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Cristian Sima edited this page Oct 19, 2022 · 10 revisions

It creates a new paginator.

type PaginatorSettings = {
  key: string;
  manageEntity: any;
  resultsKey: string;

  // by default 25
  rowsPerLoad?: number;

  // by default "(items) => items"
  manipulateItems?: (items: any) => any;

  // by default "Total"
  totalKey?: string;

   // by default "page"
  pageArgName?: string;

  // default "ID"
  idKey?: string;

type EndpointData = {
  path : string;
  cb : () => string;

if (typeof Endpoint === "object") {
  return {
    path : Endpoint.path,
    cb   : Endpoint.cb,

return {
  path : Endpoint,
type Endpoint = EndpointData | string;

type PaginatorReturns = {
  key: string;
  rowsPerLoad: number;
  manipulateItems: (items : any) => any;
  pagesReducer: PagesReducer;
  itemsReducer: ItemsReducer;

  requestPage: (page : number, token : string) => Action;
  resetView: (token : string) => Action;
  changeView: ({ view : number; token : string; })  => Action;
  clearData: () => Action;

type CreatePaginator = (endpoint: Endpoint, info: PaginatorSettings) => PaginatorReturns;

type OnlyForEndpoint = (endpoint : string, reducer : any) =>
(state? : any, action : { meta: { endpoint : string }}) => any;


const createPaginator : CreatePaginator = (endpointData : Endpoint, settings : PaginatorSettings) 

The function returns an object with this form:

type PaginatorReturns = {
  key: string;
  rowsPerLoad: number;
  // utils
  manipulateItems: (items : any) => any;

  // reducers
  pagesReducer: PagesReducer;
  itemsReducer: ItemsReducer;

  // actions
  requestPage: (page : number, token : string) => Action;
  resetView: (token : string) => Action;
  changeView: ({ view : number; token : string; })  => Action;
  clearData: () => Action;

Example for static API and items without data

We start with the file for paginator:

// @flow

import { createPaginator, manageEntity, manipulateItems } from "redux-paginator-immutable";

import { normalizrAccount } from "./request";

export const accountsPaginator = createPaginator("/api/settings/accounts", {
  key             : "accounts",
  resultsKey      : "Accounts",
  manageEntity    : manageEntity(normalizrAccount),
  manipulateItems : manipulateItems(),

the entities.js file where we have the itemsReducer

// @flow

import type { Action } from "Settings/types";

import * as Immutable from "immutable";

  setAccount = (state : any, { payload : { Account } }) => (
    state.setIn([String(Account.get("ID"))], Account)
  toggleAccountState = (state : any, { payload: { id } }) => (
      (account) => account.set("IsActive", !account.get("IsActive")))

const reducer = (state : any = Immutable.Map(), action : Action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "MODIFY_ACCOUNT":
    case "DELETE_ACCOUNT":
      return setAccount(state, action);

      return toggleAccountState(state, action);

      return accountsPaginator.itemsReducer(state, action);

export default reducer;

the pagination.js file with the page reducer

// @flow

import type { Action } from "Settings/types";

import * as Immutable from "immutable";

const customPages = (state : any = Immutable.Map(), action : Action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "MODIFY_ACCOUNT":
      return state.clear();

      return accountsPaginator.pagesReducer(state, action);

export default customPages;

then we combine them:

// @flow

import entities from "./entities";
import pagination from "./pagination";

import { createItemReducer } from "redux-paginator-immutable";

const selectors = createItemReducer(accountsPaginator);

const paginators = {
  key          : accountsPaginator.key,
  itemsReducer : entities,
  pagesReducer : pagination,

export {

In case you need to manipulate or load more data, use the Data functions

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