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Migration guide

Cristiano Almeida Goncalves edited this page May 26, 2021 · 1 revision

If you already have version 1 of the Company Communicator app deployed in Azure, then it be can easily migrated to version 2 by using the following steps:

1. Find out the following information of your Company Communicator v1 deployment. They are required in the migration:
2: Assign Permission to your app
  1. Go to the App Registrations page here.

  2. Select API Permissions blade from the left hand side.

  3. Click on Add a permission button to add permission to your app.

  4. In Microsoft APIs under Select an API label, select the particular service and give the following permissions,

    • Under “Commonly used Microsoft APIs”,

    • Select “Microsoft Graph”, then select Delegated permissions and check the following permissions,

      1. Group.Read.All
    • Then select Application permissions and check the following permissions,

      1. Group.Read.All
      2. User.Read.All
    • Click on Add Permissions to commit your changes.

    Please refer to Solution overview for more details about the above permissions.

  5. If you are logged in as the Global Administrator, click on the “Grant admin consent for %tenant-name%” button to grant admin consent, else inform your Admin to do the same through the portal or follow the steps provided here to create a link and sent it to your Admin for consent.

  6. Global Administrator can also grant consent using following link: Please replace the %appId% with the bot client id of Microsoft Teams bot app (from above).

3. Click on the "Deploy to Azure" button below

Deploy to Azure

  • When prompted, log in to the Azure subscription.

    Please use the same subscription being used for your Company Communicator v1 deployment.

  • Azure will create a "Custom deployment" based on the ARM template and ask you to fill in the template parameters. Please ensure that you don't use underscore (_) or spaces in any of the field values otherwise the deployment may fail. Additionally, if your Azure subscription is in a different tenant than your Teams app, please change the tenantID field to the tenant in which you are deploying this Teams app.

  • Please select the same subscription and resource group used for your Company Communicator v1 deployment.

  • Enter "Base Resource Name", which the template uses to generate names for the other resources. Please use the same name used for your Company Communicator v1 deployment.

  • Fill in the various IDs in the template:

    1. Bot Client ID: The application (client) ID of the Microsoft Teams bot app. Please use the same id used for your Company Communicator v1 deployment.
    2. Bot Client Secret: The client secret of the Microsoft Teams bot app. Please use the same secret used for your Company Communicator v1 deployment.
    3. Tenant Id: The tenant ID. Please use the same id used for your Company Communicator v1 deployment.

    Make sure that the values are copied as-is, with no extra spaces. The template checks that GUIDs are exactly 36 characters.

  • Fill in the "Sender UPN List", which is a semicolon-delimited list of users who will be allowed to send messages using Company Communicator.

    • For example, to allow Megan Bowen ( and Adele Vance ( to send messages, set this parameter to;
    • You can change this list later by going to the app service's "Configuration" blade.
  • Agree to the Azure terms and conditions by clicking on the check box "I agree to the terms and conditions stated above" located at the bottom of the page.

  • Click on "Purchase" to start the deployment.

  • Wait for the deployment to finish. You can check the progress of the deployment from the "Notifications" pane of the Azure Portal. It can take up to an hour for the deployment to finish.

    If the deployment fails, see this section of the Troubleshooting guide.

4. Update the Teams app package

You need to only update the author's team package.

  1. Open the Manifest\manifest_authors.json file in a text editor.

  2. Change the value of supportFiles from false to true.

Please refer to step 5 in the Deployment guide for more details on creating the Teams app package this section.

Please refer to this link to update the app package.

5. The migration is done once the deployment completed.

No need to change either AAD App Registration. It is pretty strait-forward.