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Run scripts connecting to a headless keystone instance

headstone is a command-line tool which allows you to run scripts connecting to a truly headless keystone instance, i.e. without routing, sessions, ...

This tool is meant for facilitating the creation of batch scripts, which manipulate mongoose documents through keystone lists.


$ npm install --global headstone

Basic usage example

cd to one of your keystone projects which has a models/User.js list.

Create a javascript file:

// file: outputUsers.js
var keystone = require("keystone");
var User = keystone.list("User");

module.exports = function(done){
  User.model.find().exec(function(err, users){

Now run headstone passing the javascript file as a command line argument:

# outputs a list of your users 
$ headstone outputUsers.js

Passing parameters to your script file

// file: outputUser.js
var keystone = require("keystone");
var User = keystone.list("User");

module.exports = function(userId, done){
  console.log("user id", userId);
  User.model.findById(userId).exec(function(err, user){
# outputs user details for user with id 55113f1742ff1a0877242a39
$ headstone outputUser.js --userId=55113f1742ff1a0877242a39

The command line argument name must be exactly the same as the corresponding parameter name of the exported module.

Declaring default parameters

// file: outputUsers.js
var keystone = require("keystone");
var User = keystone.list("User");

module.exports = function(filter, done){
  User.model.find(filter).exec(function(err, users){

By default headstone searches for a json file with the same file name as your javascript file.

// file: outputUsers.json 
  "filter": {
    "isAdmin": true
# outputs all administrative users
$ headstone outputUsers.js

headstone settings

There's a number of settings you can pass to headstone:

  • cwd: the directory you want to use as a current working directory.

  • models: the directory where your models are located, by default this is ./models relative to your keystone project root.

  • configFile: these settings can be stored in a file, called headstone.json by default, but if you wish to choose another file name you can supply it here.

  • mongoUri: the URI of your mongo database

  • mongoose: a relative path to a mongoose module directory

  • keystone: (config file only) settings you want to pass to the keystone instance.


These settings can be passed as command-line arguments, like this:

$ headstone outputUsers.js --models=./data

Or declared in headstone.json:

// file: headstone.json
  "models": "./data"

Command line arguments always trump configuration file values.

using a different mongoose version

By default headstone uses the mongoose version as declared by the keystone module. However, if you need to use a different version you can set the mongoose option:

// file: headstone.json
  "mongoose": "./node_modules/mongoose"

Uses the locally installed mongoose version instead of the one keystone installs by default.

environment variables

headstone automatically reads the environment declaration you've already created for your keystone project in a .env file. It uses the MONGO_URI variable to connect to your mongoose database (unless overridden by a corresponding command line argument or headstone file setting)

processing multiple files

You can pass multiple files to headstone they will be processed sequentially, in order.

# first outputs all users
# then outputs all posts
$ headstone outputUsers.js outputPosts.js


MIT © Camille Reynders


Run scripts connecting to a headless keystone instance




