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AFL-like fuzzer for the Java Virtual Machine


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Javan Warty Pig

Javan Warty Pig, or JWP, is an AFL-like fuzzer for the JVM. It uses bytecode instrumentation to trace execution. It is written in Java and requires Java 8+. There was an earlier version started in Kotlin and Kotlin Native using single-step JVMTI, but it was abandoned because it was too slow.

This project is in a beta stage and some things are not yet supported or completed

The project is split into multiple projects. In general, to use the fuzzer you use the agent JAR which contains all classes in the jwp.fuzz package. There is an extras project that has classes in the jwp.extras package.

See the Javadoc, some examples, the quick start, how to setup, usage details, and how it works.

Quick Start

The fuzzer needs a static method to fuzz. Say you have this file in

public class Num {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("5.6 is a num: " + isNum("5.6"));

  public static boolean isNum(String str) {
    if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) return false;
    boolean foundDecimal = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
      char chr = str.charAt(i);
      if (chr == '.') {
        if (foundDecimal) return false;
        foundDecimal = true;
      } else if (!Character.isDigit(chr)) {
        return false;
    return true;

Compiling with javac will create Num.class. Running it gives the expected output:

$ java Num
5.6 is a num: true

Now let's test all paths of isNum. First grab the latest master-SNAPSHOT JAR from here and name it jwp-agent.jar. Now, change main to call the fuzzer:

import jwp.fuzz.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;

public class Num {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
    // Keep track of unique paths
    Set<Integer> seenPathHashes = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
    // Create a fuzzer from configuration (which is created with a builder)
    Fuzzer fuzzer = new Fuzzer(Fuzzer.Config.builder().
        // Let the fuzzer know to fuzz the isNum method
        method(Num.class.getDeclaredMethod("isNum", String.class)).
        // We need to give the fuzzer a parameter provider. Here, we just use the suggested one.
        // Let's print out the parameter and result of each unique path
        onEachResult(res -> {
          // Create hash sans hit counts
          int hash = BranchHit.Hasher.WITHOUT_HIT_COUNTS.hash(res.branchHits);
          // Synchronized to prevent stdout overwrites
          if (seenPathHashes.add(hash)) synchronized (Num.class) {
            System.out.printf("Unique path for param '%s': %s\n", res.params[0],
                res.exception == null ? res.result : res.exception);
        // Build the configuration
    // Just run it for 5 seconds
    fuzzer.fuzzFor(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

  /* [...isNum method...] */

Compile it with the agent on the classpath:

javac -cp jwp-agent.jar

Now run it with the agent set and see the unique paths:

$ java -javaagent:jwp-agent.jar Num
Unique path for param 'null', result: false
Unique path for param 'test', result: false
Unique path for param '4est', result: false
Unique path for param '3', result: true
Unique path for param '.', result: true
Unique path for param '..', result: false
Unique path for param '."', result: false
Unique path for param '6.', result: true
Unique path for param '.19.', result: false

It usually only takes a few milliseconds to generate the above. While the example is simple, what is happening in the background is the fuzzer is choosing new strings to try based on path changes in previous runs. We can see errors in isNum such as returning true for ..


In order to run the fuzzer, you have to have the agent. The agent also installs itself on the classpath at runtime so it should not be provided to the classpath explicitly.


The manual way to use the fuzzer is to just download the latest agent JAR. Then use the JAR on the classpath for javac (e.g. -cp path/to/agent.jar) and use it as the agent for java (e.g. -javaagent:path/to/agent.jar).


Here's an example build.gradle for the Quick Start Java file assuming it is at src/main/java/

apply plugin: 'application'
mainClassName = 'Num'

// Set JitPack repo
repositories { maven { url '' } }

dependencies {
    // Compile only since the runtime agent injects it into the classpath
    compileOnly 'com.github.cretz.javan-warty-pig:agent:master-SNAPSHOT:agent@jar'

run.doFirst {
    // Get the full path of the agent JAR and set the javaagent
    def agentPath = configurations.compileOnly.find { it.absolutePath.contains 'javan-warty-pig' }.absolutePath
    jvmArgs "-javaagent:$agentPath"

This compiles with the agent JAR on the classpath and runs with it as the agent. The example can then be executed with path/to/gradle run.

Usage Details

The fuzzer contains several components explained below. There are defaults for many common use cases. The detailed documentation is in Javadoc.


The Fuzzer class is the main entrypoint to fuzzing. It has methods to run for a fixed amount of time, forever, or until an AtomicBoolean is set. A Config must be provided to instantiate the Fuzzer. Fuzzer.Config.builder() returns a builder that makes it easier to create the configuration and has defaults. Here are common configuration values (see Javadoc for more information):

  • method - The method to run. This has to be static for now. Required.
  • params - The parameter provider to use (see Parameter Provider below). Required.
  • onSubmit - A function to transform/handle an execution future. Can use addOnSubmit to chain. Can use onEachResult or addOnEachResult to access result instead. Optional.

Parameter Provider

A ParamProvider provides object arrays to use as parameters when fuzzing. It is essentially a collection of individual Parameter Generators that are iterated in different ways. There are nested classes for traversing all permutations, one at a time evenly or random, all each iteration, and different ways based on a predicate. The ParamProvider.suggested can be called with a set of classes which uses ParamGenerator.suggested along with the ParamProvider.Suggested provider which has some defaults. See the Javadoc for more info.

Parameter Generator

A ParamGenerator provides values for a single parameter. It essentially just wraps an iterator with a close method and designates whether it is infinite or not (so, basically like a stream). There are suggested generators for some generators that are returned from ParamGenerator.suggested. ParamGenerators can be mapped/filtered like streams as well.

Byte Array Generator

The ByteArrayParamGenerator is a special type of ParamGenerator that produces an infinite set of byte arrays. It is built to closely follow the logic of AFL. Parameter generators for other types such as ByteBuffer, CharBuffer, and String are sourced from the ByteArrayParamGenerator.

A default byte generator can be used with ByteArrayParamGenerator.suggested but it is not very powerful. Instead, users are encouraged to instantiate their own ByteArrayParamGenerator with a ByteArrayParamGenerator.Config. The Config.builder() method should be used to create a builder which helps with defaults. Here are some commonly set configuration values (see Javadoc for more information):

  • initialValues - This should be set to a byte array that succeeds. This will really help kickstart the fuzzer. By default it's just set to the string "test" which is not that useful.
  • dictionary - This is a set of keywords that will help the fuzzer find new paths. To read an AFL-formatted dictionary, see the AFL Dictionary extra.
  • hasher - The BranchHit.Hasher the generator will use to hash a set of BranchHits and determine whether a path is new. By default it uses Hasher.WITH_HIT_COUNTS which means, like AFL, it will group numbers of branch hits into buckets for uniqueness purposes.
  • hashCacheCreator - A callback that will create a ByteArrayParamGenerator.HashCache for the generator to use to hold on to seen hashes. By default it's just an in-memory Set, but see File Persistence extras for a persistent one.
  • inputQueueCreator - A callback that will create a ByteArrayParamGenerator.InputQueue for the generator to use to enqueue interesting byte arrays and dequeue them as needed. By default it's just an in-memory ArrayList, but see File Persistence extras for a persistent one.

See Stages and Tweaks for a bit more on the byte array mutations.


There is a separate project with a few helpers called "extras". It doesn't have a runtime dependency on the agent/fuzz project because it is expected to be loaded as an agent. Since it is completely separate, it should be depended upon like any other dependency. For example, in Gradle using JitPack:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.cretz.javan-warty-pig:extras:master-SNAPSHOT'

The Javadoc applies to the jwp.extras package.

File Persistence

There are two parts of the Byte Array Generator, the HashCache and the InputQueue, that guide the generated byte code. To be able to resume fuzzing across JVM runs, they need to be persisted and then reloaded.

There is a FileBasedHashCache that reads from a file on first load if it exists, and saves to a file every so often. Its constructor accepts a FileBasedHashCache.Config instance that contains the following:

  • backingSet - A Set to be used at runtime. If it's not already concurrency safe, alreadySynchronized below should be set to false. There is a shortcut constructor that automatically constructs this as Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>()) and sets alreadySynchronized to true.
  • alreadySynchronized - True if backingSet is concurrency-safe, false otherwise. This is automatically set to true with the shortcut constructor that uses a Set from a ConcurrentHashMap.
  • filePath - The Path to a file to load from and save to.
  • saveNextStoreAfterMilliseconds - The number of milliseconds, after which if any more hashes are stored it will trigger a save. The timer is reset on each save. Can be null but only if saveAfterStoreCount is set.
  • saveAfterStoreCount - When the number of hashes stored reaches this number, it will trigger a save. The counter is reset after each save. Can be null but only if saveNextStoreAfterMilliseconds is set.
  • saveOnClose - If true, when the cache is closed a save is triggered. This is set to true by default from the shortcut constructor.
  • failOnError - If true, exceptions thrown while saving are not ignored. This is set to true by default from the shortcut constructor.

There is also a FileBasedInputQueue that reads from a file on first load if it exists, and saves to a file every so often. Its constructor accepts a FileBasedInputQueue.Config instance that contains the following:

  • queue - A List to be used at runtime. It does not have to be thread safe. There is a shortcut constructor that automatically constructs this as new ArrayList<>().
  • hasher - A BranchHit.Hasher to use to construct the hashes for the base class implementation. There is a shortcut constructor that accepts a ByteArrayGenerator.Config and uses its hasher which is recommended.
  • filePath - The Path to a file to load from and save to.
  • saveNextDequeueAfterMilliseconds - The number of milliseconds, after which if any more cases are dequeued it will trigger a save. The timer is reset on each save. Can be null but only if saveAfterDequeueCount is set.
  • saveAfterDequeueCount - When the number of cases dequeued reaches this number, it will trigger a save. The counter is reset after each save. Can be null but only if saveNextDequeueAfterMilliseconds is set.
  • saveOnClose - If true, when the cache is closed a save is triggered. This is set to true by default from the shortcut constructor.
  • failOnError - If true, exceptions thrown while saving are not ignored. This is set to true by default from the shortcut constructor.

AFL Dictionary

To load a dictionary file in AFL format, use the AflDictionary class and the static read methods. The listOfBytes method on the instance can then be used to fetch a list of byte arrays to set on the dictionary value of the ByteArrayParamGenerator.Config.

Test Writer

There is a TestWriter that accepts ExecutionResults via the append method. Used in combination with Fuzzer.Configs onEachResult, the result can be tested to see if it's unique (with a BranchHit.Hasher) and then appended to the test writer. Currently, the only TestWriter is TestWriter.JUnit4 but the base TestWriter is easily extensible. A TestWriter is built with a TestWriter.Config. The configuration accepts a className for the test and TestWriter.Namer instance to set the naming. The default namer is TestWriter.Namer.SuccessOrFailCounted.

Note, currently very few types of parameters and return values are supported. Until more are added, the appendItem method can easily be overridden.

Other Components

There are a few other components that make up the system that are usually not seen. They are all still public and extensible like everything else.

Stages and Tweaks

The Byte Array Generator is built using stages. A ByteArrayStage is a stage that accepts a byte array to work from. Each stage returns multiple mutations of a copied version of the array. The set of stages is returned as an array from the stagesCreator on the ByteArrayParamGenerator.Config. The default configuration value returns a set of ByteArrayStages that implement logic from AFL.

The last stage is the ByteArrayStage.RandomHavoc stage. Begin the last stage, this stage is repeatedly run against the last queue entry when there are no more cases in the input queue. This stage uses a set of RandomHavocTweaks. Each stage iteration can run multiple tweaks on the same byte array. The set of tweaks the default random havoic stage uses are returned as an array from the havocTweaksCreator on the ByteArrayParamGenerator.Config. The default configuration value returns a set of RandomHavocTweaks that implement logic from AFL.

Invoker and Tracer

Every method execution is invoked via an Invoker which is set via the invoker on the Fuzzer.Config. By default the Invoker.WithExecutorService is used with a Util.CurrentThreadExecutor. A different ExecutorService can be provided. Currently the fuzzer sends as many execution requests as it can to the invoker. The only thing that slows it down is the invoker's bounded queue. Therefore, developers are encouraged not to use ExecutorServices with unbounded queues lest the memory shoot up very quickly as the fuzzer continually submits. So a manually created ThreadPoolExecutor is ideal. If unbounded queues are a must, the Fuzzer.Config does have a sleepAfterSubmit value.

A Tracer is used to track BranchHits. Currently it only tracks for a single thread of the execution. It is started via startTrace and stopped via stopTrace which returns the array of BranchHits. The tracer is set via tracer on Fuzzer.Config. The default implementation is the Tracer.Instrumenting which uses the normal instrumenter to track branch hits.

Agent and Controller

There is a global agent doing the instrumentation that implements Agent. This agent is set early on via the setAgent method of the Agent.Controller. The Agent.Controller is a singleton which can be accessed via the getInstance method. It has calls to delegate to the agent for retransforming classes, seeing what classes are loaded, setting which classes are included/excluded, etc. Care should be taken on some of these calls.

The actual agent that starts does take parameters. The parameters of a Java agent are set after an equals sign, e.g.:


The OPTIONS is a string for the options. The agent will fail to start with invalid options. There are three possible options, separated by a semicolon. They are:

  • noAutoRetransform - When present, this tells the agent not to eagerly retransform classes that are already on the classpath when the agent starts (i.e. the JVM classes on the bootloader path). By default this is not set which means the agent will eagerly retransform classes already loaded, but it usually doesn't transform any because the default classPrefixesToExclude excludes all the core JVM classes.
  • classPrefixesToInclude=string1,string2 - A set of string prefixes that, if a fully-qualified class name starts with any of, it will be instrumented. If a class is prefixed by any of these values, it is transformed regardless of what classPrefixesToExclude is set as. By default this is not set which means all non-excluded classes are instrumented.
  • classPrefixesToExclude=class1,class2 - A set of string prefixes that, if a fully-qualified class name starts with any of, it will not be instrumented. This does not override classPrefixesToInclude so if a prefix is found there, it is included regardless of what is set here. By default this is set to: com.sun., java., jdk., jwp.agent., jwp.fuzz., kotlin., org.netbeans.lib.profiler., scala., and sun..

These options rarely need to be set and depending on what they are set to can cause stack overflow issues, especially when classes to transform are the same ones used by the transformer.

How it Works

JWP uses bytecode instrumentation via the java.lang.instrument package. The agent is loaded and sets itself up as a classfile transformer. Then, as classfiles are seen and are ones we want to transform, ASM is used to insert specific calls at branching operations.

The bytecodes that are considered branches are ones that compare to 0 (IFEQ, IFNE, IFLT, IFGE, IFGT, and IFLE), ones that compare two ints, (IF_ICMPEQ, IF_ICMPNE, IF_ICMPLT, IF_ICMPGE, IF_ICMPGT, and IF_ICMPLE), ones that compare two objects (IF_ACMPEQ and IF_ACMPNE), ones that compare objects to null ( IFNULL and IFNONNULL), switches ( TABLESWITCH and LOOKUPSWITCH), and catch handlers. Each branch is given a hash built from the JVM class signature, the method name, the JVM method signature, and the index of the instruction (after our instructions are inserted).

For simple "if" instructions, the values to check are duplicated on the stack and then a static method is called with those values and the branch hash. The method checks what the branch instruction would check and if the branch instruction will be invoked, a "hit" is stored. For the "switch" instructions, the value to check is duplicated on the stack and passed along with the range/set of "branchable" values and the branch hash to a static method call. The method checks if the value would cause a branch and if so, registers a "hit". The hash for the switch hit is actually a combination of the branch hash and the value since different values can go to different places. For the catch handlers, the branch already happened so a simple static method call is made saying so with the hash.

Branch hits are stored by thread + branch hash and keep track of the number of times they were hit. Each "hit" will get or create a new branch hit instance and increment the count. When the tracer is started for a thread, the hit tracker is notified that the thread needs to be tracked. When a "hit" is made it is not incremented/stored unless the thread is being tracked. Once the tracer is stopped for a thread, the hits are serialized, sorted, and returned.

Byte Array Generators use the hashes of those branch hits to determine whether a path has been seen before. There are two types of common hashes: ones just for the branch and one for the branch and the number of times it was hit grouped into buckets. By default the latter is used and the hit counts are grouped into buckets of 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 128. This mimics AFL.

On first run, since the input queue is empty, the byte array generator uses the initial values specified in the config. The byte array then goes through the stages to generate several mutated versions of itself and those are used as parameters. For each never-before-seen path, the byte array that was used as a parameter for it is enqueued into the input queue. The input queue is ordered to prioritize the ones that ran the shortest and hit more unique branch pieces. For each successive byte array generator iteration, an item is dequeued off the input queue and ran through the stages to generate more parameters. If the input queue is empty, the last entry is just ran through the last stage (the random stage) over and over again. All of this also mostly mimics AFL.


  • Support cross-thread fuzzing with only one-at-a-time runs
  • Support remote workers
  • Expose stats and a UI
  • Create CLI
  • Support "auto extras", i.e. auto-created dictionaries
  • Support input queue trimming
  • Support more default parameter types
  • Suppoer more test writer parameter and return types
  • Timeouts to catch infinite loops
  • Executors with unbounded queues


AFL-like fuzzer for the Java Virtual Machine







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