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Title: Using HAML templates in JavaScript Author: Tim Caswell Date: Sat Feb 06 2010 23:06:39 GMT-0600 (CST) Node: v0.1.102

One of my favorite libraries when I was doing ruby development was the HTML templating language HAML. For those of you who haven't yet been enlightened, it's an alternate syntax for XML that results in a lot less code to write the same thing.

When I switched to primarily JavaScript, I missed HAML so much I wrote two ports of it. One is called jquery-haml. It's a dom-building library with some really advanced DOM integration tricks. The other is haml-js. It's a text-to-text compiler that translates HAML code to HTML, perfect for node based websites.

UPDATE This article was left as is mostly, current development resides in jade and grain.

Using haml-js in a node website

Using haml-js is pretty straightforward. First, you install haml-js as a library for use in node. The full docs are here, but I'll show how I set up my node libraries.

Installing haml-js in node

There wasn't a standard package manager for node when this was written, but it's not hard to install a package once you've done it a time or two. I like to use git for all GitHub based libraries so that I can update any library by issuing a pull command.

tim@TimBook:~$ mkdir Code
tim@TimBook:~$ cd Code/
tim@TimBook:~/Code$ git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/tim/Code/haml-js/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 311, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (278/278), done.
remote: Total 311 (delta 161), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (311/311), 47.73 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (161/161), done.
tim@TimBook:~$ mkdir ~/.node_libraries
tim@TimBook:~$ cd ~/.node_libraries
tim@TimBook:~/.node_libraries$ ln -s ~/Code/haml-js/lib/* ./

Basically I made a folder for code clones, another one for node libraries, and linked the two up so node can find the code.

Checking the install

To test if it's installed, open a node terminal and try to require it.

tim@TimBook:~$ node
Type '.help' for options.
node> var Haml = require('haml');
node> Haml.render('.classy Hello World')
'<div class="classy">Hello World</div>'

Great, it's working! If this is not working for you, the node mailing list is a really friendly place if you need help getting this setup.

A simple HAML based site

As you saw in the last section, you can test it from a node session, but let's make a whole program with partials, loops and conditionals just for fun.

Note that I'm using blocking I/O for these examples to simplify the examples and focus on the haml. If you were to use this code in the request loop of a running server, be sure you converted it to use the non-blocking versions.

Layout template

First let's make our layout template, we'll save it as layout.haml:


Start of Program

Now we'll write a short node program to render it:


This program will output:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html lang="en"><head><title>Hello Node</title></head><body><h1>Hello World</h1></body></html>


Usually you'll want another template for your actual pages and just share the common layout between them. So we'll make an actual page with a little logic in it and save it as users.haml.


There are two branches in this template. If the users list is empty, then a static message will be shown; if not, then each user will be shown as a list item.

Here is how we modify the code to use this page:


And here is the output:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html lang="en"><head><title>System Users</title></head><body><h1>Users</h1><ul><li>Tim</li><li>Sally</li><li>George</li><li>James</li></ul></body></html>


Ok, now that we know how to make layout templates by passing the result of one template as a variable to another, let's learn how to do partials. Partials are pieces of templates that are shared between several pages.

Here is the data we want to render:


First we'll make a partial to render each link by itself and save it as link.haml:


Then we'll make a page to render the links and save it as links.haml:


Since partials aren't built into haml-js, then we'll have to implement it in our framework. But don't worry, it's not hard. First we want to load and compile the templates. And this time we'll do it right using non-blocking I/O. This code snippet will load the three haml files and compile them. Once all three finish, the next step is called.


Now we can make a render function that knows how to load the saved, compiled templates:


We're all set to define the render_page function referenced in the parallel loading part:


Source Code

You can find the [source code][] of the examples in the panel to the right.

Also, this blog itself is powered by haml-js. You can see the templates here.

Using jquery-haml

My other HAML project, jquery-haml, is a different beast altogether. Instead of parsing real HAML syntax and generating HTML text, it takes a JSON structure and dom-builds from it. There is nothing stopping you from using the text-to-text haml-js in a browser and inserting it into the DOM using innerHTML, but you can't get at the nodes as they're created because it's all done behind closed doors by the browser.

Here is a simple example of the jquery-haml syntax:

    ["#date", print_date() ],
    ["#address", curent_user.address ]
    ["#email", ],
    ["#bio", ]

There is nothing special here except we've taken the HAML syntax and fit it into proper JSON syntax.

How about this example:

["%div", {style: "width:260px; margin:15px;", $:{
  slider: [{value: 60}]

This creates a div element, sets the style on it, and then calls $.fn.slider on it! We didn't have to give it a unique id and then search for it later with something like $("#my_id").slider({value: 60}), the dom-builder library did it for us right after creating the node.

A full depth tutorial on this library could go on for pages, but this should be enough to whet your appetite. See the source of the sample page for some more ideas. But since this is more of an easy macro system for programmatically dom-building, then you have full control over every step. I've written entire apps using just nested jquery-haml expressions and closures for data storage.