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Add another user to cluster

Praveen Kumar edited this page Dec 20, 2022 · 3 revisions

For CRC we use htpasswd method to manage the users in the openshift cluster, by default we have developer and kubeadmin user which is created at disk creation time and kubeadmin user is having cluster-admin role.

If you want to add a new user to cluster following steps should work.

  • Make sure you have htpasswd (In fedora it is provided by httpd-tools package)
$ export HTPASSWD_FILE=/tmp/htpasswd

$ htpasswd -c -B -b $HTPASSWD_FILE user1 password1
$ htpasswd -b $HTPASSWD_FILE user2 password2


// Make sure existing developer and kubeadmin user part of `htpasswd` file because kubeadmin is having cluster admin role.
$ oc get secrets htpass-secret -n openshift-config -ojsonpath='{.data.htpasswd}' | base64 -d >> htpasswd 

$ oc create secret generic htpass-secret --from-file=$HTPASSWD_FILE -n openshift-config --dry-run -o yaml > /tmp/htpass-secret.yaml
$ oc replace -f /tmp/htpass-secret.yaml
  • Check the auth pods which are going to recreated because of this config change.
$ oc get pods -n openshift-authentication
$ oc get pods -n openshift-authentication
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
oauth-openshift-7f4994c969-8fz44   1/1     Running   0          11s
oauth-openshift-7f4994c969-mjrjc   1/1     Running   0          11s