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curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

On MacOS you can use Homebrew to install autocommit.

brew tap raghavanand98/autocommit
brew install autocommit


Autocommit is a tool to automatically create commits of a repo every X minutes. If you have an OpenAI key (env var as OPENAI_API_KEY) the commit diff (upto 1500 characters) is passed to gpt-3.5-turbo to summarize the commit to create a meaningful commit message. Otherwise, the current datetime is used as the commit message.

Autocommit has 4 commands:

Usage: autocommit <COMMAND>

  run --path {PATH_TO_GIT_REPO}
  create --frequency {FREQUENCY_IN_MINUTES} --path {PATH_TO_GIT_REPO}
  list    # List currently configured autocommits
  delete --path {PATH_TO_GIT_REPO}

The general usage pattern will just be to use create to set up autocommit on a particular Git repo, list to see what is currently setup and delete to stop autocommitting. run can be used to test autocommit behavior in a one-off fashion, and it's also what the cronjob is configured to call. autocommit will log to ${REPO_PATH}/.autocommit_log when it runs at the configured frequency. Make sure to add .autocommit_log to your .gitignore before setting up a repo, otherwise you will run into an infinite loop where changes to autocommit will trigger more commits.

There are a few rough edges that need to be fixed, although the general structure of the code works (all the commits in this repo have been generated through autocommit):

  • Make the binary path aware (it's hardcoded to my laptop right now) ✅
  • Improve the API key piping story ✅
  • Improve robustness to different configurations of git repos. The wrapper library for libgit was used, but it might be better to simply dispatch subprocess commands to automatically pick up the right SSH keys, add untracked files etc. ✅
  • Improve the logging story so people don't have to remember to add .autocommit_log to their .gitignore
  • Allow other cron jobs to be added