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version 1.5.14

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@mikeTWC1984 mikeTWC1984 released this 30 Aug 03:04
· 289 commits to main since this release

What's new

Sync with 0.9.11

Added patched S3 engine

Current cronicle S3 engine relies on aws-sdk package which is 150MB in size. Edge repo contains new version (under patches/S3.js). It uses @aws-sdk/client-s3 and @aws-sdk/lib-storage (aws sdk api V3). Which is about 20MB. You can put patched version under opt/cronicle/node_modules/pixl-server-storage/engines/S3.js to update. There is also an option to bundle/minify (without installing extra dependency on cronicle package). See more details here. Base docker image of cronicle/cronicle:edge will contain this patched/minified version in the box (it just adds ~700KB).
You can perform a quick test in docker:

# create isolated network (optional)
docker network create demo

# start minio s3 
docker run -d --rm --name minio --hostname minio --network demo -p 5000:9000 -p 9001:9001 \ server /data --console-address ":9001"
# then in UI on http://localhost:9001 create bucket "demo" (default creds are minioadmin/minioadmin)

# run cronicle instance linked to above minio
docker run -it --name cron --hostname cron --rm --network demo -p 3019:3012 -e CRONICLE_manager=1 \
 -e CRONICLE_secret_key=MySecretKey \
 -e CRONICLE_Storage__engine=S3 \
 -e CRONICLE_Storage__S3__params__Bucket=demo \
 -e CRONICLE_Storage__AWS__endpoint=http://minio:9000 \
 -e CRONICLE_Storage__AWS__forcePathStyle=true \
 -e CRONICLE_Storage__AWS__region=us-east-1 \
 -e CRONICLE_Storage__AWS__credentials__secretAccessKey=minioadmin \
 -e CRONICLE_Storage__AWS__credentials__accessKeyId=minioadmin \
  cronicle/cronicle:edge-1.5.14 manager

here is a config snippet to use with config.json:

    "Storage": {
        "engine": "S3",
        "AWS": {
            "endpoint": "http://minio:9000",
            "endpointPrefix": false,
            "forcePathStyle": true,
            "region": "us-east-1",
            "hostPrefixEnabled": false,
            "credentials": {
                "secretAccessKey": "minioadmin",
                "accessKeyId": "minioadmin"
            "correctClockSkew": true,
            "maxRetries": 5,
            "httpOptions": {
                "connectTimeout": 5000,
                "timeout": 5000
        "S3": {
            "fileExtensions": true,
            "params": {
                "Bucket": "demo"

Run locally (single node)

 mkdir -p $HOME/cron && docker run -d --name cron \
 --hostname manager1 \
 -p 3012:3012 --restart always  \
 -v $HOME/cron:/opt/cronicle/data  \
 -e CRONICLE_manager=1 \
 -e CRONICLE_secret_key=mysecretKey  \
 cronicle/cronicle:edge-1.5.14 manager

As docker swarm service

# run 'docker swarm init' first if not yet
# make sure to use overlay network: docker network create cron --driver overlay

 mkdir -p $HOME/cron && docker service create \
  --name cron \
  --hostname manager1 \
  --env CRONICLE_manager=1 \
  --env CRONICLE_secret_key=mysecretKey \
  --mount type=bind,source=$HOME/cron,destination=/opt/cronicle/data \
  --network cron \
  --entrypoint manager \
  --publish 3012:3012  \

# docker service ls
# docker service rm cron

Update docker swarm service:

docker service update --image cronicle/cronicle:edge-1.5.14 cron