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This repository is about Row Conditional Tabular GAN, a project from Croesus Lab.


Row Conditional Tabular GAN


The Row Conditional Tabular GAN (RC-TGAN) is the first method for generating synthetic relational databases based on GAN in our knowledge. The RC-TGAN models relationship information between tables by incorporating conditional data of parent rows into the design of the child table's GAN. We further extend the RC-TGAN to model the influence that grandparent table rows may have on their grandchild rows, in order to prevent the loss of this connection when the rows of the parent table fail to transfer this relationship information. For more details see our article on arxiv: Row Conditional-TGAN for Generating Synthetic Relational Databases.

This repository is the implementation of RC-TGAN and is based on CTGAN project repository.


Using pip:

pip install -e RCTGAN


In this short tutorial we will guide you through a series of steps that will help you getting started using RCTGAN.

1. Model the dataset using RCTGAN

To model a multi table, relational dataset, we follow two steps. In the first step, we will load the data and configures the meta data. In the second step, we will use the sdv API to fit and save a hierarchical model. We will cover these two steps in this section using an example dataset.

Step 1: Load dataset and define Metadata

The dataset we used is Biodegradability. The Biodegradability dataset is used as example in this tutorial.

import pandas as pd
from rctgan import Metadata
from rctgan.relational import RCTGAN

df_atom = pd.read_csv('atom.csv')
df_bond = pd.read_csv('bond.csv')
df_molecule = pd.read_csv('molecule.csv')

Let's transform dataframes to a dictionary of dataframes and define Metadata. For more details about Metadata see the SDV guide: Working with Metadata tutorial.

tables_name = ['atom', 'bond', 'molecule']
data_frames = [df_atom, df_bond, df_molecule]

tables = dict(zip(tables_name, data_frames))

The returned objects contain the following information:

{'atom':               atom_id molecule_id type
 0       i100_02_7_10i  i100_02_7i    c
 1     i100_02_7_10_1i  i100_02_7i    h
 2        i100_02_7_1i  i100_02_7i    o
 ...               ...         ...  ...
 6566      i99_65_0_8i   i99_65_0i    c
 6567      i99_65_0_9i   i99_65_0i    n
 [6568 rows x 3 columns],
 'bond':             atom_id         atom_id2  type
 0     i100_02_7_10i  i100_02_7_10_1i     1
 1      i100_02_7_1i     i100_02_7_2i     2
 ...             ...              ...   ...
 6614    i99_65_0_9i     i99_65_0_10i     2
 6615    i99_65_0_9i     i99_65_0_11i     2
 [6616 rows x 3 columns],
 'molecule':     molecule_id  activity  logp  mweight
 0    i100_02_7i   4.53367  1.91  139.110
 1    i100_21_0i   4.56435  1.76  166.131
 ..          ...       ...   ...      ...
 326   i99_59_2i   5.85220  1.55  168.151
 327   i99_65_0i   7.82244  1.63  168.108
 [328 rows x 4 columns]}

Let's define Metadata using SDV API.

# Metadata instance
metadata = Metadata()

# Specification of fields propreties
atom_fields = {
    'atom_id': {
        'type': 'id',
        'subtype': 'string'
    'molecule_id': {
        'type': 'id',
        'subtype': 'string'
    'type': {
        'type': 'categorical'

bond_fields = {
    'atom_id': {
        'type': 'id',
        'subtype': 'string'
    'atom_id2': {
        'type': 'id',
        'subtype': 'string'
    'type': {
        'type': 'categorical'

molecule_fields = {
    'molecule_id': {
        'type': 'id',
        'subtype': 'string'
    'activity': {
        'type': 'numerical',
        'subtype': 'float'
    'logp': {
        'type': 'numerical',
        'subtype': 'float'
    'mweight': {
        'type': 'numerical',
        'subtype': 'float'

# Add tables 

     fields_metadata = atom_fields

     fields_metadata = bond_fields

     fields_metadata = molecule_fields

# Add relationships
metadata.add_relationship(parent='atom', child='bond', foreign_key = 'atom_id')
metadata.add_relationship(parent='atom', child='bond', foreign_key = 'atom_id2')
metadata.add_relationship(parent='molecule', child='atom')

2. Fit a model using the RCTGAN API.

During this process, RCTGAN will traverse across all the tables in your dataset following the primary key-foreign key relationships and learn the (conditional) GAN able to generate synthetic data from those tables.

model = RCTGAN(metadata)

You can save the model with pickle.

import pickle
pickle.dump(model, open('model_rctgan.p', "wb" ) )

The generated pkl file will not include any of the original data in it, so it can be safely used instead of the real data.

2. Sample data from the fitted model

In order to sample data from the fitted model, we will first need to load it from its p file. Note that you can skip this step if you are running all the steps sequentially within the same python session.

model = pickle.load(open("model_rctgan.p", "rb" ) )

After loading the instance, we can sample synthetic data by calling its sample method.

new_data = model.sample()

The output will be a dictionary with the same structure as the original tables dict, but filled with synthetic data instead of the real one.

3. Hyperparameters configuration

Each table is modeled by a modified CTGAN. In RCTGAN, we can tune the hyperparameters of each CTGAN (tables) through a dictionnary.

hyper = {'molecule': {'embedding_dim':64,
                      'generator_lr': 2e-5,
                      'generator_dim': (256, 256)
         'atom': {'embedding_dim':12,
                  'generator_lr': 2e-4,
                  'generator_dim': (128, 128),
                  'batch_size': 10000
         'bond': {'embedding_dim':12,
                  'generator_lr': 2e-4,
                  'generator_dim': (64, 64),
                  'batch_size': 10000,
                  'grand_parent': True
model = RCTGAN(metadata, hyper)

The following table overview and describe hyperparameters:

Hyparameters Description
embedding_dim (int) Size of the random sample passed to the Generator. Defaults to 128
generator_dim (tuple or list of ints) Size of the output samples for each one of the Residuals. A Residual Layer will be created for each one of the values provided. Defaults to (256, 256)
discriminator_dim (tuple or list of ints) Size of the output samples for each one of the Discriminator Layers. A Linear Layer will be created for each one of the values provided. Defaults to (256, 256)
generator_lr (float) Learning rate for the generator. Defaults to 2e-4
generator_decay (float) Generator weight decay for the Adam Optimizer. Defaults to 1e-6
discriminator_lr (float) Learning rate for the discriminator. Defaults to 2e-4
discriminator_decay (float) Discriminator weight decay for the Adam Optimizer. Defaults to 1e-6
batch_size (int) Number of data samples to process in each step
discriminator_steps (int) Number of discriminator updates to do for each generator update. From the WGAN paper: WGAN paper default is 5. Default used is 1 to match original CTGAN implementation
log_frequency (boolean) Whether to use log frequency of categorical levels in conditional sampling. Defaults to True
verbose (boolean) Whether to have print statements for progress results. Defaults to False
epochs (int) Number of training epochs. Defaults to 300
pac (int) Number of samples to group together when applying the discriminator. Defaults to 10
cuda (bool) Whether to attempt to use cuda for GPU computation. If this is False or CUDA is not available, CPU will be used. Defaults to True.
grand_parent (bool) If this is True, grandparents of the called table are considered as conditional information added to the parents. If the called table has no grandparent, the value of this hyperparameter has no impact. Defaults to True.


If you use RC-TGAN for your research, please consider citing the following paper: Mohamed Gueye, Yazid Attabi, Maxime Dumas. Row Conditional-TGAN for Generating Synthetic Relational Databases. IEEE ICASSP 2023..

  title={Row Conditional-TGAN for generating synthetic relational databases},
  author={Gueye, Mohamed and Attabi, Yazid and Dumas, Maxime},
  journal={IEEE ICASSP 2023},


This package implements the RC-TGAN method, which generates synthetic data from a relational database.







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