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OMERO.biobank installation guide

Luca Lianas edited this page May 20, 2014 · 5 revisions

Software dependencies

Common dependencies

  • Python 2.7
  • OMERO Python libraries (with compiled custom models). Check out the OMERO server installation guide for a complete walkthrough on how to build OMERO server with custom models. After installation, add the Python libraries to your PYTHONPATH:
export PYTHONPATH="${OMERO_HOME}/dist/lib/python:${PYTHONPATH}"
  • Ice 3.3 or 3.4 Python libraries.
  • NOTE: all clients must use the same Ice version as the server
  • NumPy
  • biodoop-core
  • NOTE: although Pydoop is listed as one of Biodoop Core's prerequisites, it's only a run-time dependency for MapReduce applications. Thus, Pydoop is currently NOT a requirement for OMERO.biobank.

With Neo4j and RabbitMQ enabled

pip install pika==0.9.13
pip install bulbs
pip install voluptuous

With Neo4j and RabbitMQ disabled

easy_install python-graph-core


Configuration parameters related to Neo4j and RabbitMQ must be retrieved from the OMERO server:



  • ${OMERO_USER} must be a user with admin privileges in the OMERO server
  • the --python flag sets the ${BIOBANK_REPO}/bl/vl/kb/ as output for the script: in this way, Neo4j and RabbitMQ config values will be installed while installing the libraries.

If you want to interact with more than one OMERO server, use --profile instead of --python: the script will produce an ${OMERO_HOST}.profile file that can be sourced to load config values as environment variables.



sudo ${BIOBANK_REPO}/ install

Local (i.e., into ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages):

${BIOBANK_REPO}/ install --user