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Only pass supported options to cabal-install for the specified comman…
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Josh Hoyt committed Jul 11, 2011
1 parent aa3e218 commit ce1baac
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Showing 6 changed files with 130 additions and 39 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions cabal-dev.cabal
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Name: cabal-dev
Version: 0.8
Synopsis: Manage sandboxed Haskell build environments

Description: cabal-dev is a tool for managing development builds of
Expand All @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Description: cabal-dev is a tool for managing development builds of
@cabal-dev add-source@ also supports importing tarballs
into a local cabal repository.
This tool has been tested with GHC 6.8-7.0.1.
This tool has been tested with GHC 6.8-7.0.3.

License: BSD3
License-file: LICENSE
Expand Down
23 changes: 22 additions & 1 deletion src/Distribution/Dev/CabalInstall.hs
Expand Up @@ -8,12 +8,18 @@ module Distribution.Dev.CabalInstall
, hasOnlyDependencies
, configDir
, CabalCommand(..)
, LongOption(..)
, matchOption
, commandToString
, stringToCommand
, allCommands
, commandOptions
, supportsOption
, supportedOptions

import Data.List ( tails, isPrefixOf )
import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) )
import Distribution.Version ( Version(..), withinRange
, earlierVersion, orLaterVersion )
Expand All @@ -34,7 +40,8 @@ import Distribution.Text ( display, simpleParse )

import System.Directory ( getAppUserDataDirectory )

import Distribution.Dev.TH.DeriveCabalCommands ( deriveCabalCommands )
import Distribution.Dev.TH.DeriveCabalCommands
( deriveCabalCommands, LongOption(..) )

-- XXX This is duplicated in Setup.hs
-- |Definition of the cabal-install program
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,6 +110,20 @@ hasOnlyDependencies =


supportsOption :: CabalCommand -> String -> Bool
supportsOption cc s = any (`matchOption` s) $ supportedOptions cc

matchOption :: LongOption -> String -> Bool
matchOption (LongOption s) = (== s)
matchOption (ProgBefore s) = any (== ('-':s)) . tails
matchOption (ProgAfter s) = ((s ++ "-") `isPrefixOf`)

supportedOptions :: CabalCommand -> [LongOption]
supportedOptions cc = commonOptions ++ commandOptions cc

commonOptions :: [LongOption]
commonOptions = [LongOption "config-file"]

-- |What is the configuration directory for this cabal-install executable?

-- XXX: This needs to do something different for certain platforms for
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Distribution/Dev/InstallDependencies.hs
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ installDependencies flgs pkgNames = do
s <- initPkgDb v =<< resolveSandbox flgs
(cabal, _) <- requireProgram v CI.program emptyProgramDb
eFeatures <- CI.getFeatures v cabal
setupRes <- setup s cabal flgs
setupRes <- setup s cabal flgs CI.Install
case (setupRes, eFeatures) of
(Left err, _) -> return $ CommandError err
(_, Left err) -> return $ CommandError err
Expand Down
46 changes: 30 additions & 16 deletions src/Distribution/Dev/InvokeCabal.hs
Expand Up @@ -42,35 +42,36 @@ import Distribution.Dev.Sandbox ( resolveSandbox
import Distribution.Dev.Utilities ( ensureAbsolute )

actions :: String -> CommandActions
actions act = CommandActions
actions :: CI.CabalCommand -> CommandActions
actions cc = CommandActions
{ cmdDesc = "Invoke cabal-install with the development configuration"
, cmdRun = \flgs _ args -> invokeCabal flgs (act:args)
, cmdRun = \flgs _ args -> invokeCabal flgs cc args
, cmdOpts = [] :: [OptDescr ()]
, cmdPassFlags = True

invokeCabal :: Config -> [String] -> IO CommandResult
invokeCabal flgs args = do
invokeCabal :: Config -> CI.CabalCommand -> [String] -> IO CommandResult
invokeCabal flgs cc args = do
let v = getVerbosity flgs
s <- initPkgDb v =<< resolveSandbox flgs
cabal <- CI.findOnPath v
res <- setup s cabal flgs
res <- setup s cabal flgs cc
case res of
Left err -> return $ CommandError err
Right args' -> do
runProgram v cabal $ args' ++ args
return CommandOk

cabalArgs :: ConfiguredProgram -> Config -> IO (Either String [String])
cabalArgs cabal flgs = do
cabalArgs :: ConfiguredProgram -> Config -> CI.CabalCommand
-> IO (Either String [String])
cabalArgs cabal flgs cc = do
let v = getVerbosity flgs
s <- initPkgDb v =<< resolveSandbox flgs
setup s cabal flgs
setup s cabal flgs cc

setup :: Sandbox KnownVersion -> ConfiguredProgram -> Config ->
IO (Either String [String])
setup s cabal flgs = do
CI.CabalCommand -> IO (Either String [String])
setup s cabal flgs cc = do
let v = getVerbosity flgs
cfgIn <- getCabalConfig flgs
cVer <- CI.getFeatures v cabal
Expand All @@ -87,15 +88,28 @@ setup s cabal flgs = do
"Error processing cabal config file " ++ cfgIn ++ ": " ++ err
Right cOut -> do
writeUTF8File cfgOut cOut
args <- extraArgs v cfgOut (getVersion s)
(gOpts, cOpts) <- extraArgs v cfgOut (getVersion s)
let gFlags = map toArg gOpts
cFlags = map toArg $
filter (CI.supportsOption cc . fst) cOpts
args = concat [ gFlags, [CI.commandToString cc], cFlags ]
debug v $ "Complete arguments to cabal-install: " ++ show args
return $ Right args

extraArgs :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> PackageDbType -> IO [String]
toArg :: Option -> String
toArg (a, mb) = showString "--" .
showString a $ maybe "" ('=':) mb

-- option name, value
type Option = (String, Maybe String)
type Options = [Option]

extraArgs :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> PackageDbType -> IO (Options, Options)
extraArgs v cfg pdb =
do pdbArgs <- getPdbArgs
return $ [cfgFileArg, verbosityArg] ++ pdbArgs
return ([cfgFileArg], verbosityArg:pdbArgs)
longArg s = showString "--" . showString s . ('=':)
longArg s = (,) s . Just
cfgFileArg = longArg "config-file" cfg
verbosityArg = longArg "verbose" $ showForCabal v
withGhcPkg = longArg "with-ghc-pkg"
Expand All @@ -107,7 +121,7 @@ extraArgs v cfg pdb =
debug v $ "Using GHC 6.8 compatibility wrapper for Cabal shortcoming"
(ghcPkgCompat, _) <-
requireProgram v ghcPkgCompatProgram emptyProgramConfiguration
return $ [ longArg "ghc-pkg-options" $ withGhcPkg loc
return $ [ longArg "ghc-pkg-options" $ toArg $ withGhcPkg loc
, withGhcPkg $ locationPath $
programLocation ghcPkgCompat
Expand Down
92 changes: 74 additions & 18 deletions src/Distribution/Dev/TH/DeriveCabalCommands.hs
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Distribution.Dev.TH.DeriveCabalCommands

import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) )
import Data.Char ( toUpper, isSpace, isAsciiLower, ord )
import Data.Char ( toUpper, isSpace, isAsciiUpper, isAsciiLower, ord )
import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, sort )
import Control.Monad ( guard )
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
Expand All @@ -29,10 +29,14 @@ parseCabalHelp = map (CabalCommandStr . extractName) .
dropTillCommands = drop 1 .
dropWhile (not . ("Commands:" `isPrefixOf`))

newtype LongOption = LongOption { longOptStr :: String }
data LongOption
= LongOption String
| ProgBefore String
| ProgAfter String
deriving (Eq, Show)

optParseFlags :: String -> [LongOption]
optParseFlags = map LongOption . extractLongOptions . findOptionLines . lines
optParseFlags = extractLongOptions . findOptionLines . lines
findOptionLines = takeWhile (not . all isSpace) .
drop 1 .
Expand All @@ -52,38 +56,90 @@ optParseFlags = map LongOption . extractLongOptions . findOptionLines . lines
findDoubleDash _ [] = Nothing
findDoubleDash n (_:xs) = let n' = n + 1
in n' `seq` findDoubleDash n' xs
parseDoubleOpts ('-':'-':xs) =
let (optName, rest) = break (not . optChar) xs
eoc = case take 1 rest of
"=" -> dropWhile (not . (`elem` ", ")) rest
_ -> rest
in case eoc of
(',':' ':rest') -> optName:parseDoubleOpts rest'
(' ':_) -> [optName]
[] -> [optName]
_ -> []
parseDoubleOpts ('-':'-':xs) = do
(optName, rest) <- plainOpt xs ++ progBefore xs ++ progAfter xs
let eoc = case take 2 rest of
['=',_] -> dropWhile isAsciiUpper $ drop 1 rest
"[=" -> drop 1 $ dropWhile isAsciiUpper $ drop 2 rest
_ -> rest
case eoc of
(',':' ':rest') -> optName:parseDoubleOpts rest'
(' ':_) -> [optName]
[] -> [optName]
_ -> []

parseDoubleOpts _ = []

optChar c = ord c < 128 && (isAsciiLower c || c == '-')

plainOpt s = let (c, rest) = break (not . optChar) s
in do guard $ not $ null c
return (LongOption c, rest)

progBefore s = case break (== '-') s of
("PROG", '-':rest) ->
do (LongOption n, rest') <- plainOpt rest
return (ProgBefore n, rest')
_ -> []
progAfter s = do (LongOption n, rest) <- plainOpt s
guard $ take 1 (reverse n) == "-"
case break (not . isAsciiUpper) rest of
("PROG", rest') -> return (ProgAfter $ init n, rest')
_ -> []

mkLO :: LongOption -> Exp
mkLO lo = let (cn, o) = case lo of
LongOption s -> ("LongOption", s)
ProgBefore s -> ("ProgBefore", s)
ProgAfter s -> ("ProgAfter", s)
in AppE (ConE (mkName cn)) $ LitE $ StringL o

mkSupportedOptionClause :: CabalCommandStr -> String -> Clause
mkSupportedOptionClause cStr helpOutput =
let supportedFlags = ListE . map mkLO .
optParseFlags $ helpOutput
in Clause [ConP (commandConsName cStr) []] (NormalB supportedFlags) []

getCabalCommandHelp :: CabalCommandStr -> IO String
getCabalCommandHelp c = rawSystemStdout verbose "cabal" [ccStr c, "--help"]

mkGetSupportedOptions :: [(CabalCommandStr, String)] -> [Dec]
mkGetSupportedOptions cs =
let n = mkName "commandOptions"
in [ SigD n $ ccT ~~> AppT ListT (ConT (mkName "LongOption"))
, FunD n $ map (uncurry mkSupportedOptionClause) cs

mkGetSupportedOptionsIO :: [CabalCommandStr] -> IO [Dec]
mkGetSupportedOptionsIO ccs =
mkGetSupportedOptions . zip ccs <$> mapM getCabalCommandHelp ccs

getCabalHelp :: IO String
getCabalHelp = rawSystemStdout verbose "cabal" ["--help"]

getCabalCommands :: IO [CabalCommandStr]
getCabalCommands = parseCabalHelp <$> getCabalHelp

mkCabalCommandsDef :: [CabalCommandStr] -> [Dec]
mkCabalCommandsDef :: [CabalCommandStr] -> IO [Dec]
mkCabalCommandsDef strs =
concat $ map ($ strs) [return . cabalCommandsDef, mkStrToCmd, mkCmdToStr, mkAllCommands]
do putStrLn "Interrogating cabal-install executable:"
concat <$> mapM ($ strs)
[ return . return . cabalCommandsDef
, return . mkStrToCmd
, return . mkCmdToStr
, return . mkAllCommands
, mkGetSupportedOptionsIO

deriveCabalCommands :: Q [Dec]
deriveCabalCommands = mkCabalCommandsDef <$> runIO getCabalCommands
deriveCabalCommands = runIO $ mkCabalCommandsDef =<< getCabalCommands

mkAllCommands :: [CabalCommandStr] -> [Dec]
mkAllCommands cmds =
let n = mkName "allCommands"
in [ SigD n $ AppT ListT strT
in [ SigD n $ AppT ListT ccT
, FunD n
[ Clause [] (NormalB (ListE $ map (LitE . ccL) cmds)) []
[ Clause [] (NormalB (ListE $ map (ConE . commandConsName) cmds)) []

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Main.hs
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ allCommands = [ ("add-source", AddSource.actions)
, ("ghci", Ghci.actions)
] ++ map cabal CI.allCommands
cabal s = (s, InvokeCabal.actions s)
cabal s = (CI.commandToString s, InvokeCabal.actions s)

printVersion :: IO ()
printVersion = do
Expand Down

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