Twister converts Avro and Protobuf bytes and objects to and from Java POJOs.
From | To | Supported |
Avro Record bytes | Map POJOs | ✅️ |
Avro Record objects | Map wrapper | ✅️ |
Map POJOs | Avro Record bytes | ✅️ |
Map POJOs | Avro Schema | ✅️ |
Map POJOs | Protobuf Descriptor | ✅️ |
Map POJOs | Protobuf Message bytes | ✅️ |
Protobuf Message bytes | Map POJOs | ✅️ |
Protobuf Message objects | Map wrapper | ✅️ |
Note: Twister makes it easy to convert between Avro/Proto and JSON objects using Jackson's ObjectMapper, which can convert map POJOs
Check out for documentation and examples.
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Twister is written almost entirely by OpenAI's ChatGPT 4 LLM. This includes not only Twister's code, but its tests, docs, commit messages, and even this README.
Check out the AI at the Helm: Building an Entire Open Source Project With GPT-4 to learn more about building Twister with GPT-4.