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crmorano edited this page Dec 19, 2013 · 1 revision

So, here are the requirements for features on a Chassis for anyone interested:

  1. Waterproof down to 60 ft (Or more)
  2. Inexpensive and relatively easy to manufacture. The hope is the cost will be around $100, maybe $150 at most. Also, this will be assembled by smart people who may or may not have any background in doing this sort of assembly. That means no complicated processes with risk of damaging expensive materials if done wrong.
  3. 3 Push Buttons Accessible underwater (Authors' belief this is the hard part)
  4. 1 Toggling Push button for power, accessible underwater
  5. The Recharge/battery port needs to be waterproof, but not accessible underwater. Wireless recharging is an option here.

So the idea from the original authors is to have something 3D Printed and then coated in some relatively cheap material (Epoxy? Silicone?) to create the chassis and coil bobbin. Additionally, use PVC pipe flanges to interface everything, making it easy to make the structure and water proof it. This may or may not actually be feasible.

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