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Crust Polkadot Parachain Release - 6

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@wuhaixian1984 wuhaixian1984 released this 07 Mar 06:10
· 1001 commits to mainnet since this release

Fix bridge_transfer transaction from mainnet to crustpara not showing up in SubScan, together with other minor improvements:

  1. Fix the following rustc compilation error from latest stable rustc (1.76.0)
  2. Enhance the script to support both MacOS and Linux
  3. Fix SubScan not display the bridge transaction from mainnet to crust-para
  4. Use #[cfg(feature = "enable_sudo")] to wrap the sudo pallet related codes, so when want to use sudo for testing in development
  5. environment, just use 'cargo build --release --features enable_sudo'
  6. Update the state , wasm , and json file related to the latest build
  7. Upgrade the spec_version from 5 to 6