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Key Register - File Access Delegation Smart Contract and JavaScript Library


This smart contract allows delegating access to encrypted data hosted on a given URI.

Data the the URI is expected to be encrypted with AES-256-CBC. A register allows Ethereum account owners to provide a public key for encryption. This public key can used to encrypt the AES key securing the data for this specific user using ECIES.

Access revocation consists in removing the key from the Register.


  • It is advisable to use a EC key pair unrelated to the Ethereum account of the user.
  • Any 256-bit EC curve can work with the contract, but the provided Library uses secp256k1.
  • EC public keys are expressed as x and y values on the curve (32-bit each) for efficiency. The library facilitates conversion to this format.

Usage examples can be found in the unit tests.

Crypto Library

The JavaScript is implemented in CryptoLib.js.

It uses crypto primitives built into Node.js (which in turn uses OpenSSL) and eccrypto.

Keys are expressed as strings in hex notation with leading '0x' to facilitate interacting with web3.js.

Smart Contract

The smart contract is implemented in KeyRegister.sol.


Smart contract and related library allowing delegating access to encrypted data hosted on a given URI.







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