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File metadata and controls

222 lines (175 loc) · 9.55 KB


.. glossary::

        | |ades|
        | See :ref:`processes` section for details.
          Alternative operation modes are described in :ref:`Configuration Settings`.

        | Area of Interest.
        | Corresponds to a region, often provided by :term:`OGC` :term:`WKT` definition, employed for :term:`OpenSearch`
          queries in the context of :term:`EOImage` inputs.

    Application Package
        General term that refers to *"what and how to execute"* the :term:`Process`. Application Packages provide the
        core details about the execution methodology of the underlying operation that defines the :term:`Process`, and
        are therefore always contained within a :ref:`Process Description <proc_op_describe>`. This is more specifically
        represented by a :term:`CWL` specification in the case of `Weaver` implementation, but could technically be
        defined by another similar approach. See the :ref:`Application Package` section for all relevant details.

        Amazon Web Services

        | Command Line Interface
        | Script that offers interactions through shell commands or Python scripts to execute any described operations.
          Details of the provided `Weaver` commands are described in :ref:`cli` chapter.

        | |cwl|_
        | Representation of the internal :term:`Application Package` of the :term:`Process` to provide execution
          methodology of the referenced :term:`Docker` image or other supported definitions.
          A |cwl|_ file can be represented both in :term:`JSON` or :term:`YAML` format, but is often represented
          in :term:`JSON` in the context of `Weaver` for its easier inclusion within HTTP request contents.
          See :ref:`application-package` section for further details.

    Data Source
        Known locations of remote servers where an :term:`ADES` or :term:`EMS`
        (either `Weaver` or other implementation) can accept :term:`Process` deployment,
        or any other server supporting :term:`OGC API - Processes` with pre-deployed :term:`Process`, where
        executions can be dispatched according to the source of the data.

        .. seealso::
            Refer to :ref:`conf_data_sources` and :ref:`data-source` sections for more details.

        Containerized and isolated environment platform that allows all required dependencies of an application or
        software to be packaged in a single image in order to correctly execute the virtualized application.

        Ontology that regroups multiple definitions, amongst which `Weaver` looks up some of its known and supported
        :term:`MIME-types` (|edam-link|_) when resolving file formats. It is used as extension to :term:`IANA` media
        types by providing additional formats that are more specifics to some data domains.

        | |ems|
        | See :ref:`processes` section for details.
          Alternative operation modes are described in :ref:`Configuration Settings`.

        | Earth Observation Image
        | Input that interprets additional parameters in order to infer specific images applicable with filters
          following search results within a remote catalog.

        .. seealso::
            :ref:`opensearch_data_source` section.



        | Hyperlink Reference
        | Often shortened to simply `reference`. Represents either a locally or remotely accessible item, such as a
          file or a :term:`Process` depending on context, that uses explicit ``<protocol>://<host/path>``
          representation to define its location. See also :ref:`File Reference Types` for typical examples.

        | Combination of :term:`ADES` and :term:`EMS` operation modes.
        | See :ref:`processes` section for details.
          Alternative operation modes are described in :ref:`Configuration Settings`.

        Inputs and/or Outputs of CWL and/or WPS depending on context.

        Ontology that regroups multiple definitions, amongst which `Weaver` looks up most of its known and supported
        :term:`MIME-types` (|iana-link|_) when resolving file formats.

        | JavaScript Object Notation
        | Default data representation of all objects contained in the application or for their creation.

        Definition of a :term:`Process` execution state with applicable operation metadata.

        | Key-Value Pairs
        | String representation of a set of key-value pairs, usually but not limited to, ``=`` character
          separating keys from their values, ``,`` for multi-value (array) definitions, and another separator
          such as ``&`` or ``;`` to distinguish between distinct pairs. Specific separators, and any applicable
          escaping methods, depend on context, such as in URL query, HTTP header, :term:`CLI` parameter, etc.

        | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
        | Format representation of the referenced element, often represented by :term:`IANA` or :term:`EDAM` ontologies.
          More recent `Media-Type` naming is employed for the general use of ``Content-Type`` data representation in
          multiple situations and contexts.

        OpenAPI Specification (`OAS`) defines a standard, programming language-agnostic interface description for
        HTTP APIs. It is used in `Weaver` and :term:`OGC API - Processes` to represent API definitions for requests
        and responses, as well as :term:`I/O` definitions for :term:`Process` description.

        .. seealso::


    OGC API - Processes
        The new API that defines JSON REST-binding representation of :term:`WPS` :term:`Process` collection.

        Protocol of lookup and retrieval of remotely stored files.
        Please refer to :ref:`OpenSearch Data Source` for details.

        Entity that describes the required inputs, produced outputs, and any applicable metadata for the execution of
        the defined script, calculation, or operation.

        Entity that offers an ensemble of :term:`Process` under it. It is typically a reference to a remote service,
        where any :term:`Process` it provides is fetched dynamically on demand.

    Request Options
        Configuration settings that can be defined for `Weaver` in order to automatically insert additional
        HTTP request parameters, authentication or other any relevant rules when target URLs are matched.
        See also :ref:`conf_request_options`.

        Simple Storage Service (:term:`AWS` S3), bucket file storage.

        | Time of Interest
        | Corresponds to a date/time interval employed for :term:`OpenSearch` queries in the context
          of :term:`EOImage` inputs.

        | Unit of Measure
        | Represents a measurement defined as literal value associated with a specific unit that could take advantage
          of known conversion methods with other compatible units to obtain the equivalent value. These values are
          transferred to the :term:`Process` as specified, and it is up to the underlying :term:`Application Package`
          definition to interpret it as deemed fit.

        Secured storage employed to upload files that should be temporarily stored on the `Weaver` server for
        later retrieval using an access token.

        .. seealso::
            - :ref:`vault_upload`
            - :ref:`file_vault_inputs`

        Well-Known Text geometry representation.

        A specific variant of :term:`Process` where the execution consists of nested :term:`Process` executions with
        input/output chaining between operations.

        .. seealso::
            Refer to :ref:`proc_workflow`, :ref:`proc_workflow_ops` and :ref:`CWL Workflow` sections for more details.

        | Web Processing Service.
        | From a formal standpoint, this is the previous :term:`OGC` standard iteration that was employed prior to
          :term:`OGC API - Processes` to represent a server that host one or more :term:`Process` for execution.
          When compared against :term:`CWL` context or generally across `Weaver` documentation and code, this term
          refers to attributes that are specific to typical :term:`Process` description, in contrast to specialized
          attributes introduced by other concepts, such as for example :term:`CWL`-specific implementation details.

        Alias employed to refer to :term:`OGC API - Processes` endpoints for corresponding :term:`WPS` definitions.

        | Extensible Markup Language
        | Alternative representation of some data object provided by the application. Requires appropriate ``Accept``
          header to return this format. See :ref:`OpenAPI Specification` for details.

        | YAML Ain't Markup Language
        | YAML is a human-friendly data serialization language for all programming languages.
          It is employed in `Weaver` as an alternative and equivalent representation of :term:`JSON` format, mostly
          in cases where configuration files are defined to allow the insertion of additional documentation details.

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