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A chrome extension to have the people over at fact check highlighted text on a website.


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Istinomer Fact Checker

Project Description

A chrome extension to have the people over at fact check text that has been highlighted on a website

Technical Instructions

1. Installing it from your browser

- For Google Chrome visit the chrome extension web store
  At the search bar type Istinomer proveri me and add it to your Chrome Browser

- For Mozilla Firefox go to the open menu at the top right of your browser, select add-ons, at the search bar type istinomer
  proveri me install it and it will be loaded on your Firefox browser.

2. Local Installation (UBUNTU)


Linux Distribution Example: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS t
MongoDB 3.2.x
Python 2.7.x 


First create a folder in your desktop called dev:

$ cd ~
$ mkdir dev
$ cd dev

Getting the project in your local machine:

$ git clone

$ cd istinomer-proveri-me

create a config.cfg inside api directory and paste the contents of config-template.cfg to the new file that you created

$ cd api 
$ touch config.cfg 
$ cat config-template.cfg > config.cfg 

Open the config.cfg file and pass the following arguments to it

#put any port that you wish which is not in use example 8000

#put any text that you wish as a secret key, example: 'mySecretKey'
SECRET_KEY = 'mySecretKey'


DB_NAME = 'Mongodb'

#this will create a directory named log and a logfile errors.log in the app directory 
PATH = logs/errors.log 

Run the script in your command line

$ bash 

(This script will check whether your system consists python 2.x, if it does (if it does not, it will install python 2.7.3) then it will create a virtualenvironment with python2.7.x and inside that virtualenvironment it will install the python dependecies that are required to setup the app)

Run the app:

$ bash

Note: In oder to test the installed extension you need to install POSTMAN in your system and make the POST request through it

3. Setting up the frontend

Install the extension manually in your browser

For chrome

1. Make sure you comment the local api in the chrome-ext dir at the files containing api-s (background.js, popup.js and chrome-ext/js/content-scripts/sites/inject-css.js) and uncomment the production api-s.
2. Visit chrome://extensions (via omnibox or menu -> Tools -> Extensions).
3. Enable Developer mode by ticking the checkbox in the upper-right corner.
4. Click on the "Load unpacked extension..." button.
5. Select the directory containing your unpacked extension /dev/istinomer-proveri-me/chrome-ext.
6. Install the extension
7. You can try and send requests from selecting text from sites mentioned in chrome-ext/sites.js

For firefox

Go to your dev directory
    $ cd dev
    $ cd istinomer-proveri-me
Copy the mozilla-ext directory to your Desktop
    $ cp -r mozilla-ext /home/<name>/Desktop
    $ cd ~/Desktop
    $ cd mozilla-ext/
Built the add-on with this command
    $ zip -r -FS ../ * --exclude *.git*
    1. Make sure you comment the local api in the chrome-ext dir at the files containing api-s (background.js, popup.js and chrome-ext/js/content-scripts/sites/inject-css.js) and uncomment the production api-s.
    2. Visit about:debugging:
    3. Click on Load Temporary add-on and select the zip/xpi folder that will be created on your system
    4. You can try and send requests from selecting text from sites mentioned in mozilla-ext/sites.js.
  #NOTE: for testing the installation and getting the requests in your local machine uncomment the local api-s and comment the production ones.

Save Entry

POST /api/entry/save

Sample JSON Payload - Truthfulness

 "domain": "",
 "url": "",
 "text": "Američki predsednik je otkrio kako bi tekao plan američkog vojnog napada na Iran.",
 "chrome_user_id": "xzy",
 "classification": "Truthfulness",
 "grade": "True",
 "category": "Politics",
 "date": 1561128329.148,
 "article": {
   "author": "Carl Bernstein",
   "date": 1561128329.148
 "quote": {
   "author": "Richard Nixon",
   "politician": true,
   "date": 1561128329.148

Sample JSON Payload - Promise

  "classification": "Promise",
  "grade": "Fulfilled",
  "category": "Politics",
  "article": {
    "author": "Carl Bernstein",
    "date": "18/04/1973"
  "quote": {
    "author": "Richard Nixon",
    "politician": true,
    "date": "17/04/1973"
  "promise": {
    "due": "01/05/1973"

Parameter Options

  • Backlog (Backlog)
  • Consistency (Doslednost)
  • Notepad (Beležnica)
  • Promise (Obecanja)
  • Truthfulness (Istinitost)
Truthfulness (Istinitost)
  • False (Neistina)
  • Half true (Poluistina)
  • Mostly false (Skoro neistina)
  • Mostly true (Skoro istina)
  • Pants on fire (Kratke noge)
  • True (Istina)
  • Abuse of facts (Zloupotreba činjenica)
  • Unbelievable (Neproverivo)
Promise (Obecanja)
  • Almost fulfilled (Skoro ispunjeno)
  • Fulfilled (Ispunjeno)
  • In progress (Radi se na tome)
  • Not started (Ni započeto)
  • Stalled (Krenuli pa stali)
  • Unfulfilled (Neispunjeno)
Consistency (Doslednost)
  • Consistent (Dosledno)
  • Inconsistent (Nedosledno)
  • In between (Nešto između)
  • Culture (Kultura)
  • Politics (Politika)
  • Economy (Ekonomija)
  • Healthcare (Zdravstvo)
  • Society (Drustvo)

Fetch Entries

POST /api/entry/get

JSON Payload - Filter Parameters

Property Data Type Description
classifications List<String> The classifications.
grades List<String> The grades.
categories List<String> The categories.
article.authors List<String> The article authors.
article.from Date The publication from date. Date The publication to date.
quote.authors List<String> The quote authors.
quote.politician Boolean Indication whether the quote author is a politician or not.
quote.affiliations List<String> The quote authors' affiliations.
quote.from Date The quote from date. Date The quote to date.
promise.dueFrom Date The promise due from date.
promise.dueTo Date The promise due to date.

Sample JSON Payload

  "classifications": ["Truthfulness", "Promise", "Consistency"],
  "grades": ["Mostly true", "Fulfilled", "Consistent"],
  "categories": ["Politics"],
  "article": {
    "authors": ["Carl Bernstein", "Bob Woodward"],
    "date": {
      "from": "01/06/1972",
      "to": "01/01/1975"
  "quote": {
    "author": "Richard Nixon",
    "politician": true,
    "date": {
      "from": "01/06/1972",
      "to": "01/01/1975"

Note: Can only apply promise.dueFrom and promise.dueTo filters when classification only contains "Promise" (i.e. "classifications": ["Promise"].