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Yesod HTTP Basic Authentication

This module performs a single authentication lookup per request and uses the Yesod request-local caching mechanisms to store valid auth credentials found in the Authorization header.


The recommended way to use this module is to override the maybeAuthId in the Yesod typeclass to defaultMaybeBasicAuthId and supply a credentials lookup function.

instance YesodAuth App where
    type AuthId App = Text
    getAuthId = return . Just . credsIdent
    maybeAuthId = defaultMaybeBasicAuthId checkCreds defaultAuthSettings
        checkCreds = \k s -> return $ (k == "user")
                                   && (s == "secret")

WWW-Authenticate challenges are currently not implemented. The current workaround is to override the error handler in the Yesod typeclass:

instance Yesod App where
  errorHandler NotAuthenticated = selectRep $
      provideRep $ do
        addHeader "WWW-Authenticate" $ T.concat
              [ "RedirectJSON realm=\"Realm\", param=\"\"" ]
        -- send error response here
  errorHandler e = defaultErrorHandler e

Proper response status on failed authentication is not implemented yet. The current workaround is to override the Yesod typeclass isAuthorized function to handle required auth routes. e.g.

instance Yesod App where
  isAuthorized SecureR _   =
    maybeAuthId >>= return . maybe AuthenticationRequired (const Authorized)
  isAuthorized _ _         = Authorized


  • [ ] Utilize Yesod.Auth framework
  • [ ] Realm (AuthSettings)
  • [ ] Proper response status and challenge (AuthSettings)