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COVID-19 Contact Tracing Backend Specification

This specification is featured in COVID-19 Tracker Apps and Apple Google Contact Tracing API - The need for interoperability and standardisation and published as early draft version and will be subject to Subject to modification and extension. Please consider it as invitiation to conversation

Design Goals

The main goal of this specification is to assist COVID-19 Tracking apps which are using the recently published Apple/Google Contact Tracing API in answering key architectual such as

  • How does an app pull published diagnosis keys?
  • Who is allowed to pull the published diagnosis keys?
  • When and how often shall apps pull diagnosis keys?
  • How does an app push its diagnosis keys in case of of a positive diagnosis?
  • How is the push of diagnosis keys secured to prevent pranksters and fraud attempts?
  • Where and how are the diagnosis keys stored?
  • What data needs to be stored in the cloud beside the diagnosis keys?
  • How can apps of different developers share diagnosis keys?

Privacy and security

A key consideration is the privacy of users and to prevent fraud and prankster pushes. The proposed Contact Tracing Backend does not store any user-related data besides the user's diagnosis keys grouped by their geolocation reduced to a 3 character geohash. The Contact Tracing API itself does not provide any geolocation information. It will be up to the specific app to publish the diagnosis keys with a geohash during submission or to group the diagnosis keys by different geohashes based on the historical GPS trace of the user.

Other apps could pull diagnosis keys of regions users have been to based on their historical GPS trace and invoke the matching on the Contact Tracing API with the recently pulled diagnosis keys.

A key security feature is the signed health authority one time token (SOTT). SOTT are issued by Health authorities and signed by their private key. A SOTT can be valid for one or more Contact Tracing Backend Provider. It's assumed that HA uses an onboarding API to register their public key.

An important question is, if published data needs to be protected. The take of the proposed solution is, that diagnosis keys shall be available as open data to the community to support scientific and open data studies during the pandemic.


The main actors in the context of this specification are:

Actor Description
App Developer Developer of a COVID-19 Tracking app
User End user who install their preferred COVID-19 Tracking app on their device
Health Authority official institution, which conducts COVID-19 tests and informs users about a positive diagnosis
Contact Tracing Backend Provider Developer or hoster of a Contact Tracing Backend Instance
Contact Tracing Backend Authority Owner of the single Contact Tracing Backend Registry
Data analyst Data analyst, who use published diagnosis keys for research


The main components in the context of this specification are:

Actor Description
App COVID-19 Tracker app developed and published by app developers
OS Android and iOS devices with enabled Contact Tracing API
Contact Tracing Backend instance of a running Contact Tracing Backend according to this specification
Contact Tracing Backend Registry single instance of Contact Tracing Backend Registry

Subject of standardisation are the components Contact Tracing Backend and Contact Tracing Backend Registry


The main interfaces are

Interface Description provided by used by
Push Push diagnosis key in case of positive diagnosis Contact Tracing Backend App
Pull Pull diagnosis to match in Contact Tracing API Contact Tracing Backend App
Sync Sync batch data Contact Tracing Backend Contact Tracing Backend
On-Boarding authorise Contact Tracing providers to accept pushed diagnosis keys based on signed one time token of Health Authorities Contact Tracing Backend Health Authorities
Registry discover and register new Contact Tracing Backend instances Contact Tracing Backend Registry Contact Tracing Backend



Key Description
application protocol HTTP
encryption SSL 1.2
authorization None
interface GraphQL
schema GraphQL SDL
additional HTTP headers None


type Mutation {
  push(keys:[String], token:TokenInput!, geohash:String, daynumber: Int) : Boolean

input TokenInput {
  token: String,
  signature: String,
  haId: ID!



Key Description
application protocol HTTP
encryption SSL 1.2
authorization None
interface GraphQL
schema GraphQL SDL
additional HTTP headers None


type Query {
  keys(geohash: String!, daynumber:Int, first:Int, after:ID) : KeysResult
  provider: Provider

type KeysResult {

type Key {
  id: ID!
  hex: String!
  geohash: String!
  daynumber: Int
  signature: String  

type Provider {
  id: ID!
  keyChain: [PublicKey]
  web: String

type PublicKey {
  id: ID!
  pem: String
  validFrom: Int
  replacedBy: PublicKey



Key Description
application protocol HTTP
encryption SSL 1.2
authorization None
interface REST
schema ProtoBuf
additional headers ETag, If-None-Match


syntax = "proto2";
package covid19.ctb.sync;

message Signature {
  required String providerId = 1; // provider ID as issued by CTB Registry
  required uint32 daynumber = 2; // Day number
  required uint32 signature = 3; // Signature for Sync message of day

message Sync {
  required uint32 timestamp = 1; // Date of creation as seconds since 1.1.1970
  required uint64 etag = 2; // Etag
  required String providerId = 3; // provider ID as issued by CTB Registry
  repeated Key keys = 4; // list of keys

message Key {
  required String geohash = 1; // Geohash reduced to 3 characters
  required uint32 daynumber = 2; // Day number according to
  required uint64 key = 3; // Daily Tracing Key aka Diagnosis Key


Endpoint Method Returns Request Headers Response Headers Status-Codes
/sync/:daynumber GET covid19.ctb.sync.Sync If-None-Match ETag 200, 404, 303
/sync/:daynumber GET covid19.ctb.sync.Signature ./. ./. 200, 404, 303



Key Description
application protocol HTTP
encryption SSL 1.2
authorization OAUTH2, Bearer
interface GraphQL
schema GraphQL SDL
additional HTTP headers none


type Mutation {
  changePublicKey(haId: ID!, pem:String!): [PublicKey]

type Query {
  ha(id:ID!): HA
  has: [HA]

type PublicKey {
  id: ID!
  pem: String
  validFrom: Int
  replacedBy: PublicKey

type HA {
  id: ID!
  web: String



Key Description
application protocol HTTP
encryption SSL 1.2
authorization None
interface GraphQL
schema GraphQL SDL
additional HTTP headers none


type Mutation {
  register(endpoint: String!, pem:String!, contact:ContactInput!): Provider

type ContactInput {
  email: String
  web: String
  phone: String
  street: String
  zip: String
  city: String
  country: String
  name: String

type Query {

type Provider {
  id: ID!
  status: Status
  contact: Contact
  keyChain: [PublicKey]
  endpoint: String

type Contact {
  email: String
  web: String
  phone: String
  street: String
  zip: String
  city: String
  country: String
  name: String

type PublicKey {
  id: ID!
  pem: String
  validFrom: Int
  replacedBy: PublicKey

enum Status {

Open topics

  • Authorization exchange for HA
  • Approval of registries
  • Reference implementations of interfaces
  • Reference architecture
  • Key Interactions


COVID-19 Contact Tracing Backend Specification







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