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CrowdSec Engine extension for Magento 2

User Guide

Table of Contents


The CrowdSec Engine extension for Magento 2 has been designed to protect Magento 2 websites from all kinds of attacks by using CrowdSec technology.



Push signals to the CrowdSec community

This module can detect "pages scan" and "user admin enumeration" behaviors. Beyond a certain threshold, suspicious behavior triggers an alert and a "ban" signal for the detected IP is sent to the community. Signals can be sent manually or via a cron job.

Retrieve CrowdSec banned IPs

CrowdSec decisions can be pulled from the community blocklist. Decisions can be retrieved manually or via a cron job.

Block access to banned IPs

If desired, banned IPs can be blocked by a ban wall. The design and content of this ban wall can be configured in a Magento 2 CMS block.

Enroll your security engine

Enrolling your security machine gives you access to more details in your CrowdSec console. It can be done manually from the back office.


This module comes with configurations that you will find under Stores → Configurations → Security → CrowdSec Engine admin section.

These configurations are divided in five main parts : General, Scenarios and signals, Decisions, Crons job and Advanced.

General Settings

In the General part, you will set your security engine details.


General → Environment (global scope)

Environment determines the CrowdSec environment used by the security engine: Development for tests, and Production for real data.

General → Enrollment key (global scope)

If you enroll your security engine, you will have access to a wealth of useful information in your CrowdSec console.

You can obtain your enrollment key in your console.

Once all the necessary fields have been completed, you can click on the "enroll" button.

General → Security engine name (global scope)

The name that will be display in your console.

General → Force enroll (global scope)

If you already have enrolled your machine, you can force re-enrollment with this option.

Scenarios and signals

In the Scenarios and signals part, you can configure the way suspicious IPs are detected and sent to the community as a ban signal.

Scenario and signals

Scenarios and signals → List of detection scenarios (global scope)

This module comes with two predefined scenarios (Detect pages scan and Detect admin user enumeration) based on "leaking bucket" and "black hole" concepts.

Leaking bucket concept

Each time a suspicious event is detected, we add quantity 1 to a virtual bucket.

At a certain speed, the bucket gradually empties: a quantity of 1 is removed every X seconds. (hence the image of the leak).

An alert will only be triggered if the bucket overflows.

So, for an alert to be triggered, several suspicious events need to be detected in a sufficiently short space of time to cause the bucket to overflow despite the leak.

Black hole concept

Once an alert has been detected for a given IP address and scenario, it is likely that the suspect IP address will continue its actions, which will be detected again.

However, to avoid reporting the same alert too often, a certain amount of time must have elapsed since the last detection before the IP's behaviour is analysed again for the same scenario.

During this time, the IP is said to be in the black hole of the scenario.

Scenario name Description Bucket capacity Bucket leak speed Black hole duration
Detect pages scan Detects IPs that reach 403 or 404 pages. 10 10 seconds 1 hour
Detect admin user enumeration Detects IPs attempting to connect to the back office with several incorrect user names. 10 30 seconds 1 hour

In addition, regardless of the time taken, an alert will be triggered for the "Detect admin user enumeration" scenario if the number of bad user names exceeds 20.

Scenarios and signals → Ban duration (global scope)

When a signal is sent, we use this setting to determine the ban duration (in seconds).


In the Decisons part, you can define whether you want to block banned IPs and whether you want to ban IPs detected by local scenarios. Finally, you can configure the cache system used to store decisions.


Decisions → Ban IP locally (global scope)

If enabled, a "ban" decision will be added to local cache as soon as an alert is triggered for the IP.

Decisions → Block banned IP (global scope)

If enabled, a cached "banned" IP will be blocked by a ban wall (403).

You can edit the content of this ban wall in the "crowdsec-engine-ban-wall" CMS block:

CMS ban wall

By default, it will have the following design and content:

Ban wall

Decisions → Cache configuration → Technology (global scope)

Choose the cache technology.

The File system cache is faster than calling Local API. Redis or Memcached is faster than the File System cache.

N.B : There are also a clear cache button fo all cache technologies.

Decisions → Cache configuration → Redis DSN (global scope)

Only if you choose Redis cache as technology. Example of DSN: redis://localhost:6379.

Decisions → Cache configuration → Memcached DSN (global scope)

Only if you choose Memcached cache as technology. Example of DSN: memcached://localhost:11211.

Crons jobs

In the Cron jobs part, you can configure cron jobs to manage signals, cached decisions and events.

Please note that you have to set 0 0 30 2 * as cron expression if you want to disable a cron job.


Crons jobs → Signals management → Cron expression for pushing signals (global scope)

This task will push signals for which an alert has been triggered.

You can also use the "Push signals" button to send signals manually.

Crons jobs → Cache Management → Cron expression for refreshing cache (global scope)

This task will pull decisions from community block-list.

You can also use the "Refresh cache" button to pull them manually.

Crons jobs → Cache Management → Cron expression for file system cache pruning (global scope)

If you chose file system as cache technology, you can schedule here an automatic cache pruning cron task.

Crons jobs → Events Management → Cron expression for cleaning events (global scope)

Events are stored in database. You can use this cron job to clean old events.

Crons jobs → Events Management → Event lifetime (global scope)

Events last detected more than X days ago will be deleted by the cron task above.

Advanced settings

In the Advanced part, you can configure log levels and CrowdSec API call timeout.


Advanced → Log level (global scope)

Log messages will be written in "var/log/crowdsec-engine.log".

you can choose between:

  • Disabled : no logs
  • Normal (info level)
  • Verbose (debug level)

Advanced → Crowdsec API timeout (global scope)

Maximum execution time (in seconds) for a CAPI request (used for pulling decisions or sending signals).

Set a negative value (e.g. -1) to allow unlimited request timeout.


You will find detected events list and decision metrics in the Reports → Business Threats → CrowdSec Events and Metrics admin section.

Events list

Events reporting

You can filter according to your needs: by IP, by scenario, by date, etc.


metrics reporting