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         __/ | |                                    
DESIGN  |___/|_| 
HyperServ is a Sauerbraten server which accepts python plugins to extend the functionality.
HyperServ features a cubescript interpreter at its core, and all the functions are exposed to the cubescript system.
Then cubescript can be used from various places including IRC, ingame, console, http. This provides uniform functionality and no disadvantage in using one interface for the other.

HyperServ was created by SirAlex because he wanted something like XSBS extensibility but with frogmod functionality.
He decided upon XSBS but the issue was that it was kind of hard to implement the features that he wanted(editing, consistent irc control) on the already finished foundation.
He eventually forked XSBS(from commit: 41b8a5d293376a91f76a1dd14dbd5bb58e10c27b) for its C++ foundation and started the python from scratch. Thanks are in need to greghayes, darkf and others for their work so far on XSBS.

Before you can build and install the server, you must have the following installed on your computer.
 - Python 2.4 or greater (Python 2.6 recommended)
 - One of: python-mysqldb, python sqlite3
 - Twisted python framework
 - Python Image Library (used for map generation)
 - Zlib
 - CMake
 - C++ compiler

 - cd into hyperserv folder
 - pick a database of choice(local installation: sqlite3, multiple servers: mysql) then install the proper python package
 - cp samplecfg/*.cfg .
 - edit the cfg files with the proper settings
 - if using sqlite: cp samplecfg/hypershade.sqlite .
 - cmake .
 - make

RUN HyperServ
 - cd into hyperserv folder
 - ./

Sending a Message Via IRC
If the user is trying to login with IRC they need to send their message to the server username otherwise everyone can see the message/password. ex. "/msg hyperserv #login (password)". This can be simplified with opening a New Dialog Window with the server username. 

Setting Up a New User Account
The first step in setting up a new user account is the adduser command. "#adduser (username) (permission level)" After the user has been added to the database then the person adding the user may log the person in that they are creating the account for with the loginother command. "#loginother (where) (cn) [username]" At this point you may instruct the user to add their own password. This can be done with "#user 'password' 'the password that they want'". Then you can add their usernames with "#useradmin (username) 'sauerbraten name' (their sauerbraten name)" and "#useradmin (username) 'irc nick' (their irc nick)". By doing this the player can then login using just #login theirawesomepass, rather than having to always type in their server username *Note that these names are respective of where they are at (ingame vs irc). This can then be checked by the user with "#echo (user)" or by admins with #echo (useradmin (username)).

For setting up the first user account you must login as "firstuser" with the password "first". *Note after setting up your first account delete this one.

To add the player: "PLAYER" with the ingame name "PLAYER_INGAME" and with an irc nick of "PLAYER_IRC" with a permission level of "trusted". They are also currently ingame with the CN of 3 and they want their password to be "AW3S0Me". So, one would type the following commands:

(you) #adduser PLAYER trusted
(you) #loginother ingame 3 PLAYER
(player) #user "password" "AW3S0Me"
(you) #useradmin PLAYER "sauerbraten name" PLAYER_INGAME
(you) #useradmin PLAYER "irc nick" PLAYER_IRC
(player) #logout
(player) #login AW3S0Me

Removing a User
To remove a user use the deluser command. "#deluser (username)". After this you can check to see if it worked by typing "#say (useradmin (username))".

If you wanted to now remove the player "PLAYER" from the server you can use these commands:

(you) #deluser PLAYER
(you) #(useradmin (PLAYER)

Banning a Player
To ban a player the ban command. "#ban [username] [reason] [time]" Note that if you do not specify a username you will be banned. If the time is left blank then it will be automaticly set to 60 minutes. If time is "perm","permanent","permanently","0" or 0 then the ban will be permanent. To check to see if the ban was added type "#echo (bans)". The ban can be removed with the "#delban (username)".

Say "PLAYER" came back on the server and was acting like a jerk after you just deleted his account, you can then proceed to ban him with the following commands. Then after his original ban is up he comes back and proceeds to troll the server so you ban his IP adress so he can never come back...

(you) #ban PLAYER_INGAME "he is being a jerk" 120


(you) #echo (who)
-ServerOut- NobodyCool (cn3/; NotMeEither (cn0/; PLAYER_INGAME (cn1/
(you) #ban "he is trolling teh server" "perm"

Arguments: (required) [optional]
Permission: everyone < master < trusted < admin

#adduser (username) (permissionlevel)
Permission: admin
Creates a user with with the desired name and permission level. After a user has been added then you must use #loginother to log them in so they can add a password.
#adduser PLAYER trusted
//The user "PLAYER" is added at the permission level "trusted".

Permission: admin
Makes the caller the admin of the server. This is denoted by the gold color of their name. Note that this is just for show because it does not give the user any more powers.
//You are now the admin of the server. (yellow name)

#ban [username] [reason] [time]
Permission: trusted
This bans the person specified. If there is not a name given then the caller will be banned. If time is "perm","permanent","permanently","0" or 0 then the ban will be permanent. The default ban time is 60 minutes.
#ban PLAYER_INGAME "he is being a jerk" 120
//PLAYER_INGAME is now banned for 120 minutes with the ban message of "he is being a jerk".

#delban (username)
Permission: trusted
This will delete a ban for the username provided.
//The ban on PLAYER_INGAME has now been removed.

#deluser (username)
Permission: admin
This deletes a username from the database. The most importaint use of this is removing the "firstuser" account from when you first make your server.
#deluser PLAYER
//The account Player has been deleted.

#echo [something]
Permission: everyone
This is how the caller can read the output from some commands. Examples: listusersessions, list, user, who, whoami. Note that the command must be in parentheses. #echo (command)
#echo (listusersessions)
//Server output of all the users in irc/ingame with what accounts they are logged in to..

#editmute [0/1] [cn]
Permission: master
If there are no arguments other than #editmute then the caller will be editmuted. The first argument is a boolen that says what state of editmuted the player will be (0 for not editmuted and 1 for editmuted), anything other than 0 will result in an editmute. The cn is the client number of the player that the caller want editmuted. If left off it will apply to the caller.
#editmute 1 4
//The player with the CN 4 is now editmuted.

#kick (cn)
Permission: master
This allows the caller to kick another player; however, this will not override players with higher permission. Meaning, a master level permission can not kick someone with admin or trusted permission. To prevent the player from rejoining the server, they will also be banned for the default 60 minutes.
#kick 3
//The player with the CN 3 is now kicked from the server. (also includes a 60 minute ban)

#loadmap (name)
Permission: master
This is the opposite of #savemap. This is automatically executed when you change to a map that the server has in storage.
#loadmap cmvalley
//cmvalley is now loaded from the server. 

#login [username] (password)
Permission: everyone
This allows the caller to login to the server giving them the permission level that is allocated to them by the database.
#login AW3S0Me
//If your account is setup right and that is your password you wil login.

#loginother (where) (cn) [username]
Permission: trusted
This allows a player to use their permissions to login another player, but just like with kicking they can not login someone of higher permissions than themselves.
#loginother ingame 1 PLAYER
//This logs in the player with the CN 1 ingame as the server account "PLAYER".

#logout [everything]
Permission: master
This logs the caller out. If everything="everything" then the caller will be logged out in every case of the UserSessionManager.
//You are now logged out.

#map (mapname) [mode]
Permission: everyone
This works just like the /map command except for with #map the caller can also call maps from /storage/maps. This calls the map from the server removing the need to /sendmap (as long as the maps are the same version). Note that if the map name has an special characters in it then it would be best to put the map name in quotes to prevent errors with python.
#map cmvalley coop
//The map is now cmvalley in the mode coop.

Permission: master
Makes the caller the master of the server. This is denoted by the green color of the callers name. Also like with #admin it does not give the caller any powers beyond what the caller had before.
//You are now the master of the server. (green name)

#mastermode (mode)
Permission: master
This changes the mastermode in the same way that /mastermode does without the need to have claimed master or admin.
#mastermode 2
//The server is now locked.

#mute [0/1] [cn]
Permission: master
If there are no arguments other than #mute then the caller will be muted. The first argument is a boolen that says what state of muted the player will be (0 for not muted and 1 for muted), anything other than 0 will result in an mute. The cn is the client number of the player that caller want muted. If left off it will apply to the caller.
#mute 1 2
//The player with the CN 2 is now muted.

#notice (message)
Permission: admin
This allows the caller to make a server notice at the top of the screen of all of the players.
#notice "This is a notice from the admins."
//A message is displayed at the top of the screen saying "Notice from Admin: This is a notice from the admins."

Permission: master
This command gives up the level of power that the player has (master or admin).
//This makes you lose master/admin as well as any color you name has gained.

#savemap [name]
Permission: trusted
This allows players to savemaps to the server. This not only allows for easier transfer of files later on, but also allows for partial asynchronous work on a map by saving the map back to the server.
#savemap cmvalley
//This saves the current sent map as "cmvalley" on the server.

#sendto (cn)
Permission: master
This command forces the specified player to /getmap. This is useful when a player is not paying attention, AFK or, for extension, if the caller wanted everyone to getmap.
#sendto 1
//This sends the current sent map to the player with the CN 1.

#spectator [0/1] [cn]
Permission: master
If there are no arguments other than #spectator then the caller will be set to spectator. The first argument is a boolen that says what state of spectating the player will be (0 for not not a spectator and 1 for spectator), anything other than 0 will result in an them being a spectator. The cn is the client number of the player that the caller want spectated. If left off it will apply to the caller.
#spectator 0 1
//This unspectates the player with the CN 1.

#user [key] [value]
Permission: trusted
This allows users to change account details like: "password", "sauerbraten name" and "irc nick". Example being: #username "password" "Th1s@w3s0M3pAsSworDt4aTn0oneCou1dev3rgue55e^en1fth#yknewThePAS5w0rd." . This command can also be used with #echo to show the user his information. 
#user "password" "Th1s@w3s0M3pAsSworDt4aTn0oneCou1dev3rgue55e^en1fth#yknewThePAS5w0rd."
//This changes your password to Th1s@w3s0M3pAsSworDt4aTn0oneCou1dev3rgue55e^en1fth#yknewThePAS5w0rd.

#useradmin (username) [key] [value]
Permission: admin
This allows admins to change information on user accounts. This works the exact same as #user just with the addition of a (username). This can also be used with #echo to show the information of other users. #echo (useradmin (username)).
#useradmin PLAYER "irc nick" PLAYER_IRC
//This adds the irc nickname "PLAYER_IRC" to the account of PLAYER

#vote (mapname) [mode]
Permission: everyone
This works just like the #map command except rather than directly going to a map it places a vote for the map of choice. Just like with #map, the caller can also call maps from /storage/maps. This calls the map from the server removing the need to /sendmap (as long as the maps are the same version).
#vote cmvalley coop
//This makes a vote for the map cmvalley with the mode coop.

Main github page:
If you need to contact SirAlex come to #hypertriangle on quakenet. Please note that windows is not supported as there is no windows developer.





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  • C 56.3%
  • C++ 34.0%
  • Python 9.7%