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Development Environment

You'll need RVM to isolate your development environment.

Make sure you install Ruby 1.9.2 p290 on your RVM.

Then just checkout the code, configure dependencies and run the tests:

  1. Clone the repository:

git clone

  1. Enter the repo directory and accept the RVM:

cd crowdplaces


  1. Install Bundler into our RVM:

gem install bundler

  1. Install all dependencies from Gemspec:

bundler install

Setup Development and Test Databases

  1. Create your database.yml:

cp config/database.sample.yml config/database.yml

  1. Create a role for the project:

psql -c "CREATE ROLE crowdplaces LOGIN CREATEDB;" -d postgres

  1. Create the local databases:

bundle exec rake db:create

  1. Download a recent pgbackup from Heroku and restore:
heroku pgbackups
curl -o db.dump `heroku pgbackups:url`
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -U crowdplaces -d crowdplaces_development ./db.dump
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -U crowdplaces -d crowdplaces_test ./db.dump
  1. Workaround a very strange error message "ERROR: must be owner of extension plpgsql":

psql -c "ALTER ROLE crowdplaces WITH superuser;" template1


The project supports multiple languages. Currently the website is available in English and Spanish.

For development matters, the Portuguese version is considered Master and is used as a reference for further translations so we can keep up to date with Catarse's code.

All translation happens via WebTranslateIt.

Config: wti init and provide the private api key available at the project's settings on WebTranslateIt.

Updating: To update the project's code with translations made on the web:

cd config/locales && wti push && wti pull


  1. All commands must happen within the config/locales directory;
  2. Make sure to push any local changes to the web before you pull updates. Otherwise you can loose your progress.


Make neighborhoods more awesome. Fund + activate block/neighborhood/city projects and boost a micro-urban revolution.







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