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Telegram E-commerce Mini App: A customizable and feature-rich e-commerce bot built for seamless interactions with customers, editors, and couriers.


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Mini Sweet Shop App for Telegram

๐Ÿ“– Introduction

This application was developed using the Express web server and PostgreSQL database management system (in addition to tables, views, and functions were developed to facilitate database operations). The application includes: a main web page for the user to browse the store, a table editor for the store administrator, and some logic for store couriers. The application was developed for Vercel, which is why all JavaScript files are located in the api folder.

๐Ÿค– Creating a Bot

To use the mini-application, you need to create a Telegram bot. To do this, start a chat with @BotFather and send the command /newbot. Then, give your bot a name (for example, Delivery Products) and specify a @username for the bot, which users can use to find it. The username should end with "bot." If the username is already taken, please try another one. After successfully creating the bot, you will be provided with a bot token. This token is secret and should not be shared with anyone. Copy this token and save it in your .env file.

To accept payments, you will need to obtain a payment token. To get one, send the command /mybots to @BotFather to see a list of your created bots. Select your bot, click on "Payments," and choose a payment provider. You will be redirected to another bot that will provide you with a token. This token will also appear in @BotFather. Copy the payment token and specify it in your .env file.

With that, the basic bot setup is complete.

Couriers receive a list of active orders through inline search. To enable this feature, you need to activate it using @BotFather. To do so, select your bot in /mybots and go to Bot Settings > Inline Mode > Turn on.

You can also choose the message that will be displayed to users when they use the inline mode. Please note that the message will be visible to all bot users, not just couriers. Therefore, it's advisable to write something neutral, for example, "...".

You can obtain the values for EDITOR_ID and ADMINS_CHAT_ID, for example, using the web version of Telegram. The IDs will be visible in the address bar when you select chats.

Bot Functionality (Briefly)

The bot provides access to different mini-apps based on the user's role. Customers gain access after sending the /start command, couriers with /courier, and administrators (editors) with /editor. The courier mode is only available to users listed in the "staff" table (automatic addition occurs after adding new users to the group with ID == ADMINS_CHAT_ID). The editing mode is available only to the user whose ID is specified in the EDITOR_ID variable.

Customers can browse products, switch categories, and like items.

The store offers discounts on each product individually and personally for each user. Currently, I've set it up so that discounts are cumulative. After successful payment, couriers receive a notification in the ADMINS_CHAT_ID group about a new order. Couriers can accept orders through the inline menu or via the mini-app. Whenever there is a change in the order status, the customer receives a notification. Status changes can only occur incrementally, meaning you can't accept an order and immediately complete it; status changes must be sequential. Once the courier completes the order, the customer can rate all the items in the order from โญร—1 to โญร—5, which will later influence their positioning in the "Recommendations" section.

Store editors can add or remove product categories, modify them, and assign discounts per product or to individual users.

โš™๏ธ Installation


To ensure the proper functioning of this project, you will need to install Node.js and the npm package manager.

After installation, open the folder containing the cloned repository using Visual Studio Code or any other text editor of your choice.

The project relies on third-party packages for its operation:

  • axios - for sending requests (Telegram Bot API),
  • express - for the web server,
  • body-parser - a helper package for express to parse request bodies,
  • cors - a helper package for express to handle CORS. You may skip this if your application does not require CORS requests,
  • pg - for database connection and executing queries.

In the console, run the following commands to install the dependencies:

npm i axios
npm i express
npm i body-parser
npm i cors
npm i pg

Deployment on Vercel

If you want to host this project on Vercel, run the following command:

npm i -g vercel

After that, you can deploy the project to Vercel using the following command:

vercel --prod

Once the application is deployed, you will receive a URL that needs to be filled in your configuration. You can also add your custom domain by going to your project's properties > Domains.

๐Ÿ“ฆ Database

The tables, views, and functions in this project are designed for PostgreSQL database management system (DBMS).

To create tables, views, and functions, you will need to connect to your PostgreSQL database using a method that is convenient for you. One of the most convenient ways may be to connect using pgAdmin.

To connect to the DB server using pgAdmin, open it and right-click on "Servers," then select "Register > Server." In the window that appears, enter all the connection details: server address, username, password, and database name.

After saving and successfully connecting, you will see your database in the list. Right-click on it and choose "Query Tool." In the Query Tool, sequentially paste the contents of the files tables.sql, functions.sql, and views.sql, located in the sql folder of this repository, and click on "Execute/Refresh" (โ–ถ๏ธ button at the top) or press the F5 key. Afterward, you can add test data from examples.sql.




The following views are implemented in the database:

  • active_orders_v - displays all unfinished orders
  • available_to_leave_feedback_v - shows a list of products that can be rated; these are all products from completed orders
  • admins_v - a list of couriers and system administrators
  • cart_v - user shopping carts
  • sweets_v - all products
  • categories_v - all categories
  • sweets_categories_list_v - product-category pairs; if a product belongs to multiple categories, there will be multiple pairs for each category
  • users_v - a list of all users who interacted with the bot, including couriers and administrators
  • recommendations_v - a list of recommended products
  • sweets_and_categories_v - similar to sweets_categories_list_v, but with complete product information
  • likes_v - products that users added to their favorites


These functions are implemented on the database side and are called through functions stored in the databaseworker.js file. In this file, wrappers for these functions are stored.

# Name Function/View Arguments Calling Function in databaseworker.js Purpose
1 user_create_or_update F id, first_name, last_name, username CreateOrUpdateUser Adding or updating user information
2 category_create F name, description CreateCategory Creating a category
3 order_update_payment_charge F telegram_payment_charge_id, provider_payment_charge_id, orderid ConfirmPayment Confirming payment (OnSuccessfulPayment)
4 cart_items_getuser F userid GetCart Get user's cart
5 order_create F userid CreateOrder Create an order
6 order_getid_byuserid F userid GetUserLastOrderId Get the last order for a user
7 order_update_address F orderid, country_code, state, city, street_line1, street_line2, post_code, phone_number SetOrderAdress Update order address
8 staff_create F userid, staff_level AddStaff Add a courier
9 staff_remove F userid RemoveStaff Remove a courier
10 staff_check F userid IsAdmin Check if a user is a courier
11 admins_v V - GetAdmins Get couriers and administrators
12 sweets_getall F userid GetSweets Get a list of all products, considering user likes
13 sweets_v V - GetSweets Get a list of all products
14 likes_v_getsweets F userid GetSweets Get a list of liked products by a user
15 get_recommendations F userid GetSweets Get a list of recommendations for a user, considering likes
16 sweets_and_categories_v_getsweets F categoryid, userid GetSweets Get a list of products by category
17 cart_add F idsweet, iduser, count AddToCart Add to cart
18 categories_v V - GetAllCategories Get a list of available categories
19 orders_get_available F idcourier GetAvailableOrders Get a list of orders available to a courier
20 order_update_status F idorder, idcourier, statusNew UpdateOrderStatus Update order status. The difference between statuses should not be more than one
21 get_available_feedbacks F iduser GetAvailableFeedbacks Get a list of products available for user feedback
22 order_items_list_update_score F iduser, idsweet, score UpdateScore Rate a product by a user
23 favorite_add F idsweet, iduser AddToFavorites Add to favorites. If already there - then remove it
24 sweet_create F name, cost, discount, wt, description, picture_base64, quantity, categories CreateSweet Create a new confectionery product
25 sweets_categories_list_v V - GetCategoriesAndSweets Get a list of products with their categories
26 categories_list_add F idsweet, idcategory AddCategoryToSweet Add a category to a product
27 categories_list_remove F idsweet, idcategory RemoveCategoryFromSweet Remove a category from a product
28 sweets_update F idsweet, cost, discount, quantity UpdateSweet Update product information
29 sweets_remove F idsweet RemoveSweet Delete (mark only) a product
30 category_update F id, name, description UpdateCategory Update category information
31 category_delete F id DeleteCategory Delete a category (mark only)
32 users_v V - GetUsers Get a list of users
33 user_update_discount F iduser, discount UpdateDiscount Update user discount (from 0 to 0.9)

P.S. If I missed something while separating tables, functions, and views into separate files, please check the full.sql file.

๐Ÿ”Œ API Interaction

API call processing is handled by the index.js and bot.js files. bot.js works with the virtual /bot directory, while index.js handles /api (customer part), /admin-api (editor), and /courier-api (courier part).

To accommodate this, you need to create redirects for these directories to their respective files.

If you are using Vercel, your vercel.json file should look like this:

    "rewrites": [
            "source": "/api/(.*)",
            "destination": "/api/index.js"
            "source": "/admin-api/(.*)",
            "destination": "/api/index.js"
            "source": "/courier-api/(.*)",
            "destination": "/api/index.js"
            "source": "/bot",
            "destination": "/api/bot.js"

The following functions are called via the /api/:type endpoint:

:type Called Function Arguments
"sweets" GetSweets("", Depending on the presence of idcategory
"categories" GetAllCategories() None
"invoice" CreateInvoiceLink(user, prices) None
"add_cart" AddToCart(idssweet,, counts) idssweet,, counts
"like" AddToFavorites(request.body.idsweet, request.body.idsweet,

The following functions are called via the /admin-api/:type endpoint:

:type Called Function Arguments
"getcategories" GetAllCategories() None
"addsweet" CreateSweet() name, cost, discount, wt, description, picture_base64, quantity, categories
"createcategory" CreateCategory() name, description
"sw_category_add" AddCategoryToSweet() idsweet, idcategory
"sw_category_remove" RemoveCategoryFromSweet() idsweet, idcategory
"updatesweet" UpdateSweet() idsweet, cost, discount, quantity
"updatecategory" UpdateCategory() id, name, description
"updatediscount" UpdateDiscount() iduser, discount
"deletesweet" RemoveSweet() idsweet
"deletecategory" DeleteCategory() id

The following functions are called via the /courier-api/:type endpoint:

:type Called Function Arguments
"getavailableorders" (GET) GetAvailableOrders()
------------------ ------------------- ------------------------
"updatestatus" (POST) UpdateOrderStatus() idorder,, body.statusnew

All arguments are passed either in the request body for POST requests or as GET parameters for GET requests. Additionally, telegramInitData is included in the query string after :type.

๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ Files


Entry point.

To make the application work, incoming requests to api/* and admin-api/* need to be redirected to index.js. Each request here is verified using the verifyTelegramWebAppData function (see below), and requests to /admin-api are checked for compliance with EDITOR_ID (see secrets.js).


Handler for the /bot directory, the webhook for the Telegram Bot API (if a POST request is received). Incoming requests are forwarded to the TelegramEventsHandlers.js file.

It also handles setting up the webhook for a specified domain (if accessed at your_domain/bot).


Contains event handlers for messages, inline searches (when a courier searches for their order), button presses (when a courier changes the order status), pre-checkout query requests (OnPrecheckoutQuery), successful payment requests (OnSuccessfulPayment), invoice link creation (CreateInvoiceLink), adding/removing couriers when they join a group, and notifying couriers when an order is created (and successfully paid for).


Contains functions for validating telegramInitData. telegramInitData is considered valid when the provided and calculated hashes match and when the authorization time (auth_date) is not older than 24 hours.


Here, I have implemented my own wrappers for calling the necessary Telegram Bot API functions (answerInlineQuery, sendMessage, sendSticker, editMessageText, answerCallbackQuery, deleteMessage, createInvoiceLink, answerPreCheckoutQuery, setWebhook).


This file contains wrappers for all the functions and views listed in the table above.

All functions are called using RunFunction(function_name, [argument_array]), where a Prepared Statement is generated for them, and views are accessed using SeeView(view_name).


This file contains the following secrets:

  • BOT_TOKEN - the bot token obtained through @BotFather.
  • PAYMENT_TOKEN - the payment token.
  • EDITOR_ID - the editor's ID (only this user can access editing).
  • ADMINS_GROUP_CHATID - the ID of the group where notifications about new orders will be sent.

Other constants should be defined using the .env file (or through project settings > Environment Variables if you are using Vercel). These variables include:

  • PGHOST - the database connection address.
  • PGDATABASE - the database name.
  • PGUSER - the username.
  • PGPASSWORD - the password.

It's recommended to keep all your secret data in the .env file or similar, and not share them with anyone.

An example .env file might look like this:



If you are using Vercel, Heroku, or similar solutions, you can set environment variables in your project's Settings > Environment Variables.

After specifying them in the .env file, the secrets.js file will look like this:

const BOT_TOKEN = process.env.BOT_TOKEN;
const PAYMENT_TOKEN = process.env.PAYMENT_TOKEN;
const EDITOR_ID = process.env.EDITOR_ID;



In this file, texts of messages in various languages that are sent to the user are stored. The DEFAULT_LANGCODE variable stores the default language code that will be sent in case there are no strings available in the requested language. It is essential to have a string in this language, or else the user will receive undefined.


This file is used to configure Vercel for this project. It specifies the redirection of requests to index.js and bot.js.

To enable access to static files, the following entries have been added:

    "source": "/editor.js",
    "destination": "/editor/editor.js"
    "source": "/bootstrap.min_custom.css",
    "destination": "/app/bootstrap.min_custom.css"
    "source": "/app.js",
    "destination": "/app/app.js"


This is the main page of the store, which contains some markup using Bootstrap. The generated HTML code for product cards will be added here by app.js.

Some CSS classes have been overridden using variables to customize the store interface to match the Telegram user theme.

In addition to Bootstrap, you need to include the jQuery library and the library for the Telegram Web App.


This file contains all the logic for the mini-application: generating code for product cards, generating code for categories, handling button clicks to increase/decrease the quantity of added products, and liking/unliking products.

You need to change the API_ENDPOINT constant to specify the server address where requests will be sent. If you are hosting everything on the same server, specify the same address as you did in the strings.js file. Also, change MIN_AMOUNT and MAX_AMOUNT - these are the minimum and maximum amounts accepted by the payment provider for processing. You can find values for your currency here.

Requests are sent to the domain specified in the API_ENDPOINT constant. Each request includes telegramInitData in the query string for verification.


The main page of the store editor. Similar to index.html for the user side.


Logic for generating tables with products, tabs, and handling button clicks for editing/deleting.

Here, you can delete, edit, or add new products or categories, and change the discount for a user.

Requests are sent to the domain specified in the API_ENDPOINT constant with telegramInitData added to the query string.


Main page for the courier section. Similar to all other pages.


Logic for generating the list of active orders. Each courier can only see their own unfinished and new orders.

Requests are sent to the domain specified in the API_ENDPOINT constant with the addition of telegramInitData in the query string.


Telegram E-commerce Mini App: A customizable and feature-rich e-commerce bot built for seamless interactions with customers, editors, and couriers.







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