali Virtual Machine™.

Version 2 is the first stable version of the type compiler. There are likely be some bugs remaining in the code so watch for minor releases which fix bugs and add functionality, and for emergency bug patches. Minor releases (e.g. v2.x) and emergency bug patches (e.g. v2.x.y) should never break the public interface for the type compiler.

An Example Type Document

To whet your appetite, here is a short example of a compiled type document that implements the Tower of Hanoi game. The type compiler has compiled the procedures into assembly instructions that were then assembled into bytecode. The assembly instructions and bytecode are included in the compiled type definition. The type definition is also digitally notarized to prevent changes.

    $parent: /nebula/abstractions/Component/v1
    $description: "
        This class encapsulates a /Tower of Hanoi/ game with three pegs (A, B, and C) and a
        parameterized number of disks. To play the game do the following:
         # Initialize a game with 3 disks.
        `$game := [:]($type: /nebula/examples/TowerOfHanoi/v1)`
         # Play the game.
        The output should be:
         1. Move top disk on peg A to peg C
         2. Move top disk on peg A to peg B
         3. Move top disk on peg C to peg B
         4. Move top disk on peg A to peg C
         5. Move top disk on peg B to peg A
         6. Move top disk on peg B to peg C
         7. Move top disk on peg A to peg C
    "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
    $attributes: [
        $pegs: [
            $description: "
                The three pegs (A, B and C) that are used to hold the disks.
            "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
            $type: /nebula/collections/Catalog/v1(
                $keyType: /nebula/strings/Symbol/v1
                $valueType: /nebula/collections/Stack/v1($itemType: /nebula/elements/Number/v1($range: [1..]))
        ]($type: /nebula/aspects/Attribute/v1)
        $steps: [
            $description: "
                The steps needed to move the disks.
            "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
            $type: /nebula/collections/List/v1($itemType: /nebula/strings/Text/v1)
        ]($type: /nebula/aspects/Attribute/v1)
    ]($type: /nebula/collections/Catalog/v1($valueType: /nebula/aspects/Attribute/v1))
    $operations: [
        $play: [
            $description: "
                This procedure causes the game to (re)initialize itself and play the game.
            "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
            $parameters: [
                $numberOfDisks: [
                    $description: "
                        The number of disks.
                    "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
                    $type: /nebula/elements/Number/v1($range: [1..])
                ]($type: /nebula/aspects/Parameter/v1)
            ]($type: /nebula/collections/Catalog/v1($valueType: /nebula/aspects/Parameter/v1))
            $type: /nebula/collections/Catalog/v1(
                $keyType: /nebula/elements/Number/v1($range: [1..])
                $valueType: /nebula/strings/Text/v1
        ]($type: /nebula/aspects/Operation/v1)
        $moveTower: [
            $description: "
                This procedure causes the game to move a tower of disks of a certain height
                from one peg to another peg using a third peg as a buffer.
            "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
            $parameters: [
                $height: [
                    $description: "
                        The height of the tower to be moved.
                    "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
                    $type: /nebula/elements/Number/v1($range: [1..])
                ]($type: /nebula/aspects/Parameter/v1)
                $fromPeg: [
                    $description: "
                        The peg from which the disks originate.
                    "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
                    $type: /nebula/strings/Text/v1
                ]($type: /nebula/aspects/Parameter/v1)
                $toPeg: [
                    $description: "
                        The peg to which the disks should be moved.
                    "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
                    $type: /nebula/strings/Text/v1
                ]($type: /nebula/aspects/Parameter/v1)
                $withPeg: [
                    $description: "
                        The peg to use to buffer the disks during the move.
                    "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
                    $type: /nebula/strings/Text/v1
                ]($type: /nebula/aspects/Parameter/v1)
            ]($type: /nebula/collections/Catalog/v1($valueType: /nebula/aspects/Parameter/v1))
            $type: /nebula/aspects/Operation/v1
            $access: $private
        $moveDisk: [
            $description: "
                This procedure causes the game to move the top disk from one peg to another.
            "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
            $parameters: [
                $fromPeg: [
                    $description: "
                        The peg from which the disk originates.
                    "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
                    $type: /nebula/strings/Text/v1
                ]($type: /nebula/aspects/Parameter/v1)
                $toPeg: [
                    $description: "
                        The peg to which the disk should be moved.
                    "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
                    $type: /nebula/strings/Text/v1
                ]($type: /nebula/aspects/Parameter/v1)
            ]($type: /nebula/collections/Catalog/v1($valueType: /nebula/aspects/Parameter/v1))
            $type: /nebula/aspects/Operation/v1
            $access: $private
    ]($type: /nebula/collections/Catalog/v1($valueType: /nebula/aspects/Operation/v1))
    $methods: [
        $play: [
            $description: "
                This method implements the `$play` operation defined in this type.
            "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
            $procedure: {
                target[$pegs] := [
                    "peg A": [ ]($type: /nebula/collections/Stack/v1($itemType: /nebula/elements/Number/v1($range: [1..])))
                    "peg B": [ ]($type: /nebula/collections/Stack/v1($itemType: /nebula/elements/Number/v1($range: [1..])))
                    "peg C": [ ]($type: /nebula/collections/Stack/v1($itemType: /nebula/elements/Number/v1($range: [1..])))
                target[$steps] := [ ]
                $disks := range(numberOfDisks, 1)
                with each $n in disks do {
                    target[$pegs, "peg A"].addItem(n)
                target.moveTower(numberOfDisks, "peg A", "peg C", "peg B")
                return target[$steps].asCatalog()
            $instructions: "
                NOTE --Place the recipient and the index of its attribute on the stack.
                PUSH ARGUMENT $target
                PUSH LITERAL `$pegs`
                NOTE --Place an empty catalog on the stack.
                CALL $catalog
                NOTE --Add an item to the catalog.
                PUSH LITERAL `"peg A"`
                NOTE --Place an empty stack on the stack.
                NOTE --Place a catalog of the parameters on the stack.
                CALL $catalog
                PUSH LITERAL `$type`
                PUSH LITERAL `/nebula/collections/Stack/v1`
                NOTE --Place a catalog of the parameters on the stack.
                CALL $catalog
                PUSH LITERAL `$itemType`
                PUSH LITERAL `/nebula/elements/Number/v1`
                NOTE --Place a catalog of the parameters on the stack.
                CALL $catalog
                PUSH LITERAL `$range`
                NOTE --Place a range on the stack.
                PUSH LITERAL `".."`
                CALL $range WITH 1 ARGUMENT
                NOTE --Set the first item in the range.
                PUSH LITERAL `1`
                CALL $setFirst WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $setAttribute WITH 3 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $setAttribute WITH 3 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $setAttribute WITH 3 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $stack WITH 1 ARGUMENT
                CALL $association WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                NOTE --Add another item to the catalog.
                PUSH LITERAL `"peg B"`
                NOTE --Place an empty stack on the stack.
                NOTE --Place a catalog of the parameters on the stack.
                CALL $catalog
                PUSH LITERAL `$type`
                PUSH LITERAL `/nebula/collections/Stack/v1`
                NOTE --Place a catalog of the parameters on the stack.
                CALL $catalog
                PUSH LITERAL `$itemType`
                PUSH LITERAL `/nebula/elements/Number/v1`
                NOTE --Place a catalog of the parameters on the stack.
                CALL $catalog
                PUSH LITERAL `$range`
                NOTE --Place a range on the stack.
                PUSH LITERAL `".."`
                CALL $range WITH 1 ARGUMENT
                NOTE --Set the first item in the range.
                PUSH LITERAL `1`
                CALL $setFirst WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $setAttribute WITH 3 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $setAttribute WITH 3 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $setAttribute WITH 3 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $stack WITH 1 ARGUMENT
                CALL $association WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                NOTE --Add another item to the catalog.
                PUSH LITERAL `"peg C"`
                NOTE --Place an empty stack on the stack.
                NOTE --Place a catalog of the parameters on the stack.
                CALL $catalog
                PUSH LITERAL `$type`
                PUSH LITERAL `/nebula/collections/Stack/v1`
                NOTE --Place a catalog of the parameters on the stack.
                CALL $catalog
                PUSH LITERAL `$itemType`
                PUSH LITERAL `/nebula/elements/Number/v1`
                NOTE --Place a catalog of the parameters on the stack.
                CALL $catalog
                PUSH LITERAL `$range`
                NOTE --Place a range on the stack.
                PUSH LITERAL `".."`
                CALL $range WITH 1 ARGUMENT
                NOTE --Set the first item in the range.
                PUSH LITERAL `1`
                CALL $setFirst WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $setAttribute WITH 3 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $setAttribute WITH 3 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $setAttribute WITH 3 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $stack WITH 1 ARGUMENT
                CALL $association WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                NOTE --Assign the result as the value of the attribute.
                CALL $setAttribute WITH 3 ARGUMENTS
                PULL COMPONENT
                NOTE --Place the recipient and the index of its attribute on the stack.
                PUSH ARGUMENT $target
                PUSH LITERAL `$steps`
                NOTE --Place an empty list on the stack.
                CALL $list
                NOTE --Assign the result as the value of the attribute.
                CALL $setAttribute WITH 3 ARGUMENTS
                PULL COMPONENT
                PUSH ARGUMENT $numberOfDisks
                PUSH LITERAL `1`
                CALL $range WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                SAVE VARIABLE $disks
                LOAD VARIABLE $disks
                SEND $iterator TO COMPONENT
                SAVE VARIABLE $iterator-2
                LOAD VARIABLE $iterator-2
                SEND $hasNext TO COMPONENT
                JUMP TO 4.WithStatementDone ON FALSE
                LOAD VARIABLE $iterator-2
                SEND $next TO COMPONENT
                SAVE VARIABLE $n
                PUSH ARGUMENT $target
                PUSH LITERAL `$pegs`
                CALL $attribute WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                PUSH LITERAL `"peg A"`
                CALL $attribute WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                NOTE --Place a list of the message arguments on the stack.
                CALL $list
                LOAD VARIABLE $n
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                NOTE --Send the message with its arguments to the recipient.
                SAVE VARIABLE $result-1
                JUMP TO 4.1.ConditionClause
                PUSH ARGUMENT $target
                NOTE --Place a list of the message arguments on the stack.
                CALL $list
                PUSH ARGUMENT $numberOfDisks
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                PUSH LITERAL `"peg A"`
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                PUSH LITERAL `"peg C"`
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                PUSH LITERAL `"peg B"`
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                NOTE --Send the message with its arguments to the recipient.
                SEND $moveTower TO COMPONENT WITH ARGUMENTS
                SAVE VARIABLE $result-1
                PUSH ARGUMENT $target
                PUSH LITERAL `$steps`
                CALL $attribute WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                SEND $asCatalog TO COMPONENT
                PULL RESULT
            "($mediaType: "application/basm")
            $bytecode: '
                $encoding: $base16
                $mediaType: "application/bcod"
            $arguments: [
                $target: none
                $numberOfDisks: none
            $variables: [
            ]($type: /nebula/collections/Set/v1($itemType: /nebula/strings/Symbol/v1))
            $messages: [
            ]($type: /nebula/collections/Set/v1($itemType: /nebula/strings/Symbol/v1))
            $addresses: [
                "1.EvaluateStatement": 1
                "2.EvaluateStatement": 63
                "3.EvaluateStatement": 68
                "4.WithStatement": 72
                "4.1.ConditionClause": 75
                "4.1.1.EvaluateStatement": 81
                "4.ConditionRepeat": 91
                "4.WithStatementDone": 92
                "5.EvaluateStatement": 93
                "6.ReturnStatement": 105
            ]($type: /nebula/collections/Catalog/v1($keyType: /nebula/strings/Text/v1, $valueType: /nebula/interfaces/Discrete/v1))
        ]($type: /nebula/aspects/Method/v1)
        $moveTower: [
            $description: "
                This method implements the `$moveTower` operation defined in this type.
            "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
            $procedure: {
                if height then {
                    target.moveTower(height - 1, fromPeg, withPeg, toPeg)
                    target.moveDisk(fromPeg, toPeg)
                    target.moveTower(height - 1, withPeg, toPeg, fromPeg)
            $instructions: "
                PUSH ARGUMENT $height
                JUMP TO 1.IfStatementDone ON FALSE
                PUSH ARGUMENT $target
                NOTE --Place a list of the message arguments on the stack.
                CALL $list
                PUSH ARGUMENT $height
                PUSH LITERAL `1`
                CALL $difference WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                PUSH ARGUMENT $fromPeg
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                PUSH ARGUMENT $withPeg
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                PUSH ARGUMENT $toPeg
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                NOTE --Send the message with its arguments to the recipient.
                SEND $moveTower TO COMPONENT WITH ARGUMENTS
                SAVE VARIABLE $result-1
                PUSH ARGUMENT $target
                NOTE --Place a list of the message arguments on the stack.
                CALL $list
                PUSH ARGUMENT $fromPeg
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                PUSH ARGUMENT $toPeg
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                NOTE --Send the message with its arguments to the recipient.
                SEND $moveDisk TO COMPONENT WITH ARGUMENTS
                SAVE VARIABLE $result-1
                PUSH ARGUMENT $target
                NOTE --Place a list of the message arguments on the stack.
                CALL $list
                PUSH ARGUMENT $height
                PUSH LITERAL `1`
                CALL $difference WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                PUSH ARGUMENT $withPeg
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                PUSH ARGUMENT $toPeg
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                PUSH ARGUMENT $fromPeg
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                NOTE --Send the message with its arguments to the recipient.
                SEND $moveTower TO COMPONENT WITH ARGUMENTS
                SAVE VARIABLE $result-1
                LOAD VARIABLE $result-1
                PULL RESULT
            "($mediaType: "application/basm")
            $bytecode: '
                $encoding: $base16
                $mediaType: "application/bcod"
            $arguments: [
                $target: none
                $height: none
                $fromPeg: none
                $toPeg: none
                $withPeg: none
            $variables: [
            ]($type: /nebula/collections/Set/v1($itemType: /nebula/strings/Symbol/v1))
            $messages: [
            ]($type: /nebula/collections/Set/v1($itemType: /nebula/strings/Symbol/v1))
            $addresses: [
                "1.IfStatement": 1
                "1.1.ConditionClause": 2
                "1.1.1.EvaluateStatement": 4
                "1.1.2.EvaluateStatement": 18
                "1.1.3.EvaluateStatement": 26
                "1.IfStatementDone": 40
            ]($type: /nebula/collections/Catalog/v1($keyType: /nebula/strings/Text/v1, $valueType: /nebula/interfaces/Discrete/v1))
        ]($type: /nebula/aspects/Method/v1)
        $moveDisk: [
            $description: "
                This method implements the `$moveDisk` operation defined in this type.
            "($mediaType: "application/bsmd")
            $procedure: {
                $disk := target[$pegs, fromPeg].removeItem()
                target[$pegs, toPeg].addItem(disk)
                target[$steps].append("Move disk {disk} from {fromPeg} to {toPeg}.")
            $instructions: "
                PUSH ARGUMENT $target
                PUSH LITERAL `$pegs`
                CALL $attribute WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                PUSH ARGUMENT $fromPeg
                CALL $attribute WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                SEND $removeItem TO COMPONENT
                SAVE VARIABLE $disk
                PUSH ARGUMENT $target
                PUSH LITERAL `$pegs`
                CALL $attribute WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                PUSH ARGUMENT $toPeg
                CALL $attribute WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                NOTE --Place a list of the message arguments on the stack.
                CALL $list
                LOAD VARIABLE $disk
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                NOTE --Send the message with its arguments to the recipient.
                SAVE VARIABLE $result-1
                PUSH ARGUMENT $target
                PUSH LITERAL `$steps`
                CALL $attribute WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                NOTE --Place a list of the message arguments on the stack.
                CALL $list
                PUSH LITERAL `"Move disk {disk} from {fromPeg} to {toPeg}."`
                CALL $addItem WITH 2 ARGUMENTS
                NOTE --Send the message with its arguments to the recipient.
                SEND $append TO COMPONENT WITH ARGUMENTS
                SAVE VARIABLE $result-1
                LOAD VARIABLE $result-1
                PULL RESULT
            "($mediaType: "application/basm")
            $bytecode: '
                $encoding: $base16
                $mediaType: "application/bcod"
            $arguments: [
                $target: none
                $fromPeg: none
                $toPeg: none
            $variables: [
            ]($type: /nebula/collections/Set/v1($itemType: /nebula/strings/Symbol/v1))
            $messages: [
            ]($type: /nebula/collections/Set/v1($itemType: /nebula/strings/Symbol/v1))
            $addresses: [
                "1.EvaluateStatement": 1
                "2.EvaluateStatement": 8
                "3.EvaluateStatement": 18
            ]($type: /nebula/collections/Catalog/v1($keyType: /nebula/strings/Text/v1, $valueType: /nebula/interfaces/Discrete/v1))
        ]($type: /nebula/aspects/Method/v1)
    ]($type: /nebula/collections/Catalog/v1($valueType: /nebula/aspects/Method/v1))
    $literals: [
        "Move disk {disk} from {fromPeg} to {toPeg}."
        "peg A"
        "peg B"
        "peg C"
    ]($type: /nebula/collections/Set/v1)
    $type: /nebula/types/Class/v1
    $version: v1
    $permissions: /nebula/permissions/public/v1
    $previous: none

In Summary

The Bali Type Compiler™ generates bytecode for compiled procedures that can be run on the Bali Virtual Machine™.

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