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Gulp tool for generating configuration files for multiple environments on your app. Simply lets you generate templated files based on a specific environment config.

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npm install configon --save-dev


Configon uses configuration value files and template files to generate the configuration required by applying all configuration values to the templates for the respective environment.

Given below is a sample implementation of Configon, please take a look at the example folder for a detailed example.

var Configon = require( 'configon' );

const config = new Configon( './path-to-config-files/config.@@ENV.json' )
            .addTemplate( './path-to-template-files/template1.ts','./output-dir/output-filename1.ts' )
            .addTemplate( './path-to-template-files/template2.xml','./output-dir/output-filename2.xml' )
            .build( 'environment-name' );

The key @@ENV denotes the environment name, The value for @@ENV on the filename will be used as the environment name.

Setting up your templates and environment configurations

Configurations are stored as key, value pairs in configuration file specific for an environment and the key is used with the "@@" symbol in the front in template files which will be replaced with respective value while configuration is built.

NOTE: All text based files can be used as a template

Example template1.ts

 * Contains all Application configuration 
export const AppConfig = {

     * Logging level
     * API URL of the server
    API_URL : '@@API_URL'



    "LOG_LEVEL": "debug",
    "API_URL": "http://localhost:8080"


 * Contains all Application configuration 
export const AppConfig = {

     * Logging level
    LOG_LEVEL : 'debug',
     * API URL of the server
    API_URL : 'http://localhost:8080'


Following keys are available on configon and can be used in the templates to fill data

Key Description
@@ENV Name of the environment which is taken from the file name
@@APP_NAME Name of the application retrieved from package.json
@@VERSION Version of the application retrieved from package.json
@@BUILD_DATE It takes current system date/time during the build as the build date
@@MY_IP_ADDRESS Your local IP Address of the system or the value passed as parameters, if retrieving IP Address fails localhost will used.

Building your configuration for your environment

You can pass parameters with arguments through CLI or also set NODE_ENV environment variable or pass a parameter when you call build in your gulp task.

Following examples assumes that your gulp task is config

    gulp config --env:< environment >


    gulp config --env:development

Using Environment variables

You can set environment variable with the identifier NODE_ENV

For just one run (from the unix shell prompt):

    NODE_ENV=development gulp config

More permanently:

    export NODE_ENV=development

    gulp config

In Windows:

    SET NODE_ENV=production

Priorities of obtaining environment values

  1. Environment values obtained through arguments passed in CLI e.g gulp config --env:development
  2. Environment set on the NODE_ENV environment variable
  3. Environment passed as parameter when calling build function

Setting custom IP Address

This is useful if you are developing a mobile application and you want to point you app to a custom IP Address in your LAN

    gulp config --ip:< IP Address >`

    gulp config --ip: --env:device`


name arguments description
configFilePattern:String Creates an instance
var EnvConfig = require('configon');
var config = EnvConfig( './config/config.@@ENV.json' );
Key @@ENV denotes the environment name in the file path
build environment:String(optional)
Builds the configuraation and apply all the changes to templates and export them in to the required location
addTemplate templateFile:String
Add template file path and its destination path.
removeTemplate templateFile:String Removes detail of template file from the list of templates
setDefaultEnv env:String Sets default environment for configuration


See the contribute file!

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Any optional sections


MIT © Cinergix Pty Ltd.


Configuration management based on environment







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