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Cryptonovae token contract

This smart contract was written for the Cryptonovae token and utilizes OpenZeppelin contracts with a custom vesting mechanism to allow funds to vest over time. The total balance will be booked on the receiving end of a vesting user immediately but the user will only be able to spend a certain amount given the chosen vesting scheme for this account. The conditions are as follows:

  • Each account has only 1 vesting scheme max.
  • If no vesting scheme is applied the token is considered a regular ERC-20
  • Vesting is done on a daily basis since contract start, rounded up to 1 YAE
  • Additional tokens added to a vesting address can be spent immediately
  • A transaction to send more tokens as allowed results in a failed transaction
  • There is a custom non-linear vesting method for the 10 year locked tokens

We use hardhat to test, compile and deploy this script + sync with etherscan. We use Infura to deploy the smart contract, and need a API key for CoinMarketCap to calculate gas prices for testing and an API key for Etherscan to verify the contract.

These secrets are managed in secrets.json, please copy secrets.json.example to secrets.json and modify the values so the commands will work as expected.

Commonly used commands

Set up the tooling

npm install

Run the automated tests + calculate gas

npx hardhat test

Deploy to the Rinkeby testnet

npx hardhat run --network rinkeby scripts/deploy.js 

Verify the smart contract on etherscan

npx hardhat verify --network rinkeby CONTRACT_ADDRESS


After deploying the contract and allocating the full supply the renounceOwnership function will be called so that it will be impossible to mint any burned tokens later on.


Cryptonovae token contract






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