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CW Plus Walkthrough

Walkthrough each contract in the cw-plus repository. See 01-GettingStarted for instructions on getting a testnet up and running.

This repository is sloppy as I am still learning and organizing the new information that I learn. I am experimenting with organizing the information in different patterns as I do not yet know how to present this data. Expect major changes frequently if using this resource.

Built from the offical juno documentation and other crediting sources at the bottom.

Table Of Contents


Cw-Plus Contracts

Follow the Table of Contents, reading further is NOT Required and is meant to be a quick start / summary of the table of contents.

Things to Know:

Denomiations and values

The Metric System prefix u is micro or millionths which is 0.000001 of the base

Unsure of this

We start with 1000000000 ujunox or 100 juno.

1 juno = 1000000 ujunox
10 juno = 10000000 ujunox
100 juno = 1000000000 ujunox

Resource commands

# Create, show remove, accounts
junod keys add <keyname>
junod keys show <keyname> -a
junod keys delete <keyname>

# Check balance, send, check tx
junod q bank balances <address>
junod tx bank send <key_or_address> <to_address> <amount_and_denom> [flags]
junod q tx <TX_HASH>

# Show number of contracts stored on-chain
junod q wasm list-code

# Show the number of instantiations of A contract as a list of contract addresses
junod q wasm list-contract-by-code <code-id>
junod query wasm list-contract-by-code 1

Quick Start

For PRACTICE ONLY use password as the password for all accounts. This will speed things along while you learn.

Replace Genisis File

curl > ~/.juno/config/genesis.json

Import Public Unsafe Test Key

juno keys add unsafe-test --recover

Unsafe Test Key's bip39 mnemonic (Copy)

clip hire initial neck maid actor venue client foam budget lock catalog sweet steak waste crater broccoli pipe steak sister coyote moment obvious choose

Setup and Basic Commands

Creating a Master Account
junod keys add master
MASTER=$(junod keys show master -a)
junod query bank balances $MASTER
Sending juno from the unsafe-test account to the new master account.
junod tx bank send unsafe-test $MASTER 10000000ujunox
junod q bank balances $MASTER 

UNSAFE_TEST=$(junod keys show unsafe-test -a)
junod q bank balances $UNSAFE_TEST 

SEND_TX=$(junod tx bank send unsafe-test $MASTER 10000000ujunox | jq -r '.txhash')

junod q tx $SEND_TX

Build All Contracts

Navigate to the root folder of the cw-plus folder and run the following command to build all contracts at once.

sudo docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
  --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \
  --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \

Store A Contract

Using Smart Contract (CW1 Subkeys as Example)

This can only be done after building the contracts. Navigate to the artifacts folder inside the cw-plus repo.

cd artifacts

CW1_SUBKEYS_STORE_TX=$(junod tx wasm store cw1_subkeys.wasm  --from master --chain-id=testing --gas auto --output json -y | jq -r '.txhash')
CW1_SUBKEYS_CODE_ID=$(junod query tx $CW1WHITELIST_STORE_TX --output json | jq -r '.code')

Instantiate A Contract

CW1_SUBKEYS_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=$(junod tx wasm instantiate $CW1_SUBKEYS_CODE_ID "{\"admins\":[\"$MASTER\", \"$ADMIN_A\"],\"mutable\":false}" --amount 50000ujunox --label "CW1 example contract" --from test --chain-id testing \
  --gas-prices 0.1ujunox --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block -y --output json | jq -r ".logs[0].events[2].attributes[0].value"))

Querying A Contract

junod query wasm contract-state smart $CW1_WHITELIST_CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"admin_list":{}}' --chain-id testing

Send an Execute Message to A Contract

junod tx wasm execute $CW1_WHITELIST_CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"update_admins": {"admins":["<ADDR>", "<ADDR>", "<ADDR>"]}}' --from <key> --chain-id testing --gas-prices 0.1ujunox --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block

Walkthough Summary:

CW1 Whitelist:


This contract allows admins of a contract to be set. If the contract variable mutable=true then admins can be added or removed. If mutable=false then the admins that were set at the instantiation of the contract will be the only admins allowed for this contract and mutable cannot be set to true


BASE_OPTIONS="--chain-id testing --gas-prices 0.1ujunox --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block -y"

CW1_WHITELIST_STORE_TX=$(junod tx wasm store cw1_whitelist.wasm --from master $BASE_OPTIONS --output json | jq -r '.txhash')

CW1_WHITELIST_CODE_ID=$(junod query tx $CW1_WHITELIST_STORE_TX --output json | jq -r '.logs[0].events[-1].attributes[0].value')



Baking INSTANTIATE_MSG into the command does not work yet.

INSTANTIATE_MSG=$("{\"admins\":[\"$ADMIN_A\", \"$ADMIN_B\"], \"mutable\":true}")

CW1_WHITELIST_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=$(junod tx wasm instantiate $CW1_WHITELIST_CODE_ID "{\"admins\":[\"$ADMIN_A\", \"$ADMIN_B\"], \"mutable\":true}" $INSTANTIATE_OPTIONS --from master $BASE_OPTIONS --output json | jq -r '.logs[0].events[2].attributes[0].value')



junod query wasm contract-state smart $CW1_WHITELIST_CONTRACT_ADDRESS $QUERY_MSG --chain-id testing


EXECUTE_MSG = "{\"update_admins\": {\"admins\":[\"$ADMIN_A\", \"$ADMIN_B\", \"$ADMIN_C\"]}}" 

junod tx wasm execute $CW1_WHITELIST_CONTRACT_ADDRESS $EXECUTE_MSG --from admin-a $BASE_OPTIONS 

CW1 Subkeys:


This contract incorporartes cw1-whitelist and therefore has all of the same functionality. It expands functionality by allowing allowances of a native token to be set by admins.



junod tx wasm instantiate $CW1SUBKEYS_CODE '{"admins":["$admin_a", "$admin_b"], "mutable":true}' --amount 50000ujunox --label "cw1-whitelist" --from master --chain-id testing --gas-prices 0.1ujunox --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block -y

cd artifacts
TX=$(junod tx wasm store cw1_subkeys.wasm  --from <your-key> --chain-id=<chain-id> --gas auto --output json -y | jq -r '.txhash')
CODE_ID=$(junod query tx $TX --output json | jq -r '.logs[0].events[-1].attributes[0].value')



CW3 Fixed Multisig


Description of CW2 Fixed Multisig





CW3 Flex Multisig


Description of CW2 Fixed Multisig






Walkthrough each contract in the cw-plus repository.






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