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Grafana Static Data Source Variable Plugin


This plugin allows you to serve static variables for your dashboards

How to use

Create a new datasource and paste a valid Map<string,string[]> in the json field of the configuration page

    "regions": ["Europe", "America", "Asia"], 
    "datacenters": ["Paris", "Milan", "NewYork", "Vancouver", "Sidney", "Singapour"] ,
    "Europe": ["Paris", "Milan"],
    "America": ["NewYork", "Vancouver"],
    "Asia": ["Sidney", "Singapour"]

Now add a new variable to one of your dashboards and select the datasource you just created
You can use any of the map key in the query field to return the associated list of values

This works pretty well with the new value groups/tags feature


Datasource configuration :
Datasource configuration

Variable configuration :
Datasource configuration

Dashboard variable :
Datasource configuration

Getting started

  1. Install dependencies
yarn install
  1. Build plugin in development mode or run in watch mode
yarn dev


yarn watch
  1. Build plugin in production mode
yarn build

Learn more