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Thor is the development stack for the components, icons and theming for the react application fti-blotter.

Thor-Playground is the name of the Storybook instance in services/franklin-thor-playground. Storybook provides a sandbox to build UI components in isolation. We use storybook to preview developed components before publishing them to the application.

Setting up the Development Environment

Start with your base

Before you start using Thor or Thor-playground you must have the following installed software installed on your development machine:

We assume a clean machine and that these commands will be executed from the Command Line.

  • NodeJS: We started using node 10.15. Installing NodeJS will install the needed npm package manager.
  • Yarn: Yarn is a modern package management application.

In initial development, repositories were created in Github, using git for version control:

  • Git: Git is our version control tool

To install from the Franklin environment, you can clone the repositories from Bitbucket:

We use Storybook to view components in the thor component library. To run Storybook locally from the thor repository, you must have the following installed on your development machine:

  • Docker: We use Docker containers to and run Thor-playground locally.

Once these software applications are installed onto your local development machine continue by following the next steps:

Install Lerna Globally

Lerna is a tool that manages the development of multi-package projects within a single repository. Since Thor and Thor-playground will be developed and maintained together, Lerna will be a great tool to help manage the dependencies between both packages during the development cycle.

Make sure Lerna is globally installed by running the following command:

yarn global add lerna

Clone or Install the Code Repo

Using BitBucket follow the instructions from within Atlassian

git clone <repo name> <directory path> | .

Where <repo name> contains either https or SSH versions of said name, <directory path> denotes the location path on your development machine, or "." which denotes the current path.

You can also download the repo directly as a zip file if this option is made available from your version control provider.

The outcome of any one of these approaches is the codebase being loaded into the folder or your choice; thereby creating a local repo.

Apply Lerna to your Local Repo

Inside the local repo root folder run:

lerna bootstrap

This command will search through the current local repo and install any dependencies and cross-dependencies.

Why You run this command because it installs all of the dependencies in the repo that allow you to build and publish packages. When This command should be run right after you clone your local repo before you nuild all of your thor packages.

Build Thor Packages

To build all packages run: yarn build:all in root directory.

If yarn build:all was not used to build all the packages and the build of the Thor packages were done independently, use yarn build:clean.

This will remove the node_modules related to the packages and reinstall them with appropriate build files, required to be used with the playground.

Why This builds all of the local resources used by the components within the packages and in storybook. This is run so that none of the components break due to missing packages. When You run this command after your lerna bootstrap and before you start developing. You should also run this command whenever you make changes within the packages so that those changes can be reflected across thor and/or be published to npm.

At this point your development environment should be ready and operational with the following packages installed:

  • Thor: Your component library
  • Thor-playground: The component library storyboard and playground



To run storybook locally on your machine, navigate to the root directory of thor and run npm run storybook. This will start up the development environment for you to start working on components in.

The files used by storybook are contained in the stories, page, themes, and .storybook directories that live in the root of thor:

  • stories contains a folder for each story that contains an index.js that create the stories to be loaded into storybook. This is where you can pass any necessay props to the components that you want to render in your storybook demo. This is also where you would wrap your stories in the theme exported by themes if you wanted the components in that story to have that theme. The custom FTI components being used in these stories are pulled from thor/packages/franklin-thor-fti/src/ while the MUI components come from page.
  • page contains a series of folders (one for each MUI story in storybook) that contain the code examples for the MUI components that are being rendered in stories.
  • themes contains all of the api calls to be made to the token API and exports the generated theme.
  • .storybook contains all of the addons and configuration files for storybook. The config file at thor/.storybook/config.js is where storybook loads in all of the stories from the stories folder into the storybook app. This is also where you can add or remove any stories from the app.


Inside the package directory there are three folders, each one containing the source code for one of the npm packages published from thor. The packages are as follows:

Directory: thor/packages/franklin-thor-fti npm Package: Description: Provides all of the custom components created for the fti blotter application. This is also where you would do any custom component development to be loaded into storybook.

Directory: thor/packages/franklin-thor-icons npm Package: Description: Provides all of the font awesome icons used across the application

Directory: thor/packages/franklin-thor npm Package: Description: Provides all of the core MUI components used across the fti blotter application


The typical workflow for editing a custom component or adding a new one starts by developing that component in the thor/services/franklin-thor-playground directory. To learn more about this refer to the Services section.

Once the component is developed and working in storybook, you can copy the source code for that component into the franklin-thor-fti package. You can do this by:

  • Navigating to the thor/packages/franklin-thor-fti/src directory and, if there isn't one already, create a folder for the component you created and paste the component source code into an index.js file within that component's directory.
  • There is also an index.js file at thor/packages/franklin-thor-fti/src/index.js that exports each of the components inside the src folder, so make sure to add the necessary line of code to export your component in that file.

Publish New Version of Package to NPM

Once the source code is copied:

  • update the package version inside the package.json file at thor/packages/franklin-thor-fti/package.json
  • save the package.json file
  • run yarn build
  • run yarn publish