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How to get it working with GWT

damios edited this page Jan 15, 2024 · 7 revisions

Since version 0.5.0, libgdx-screenmanager is compatible with GWT. To use it, you need to set up your Gradle project as follows:

Core project

(1) The core project requires the dependency specified in the setup instructions to be added to its build.gradle file:

api "com.github.crykn:libgdx-screenmanager:$screenManagerVersion"

Note: to obtain libdx-screenmanager via Gradle, Jitpack has to be added as a repository (see the guide "Where to get the library") .

HTML project

(2) The GWT/HTML project needs the following dependencies (build.gradle):

implementation project(':core')

implementation "com.github.crykn.guacamole:core:$guacamoleVersion:sources"
implementation "com.github.crykn.guacamole:gdx:$guacamoleVersion:sources"
implementation "com.github.crykn.guacamole:gdx-gwt:$guacamoleVersion"
implementation "com.github.crykn.guacamole:gdx-gwt:$guacamoleVersion:sources"
implementation "com.github.crykn:libgdx-screenmanager:$screenManagerVersion:sources"
implementation "com.github.tommyettinger:formic:$formicVersion:sources"

(3) Add this entry to your module file (GdxDefinition.gwt.xml):

<inherits name="libgdx_screenmanager" />