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SSH utilities for managing SSH agent sessions.

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One uses SSH key pairs to log into various servers. All of us will have a personal key, and many of us also have shared keys for various resources. Best practice is to protect keys with a password. But should you be re-entering your password each time you need to use the key? No! Use SSH Agent.

The main idea is that you start an SSH Agent daemon on the host using the command ssh-agent. You will then add private keys to the agent daemon with the ssh-add command. You enter your password once per key per agent lifetime, and the agent keeps the decrypted key in memory, making it usable to ssh via a socket (which is itself protected with Unix user permissions). ssh knows to use the SSH authentication socket by looking for the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable.

Mac OS X

If you are on a Mac, this is mostly handled for you, although there are still some potential use cases that might call for these utilities. SSH_AUTH_SOCK is set automatically when you launch a new window, but it’s not automatically made available in the following two cases.

  • When Cron jobs are executed.
  • When you ssh into your Mac.

So you may not need to think about this if you're using a Mac.


Add the following line to your bash profile, zshenv, etc.

eval `ssh-reconnect-agent-session`

Run ssh-init-agent-session interactively once every time the host is rebooted, and then don’t worry about it otherwise. You can just log in and then passwordless-ly log in to other hosts. Note that ssh-reconnect-agent-session is noisy on failure--it prints to standard error and exits uncleanly. This way, if you have other automated scripts that log into a host and depend on the agent session, they will themselves fail noisily if the agent session reconnection fails.


  • ssh-check-private-keys

    Find private keys in user's home .ssh directory. Besides the default key names used by ssh-add, also look for keys ending in _ssh_key. For keys that are found, ensure they are encrypted. If any are not encrypted, print message to standard error and exit with status 1. Otherwise, print paths to standard out on a single line. (Ideal for passing as arguments to ssh-add.) If relevant directories or keys are not found, print message to standard error and exit with status 127.

  • ssh-find-auth-sock

    Find SSH authorization socket for $USER and print its path to standard out. If not found, return exit status 1.

  • ssh-init-agent-session

    Start and connect to ssh-agent and add user's private keys found by ssh-check-private-keys.

  • ssh-reconnect-agent-session

    Look for existing ssh-agent session. If found, print to standard out shell command for setting environment variable to reconnect to the found session. Else, print message to standard error and exit with status 1.


SSH utilities for managing SSH agent sessions.







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