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Adding a New Resource

There are a long and detailed guides showing how to bootstrap a provider and how to configure resources. Here we will go over the steps that will take us to v1beta1 quality without going into much detail so that it can be followed repeatedly quickly.

The steps are generally identical, so we'll just take a resource issue from AWS #90 and you can generalize steps pretty much to all other resources in all official providers. It has several resources from different API groups, such as glue, grafana, guardduty and iam.

  1. Assign issue to yourself.

  2. Start from the top and click the link for the first resource, aws_glue_workflow in this case.

  3. Here we'll look for clues about how the Terraform ID is shaped so that we can infer the external name configuration. In this case, there is a name argument seen under Argument Reference section and when we look at Import section, we see that this is what's used to import, i.e. Terraform ID is same as name argument. This means that we can use config.NameAsIdentifier configuration from Upjet as our external name config. See section External Name Cases to see how you can infer in many different cases of Terraform ID.

  4. First of all, please see the Moving Untested Resources to v1beta1 documentation.

    Go to config/externalname.go and add the following line to ExternalNameConfigs table:

    // glue
    // Imported using "name".
    "aws_glue_workflow": config.NameAsIdentifier,
  5. Run make reviewable.

  6. Go through the "Warning" boxes (if any) in the Terraform Registry page to see whether any of the fields are represented as separate resources as well. It usually goes like

    Routes can be defined either directly on the azurerm_iothub
    resource, or using the azurerm_iothub_route resource - but the two cannot be
    used together.

    In such cases, the field should be moved to status since we prefer to represent it only as a separate CRD. Go ahead and add a configuration block for that resource similar to the following:

    p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_iothub", func(r *config.Resource) {
      // Mutually exclusive with azurerm_iothub_route
      config.MoveToStatus(r.TerraformResource, "route")
  7. Go to the end of the TF registry page to see the timeouts. If they are longer than 10 minutes, then we need to set the UseAsync property of the resource to true. Go ahead and add a configuration block for that resource similar to the following if it doesn't exist already:

    p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_iothub", func(r *config.Resource) {
      r.UseAsync = true

    Note that some providers have certain defaults, like Azure has this on by default, in such cases you need to set this parameter to false if the timeouts are less than 10 minutes.

  8. Resource configuration is largely done, so we need to prepare the example YAML for testing. Copy examples-generated/glue/workflow.yaml into examples/glue/workflow.yaml and then remove field. If there is nothing left under spec.forProvider, then give it empty struct, e.g. forProvider: {}

  9. Repeat the same process for other resources under glue.

  10. Once glue is completed, the following would be the additions we made to the external name table and we'd have new examples under examples/glue folder.

    // glue
    // Imported using "name".
    "aws_glue_workflow": config.NameAsIdentifier,
    // Imported using arn: arn:aws:glue:us-west-2:123456789012:schema/example/example
    "aws_glue_schema": config.IdentifierFromProvider,
    // Imported using "name".
    "aws_glue_trigger": config.NameAsIdentifier,
    // Imported using the catalog_id:database_name:function_name
    // 123456789012:my_database:my_func
    "aws_glue_user_defined_function":  config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier("name", "{{ .parameters.catalog_id }}:{{ .parameters.database_name }}:{{ .externalName }}"),
    "aws_glue_security_configuration": config.NameAsIdentifier,
    // Imported using the account ID: 12356789012
    "aws_glue_resource_policy": config.IdentifierFromProvider,
  11. Create a commit to cover all manual changes so that it's easier for reviewer with a message like the following aws: add glue group.

  12. Run make reviewable so that new resources are generated.

  13. Create another commit with a message like aws: regenerate for glue group.

That's pretty much all we need to do in the codebase. With these two commits, we can open a new PR.


Our first option is to run it by the automated testing tool we have. In order to trigger it, you can drop a comment on the PR containing the following:

# Wildcards like provider-aws/examples/glue/*.yaml also work.

Once the automated tests pass, we're good to go. However, in some cases there is a bug you can fix right away and in others resource is just not suitable for automated testing, such as the ones that require you to take a special action that a Crossplane provider cannot, such as uploading a file.

Our goal is to make it work with automated testing as much as possible. So, the next step is to test the resources manually in your local and try to spot the problems that prevent it from working with the automated testing. The steps for manual testing are roughly like the following (no Crossplane is needed):

  • kubectl apply -f package/crds to install all CRDs into cluster.
  • make run to start the controllers.
  • You need to create a ProviderConfig named as default with correct credentials.
  • Now, you can create the examples you've got generated and check events/logs to spot problems and fix them.

There are cases where the resource requires user to take an action that is not possible with a Crossplane provider or automated testing tool. In such cases, we should leave the actions to be taken as annotation on the resource like the following:

kind: VPCLink
  name: example
  annotations: "User needs to upload a authorization script and give its path in spec.forProvider.filePath"

If, for some reason, we cannot successfully test a managed resource even manually, then we do not ship it with the v1beta1 version and thus the external-name configuration should be commented out with an appropriate code comment explaining the situation.

An issue in the official-providers repo explaining the situation should be opened preferably with the example manifests (and any resource configuration) already tried.

As explained above, if the resource can successfully be manually tested but not as part of the automated tests, the example manifest successfully validated should still be included under the examples directory but with the proper annotation. And successful manual testing still meets the v1beta1 criteria.

External Name Cases

Case 1: name As Identifier

There is a name argument under Argument Reference section and Import section suggests to use name to import the resource.

Use config.NameAsIdentifier.

An example would be aws_eks_cluster and here is its configuration.

Case 2: Parameter As Identifier

There is an argument under Argument Reference section that is used like name, i.e. cluster_name or group_name, and Import section suggests to use the value of that argument to import the resource.

Use config.ParameterAsIdentifier(<name of the argument parameter>).

An example would be aws_elasticache_cluster and here is its configuration.

Case 3: Random Identifier From Provider

The ID used in Import section is completely random and assigned by provider, like a UUID, where you don't have any means of impact on it.

Use config.IdentifierFromProvider.

An example would be aws_vpc and here is its configuration.

Case 4: Random Identifier Substring From Provider

The ID used in Import section is partially random and assigned by provider. For example, a node in a cluster could have a random ID like 13213 but the Terraform Identifier could include the name of the cluster that's represented as an argument field under Argument Reference, i.e. cluster-name:23123. In that case, we'll use only the randomly assigned part as external name and we need to tell Upjet how to construct the full ID back and forth.

func resourceName() config.ExternalName{
  e := config.IdentifierFromProvider
  e.GetIDFn = func(_ context.Context, externalName string, parameters map[string]interface{}, _ map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
		cl, ok := parameters["cluster_name"]
		if !ok {
			return "", errors.New("cluster_name cannot be empty")
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", cl.(string), externalName), nil
	e.GetExternalNameFn = func(tfstate map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
		id, ok := tfstate["id"]
		if !ok {
			return "", errors.New("id in tfstate cannot be empty")
		w := strings.Split(s.(string), ":")
		return w[len(w)-1], nil

Case 5: Non-random Substrings as Identifier

There are more than a single argument under Argument Reference that are concatenated to make up the whole identifier, e.g. <region>/<cluster name>/<node name>. We will need to tell Upjet to use <node name> as external name and take the rest from parameters.

Use config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier("<name argument>", "<go template>") in such cases. The following is the list of available parameters for you to use in your go template:

parameters: A tree of parameters that you'd normally see in a Terraform HCL
            file. You can use TF registry documentation of given resource to
            see what's available.

terraformProviderConfig: The Terraform configuration object of the provider. You can
                take a look at the TF registry provider configuration object
                to see what's available. Not to be confused with ProviderConfig
                custom resource of the Crossplane provider.

externalName: The value of external name annotation of the custom resource.
              It is required to use this as part of the template.

You can see example usages in the big three providers below.


For aws_glue_user_defined_function, we see that name argument is used to name the resource and the import instructions read as following:

Glue User Defined Functions can be imported using the
`catalog_id:database_name:function_name`. If you have not set a Catalog ID
specify the AWS Account ID that the database is in, e.g.,

$ terraform import aws_glue_user_defined_function.func 123456789012:my_database:my_func

Our configuration would look like the following:

"aws_glue_user_defined_function":  config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier("name", "{{ .parameters.catalog_id }}:{{ .parameters.database_name }}:{{ .externalName }}")

Another prevalent case in AWS is the usage of Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to identify a resource. We can use config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier in many of those cases like the following:

"aws_glue_registry": config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier("registry_name", "arn:aws:glue:{{ .parameters.region }}:{{ .setup.client_metadata.account_id }}:registry/{{ .external_name }}"),

However, there are cases where the ARN includes random substring and that would fall under Case 4. The following is such an example:

// arn:aws:acm-pca:eu-central-1:609897127049:certificate-authority/ba0c7989-9641-4f36-a033-dee60121d595
	"aws_acmpca_certificate_authority_certificate": config.IdentifierFromProvider,


Most Azure resources fall under this case since they use fully qualified identifier as Terraform ID.

For azurerm_mariadb_firewall_rule, we see that name argument is used to name the resource and the import instructions read as following:

MariaDB Firewall rules can be imported using the resource id, e.g.

terraform import azurerm_mariadb_firewall_rule.rule1 /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/mygroup1/providers/Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/server1/firewallRules/rule1

Our configuration would look like the following:

"azurerm_mariadb_firewall_rule":  config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier("name", "/subscriptions/{{ .terraformProviderConfig.subscription_id }}/resourceGroups/{{ .parameters.resource_group_name }}/providers/Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/{{ .parameters.server_name }}/firewallRules/{{ .externalName }}")

In some resources, an argument requires ID, like azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_function where it has container_id and name but no separate resource_group_name which would be required to build the full ID. Our configuration would look like the following in this case:

config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier("name", "{{ .parameters.container_id }}/userDefinedFunctions/{{ .externalName }}")


Most GCP resources fall under this case since they use fully qualified identifier as Terraform ID.

For google_container_cluster, we see that name argument is used to name the resource and the import instructions read as following:

GKE clusters can be imported using the project , location, and name.
If the project is omitted, the default provider value will be used.

$ terraform import google_container_cluster.mycluster projects/my-gcp-project/locations/us-east1-a/clusters/my-cluster
$ terraform import google_container_cluster.mycluster my-gcp-project/us-east1-a/my-cluster
$ terraform import google_container_cluster.mycluster us-east1-a/my-cluster

In cases where there are multiple ways to construct the ID, we should take the one with the least parameters so that we rely only on required fields because optional fields may have some defaults that are assigned after the creation which may make it tricky to work with. In this case, the following would be our configuration:

"google_compute_instance":  config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier("name", "{{ .parameters.location }}/{{ .externalName }}")

There are cases where one of the example import commands uses just name, like google_compute_instance:

terraform import google_compute_instance.default {{name}}

In such cases, we should use config.NameAsIdentifier since we'd like to have the least complexity in our configuration as possible.

Case 6: No Import Statement

There is no instructions under Import section of the resource page in Terraform Registry, like aws_acm_certificate_validation from AWS.

Use the following in such cases with comment indicating the case:

// No import documented.
"aws_acm_certificate_validation": config.IdentifierFromProvider,

Case 7: Using Identifier of Another Resource

There are auxiliary resources that don't have an ID and since they map one-to-one to another resource, they just opt to use the identifier of that other resource. In many cases, the identifier is also a valid argument, maybe even the only argument, to configure this resource.

An example would be aws_ecrpublic_repository_policy from AWS where the identifier is repository_name.

Use config.IdentifierFromProvider because in these cases repository_name is more meaningful as an argument rather than the name of the policy for users, hence we assume the ID is coming from provider.

Case 8: Using Identifiers of Other Resources

There are resources that mostly represent a relation between two resources without any particular name that identifies the relation. An example would be azurerm_subnet_nat_gateway_association where the ID is made up of two arguments nat_gateway_id and subnet_id without any particular field used to give a name to the resource.

Use config.IdentifierFromProvider because in these cases, there is no name argument to be used as external name and both creation and import scenarios would work the same way even if you configured the resources with conversion functions between arguments and ID.

No Matching Case

If it doesn't match any of the cases above, then we'll need to implement the external name configuration from the ground up. Though in most cases, it's just a little bit different that we only need to override a few things on top of common functions.

One example is aws_route resource where the ID could use a different argument depending on which one is given. You can take a look at the implementation here. This section in the detailed guide could also help you.