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Localize the jHtmlArea Editor

Chris Pietschmann edited this page Sep 2, 2017 · 1 revision

By default, the text for all jHtmlArea toolbar buttons is in English. If you need to localize the editor to a different language, you can set the text to use for each toolbar button (reference them each by name) using the "toolbarText" option when creating the editor.

Here's a simple example that localizes the "bold", "italic" and "underline" tooblar buttons to German:

    toolbarText: $.extend({}, jHtmlArea.defaultOptions.toolbarText, {
        "bold": "fett",
        "italic": "kursiv",
        "underline": "unterstreichen"

A global override / localization of jHtmlArea can be performed by overwriting the "jHtmlArea.defaultOptions.toolbarText" variable if necessary.