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KWES Forms

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What is KWES React Forms?

This is a dynamic form library that extends the form components. Allowing you to use a simple data object or JSON configuration to render field groups and columns.

Why use this library?

You can go ahead and generate static forms manually but who wants to do that? You can also spend time looking at the dozen of JS libraries that handle all of the validation and rendering aspects, but have fun with that too.

Or you can just let `Kwesforms`` handle the typical form validation and respones. That's what inspired this library is to create forms without the validation hassle. The library has since been extended to allow for a custom form action and submit handler (function) so it can be used more generically and fallback to built-in browser validation.

Kwesforms does have some additional customization features with their paid plan(s) for showing / hiding fields. This library really is focused on common use-cases and might be best served for those or as a starting point to generate forms you can extend further, if you needed to with their paid plans.


Where to begin?

Run storybook and take a look at the provided examples and review our installation instructions. The installation instructions refer to a nextJS example application. You can find that related source here: crypticsoft/nextjs-simple

Form Setup

  • In development, use test mode and set your local env file.
  • The form id from the form configuration is what will set the form action.
  • No-Validate - kwes has built-in field validation, this disables native

Dynamic Fields

  • Hidden fields can be dynamically added to the form and set by using the data-presets attribute\

  • Form configuration (JSON Endpoint) is defined by using the data-location attribute

  • Supported field types:

    • text
    • textArea
    • select - expanded ability to include multiple and size attributes for multi-select
    • checkbox
    • checkboxGroup
    • password
    • radio
    • email
    • hidden
    • tel - phone-specific input with pattern capabilities
    • range - simple generic
    • number - simple generic
    • date - simple generic
    • time - simple generic but does have some basic validation (title) based on min/max values
    • datetime-local - better for date+time scheduling and allows for min / max dateLocale strings
    • datepicker - renders a styled calendar when kwesforms is initialized
    • file (req's Starter Plan for file uploads)
    • cc-number (TBD: Starter Plan : Credit card fields)
  • [💡Tip:] _You can create a custom field type, then just include it with the interface Field type(s) (see ./src/types/Field.ts)

  data-presets='[{"name": "Tester"},{"lname": "Jim"}]'

** please note ** The data-form-id and data-location attributes are required. You can simply add multiple div instances to embed multiple forms on the page.

JSON Configuration

  • "Starter Plan" * is needed for the Success & Error Messaging and add'l features.
  • Basic Example:
  "id": "SWXrdEPodyOKj9vXYmwU",
  "title": "Welcome!",
  "subTitle": "Please fill out the form below:",
  "disclaimer": "When you agree to these terms, you agree to allow us to contact you via email.",

  "submission": {
    "button": "Submit",
    "success": "Your form has been submitted successfully.",
    "error": "Opps! Your form has errors. Please check the form and try again."

  "fields": [
      "type": "text",
      "name": "first_name",
      "rules": "required",
      "label": "First Name"
      "type": "select",
      "name": "city",
      "rules": "required",
      "label": "Your City",
      "defaultOption": { "Select One": "" },
      "options": { "Buckeye": "Buckeye", "Avondale": "Avondale" }
      "type": "checkbox",
      "name": "terms",
      "rules": "accepted",
      "label": "I agree to the terms and conditions."

Field Groups

In order to use responsive columns, you can wrap the fields with a group array and specify a size. These can be interchangeably used with standard field definitions.

With the example below, replace {column-size} with the column number you want to use. (see the bulma 12-column grid system)

_examples ~ See this path for additional form examples to get you started.

  "fields": [
    "group": [
          "size": {column-size},
          "field": {...}

[ 💡 Tip: ] Try and include your form configurations (JSON) files locally and serve them from the same domain. (see dist/public paths)


React driven Kwesforms






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