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Ruby on Rails Background

This document is here to help you with hw2. Please fully read the document.

Most of the information here is from the Rail Guide. It is the best reference and contains all the details for the concepts mentioned here.

##Rails Background Rails makes it easier to create schemas and query the database for web apps. The Rails guide is the best resource for all Rails features. This section will discuss some of the main features relevant to this project.

In the Rails framework, schema design and database querying are achieved using ActiveRecord Migrations and Models. Migrations are basically fancy DDL statements in Ruby, and Models are basically ruby classes representing an entity.

##Relationship Between Database Tables and Models

Rails primarily interacts with the data in the database through an Object-relational mapping layer. What this means is that there is a 1:1 mapping between a row in a relational table and an object instance of a class. Rails allows the programmer to simply run programs on Ruby objects, and in the background the rows in the database tables are read or modified.

Here is an example of how the mapping would work. In the database there is a table named Users, and it has the fields id and name. Say there is also a Rail model named User.

  • The Users table in the database maps to the User model.
  • An instance (object) of the User model maps to a single row in the Users table.
  • If there was a row in the Users table with the values (1, "John"), you can create an instance of the model with u = User.find_by_id(1)
  • You can read any field from the table by accessing it through the instance. For example, you could read the name of the user with:
  • If you change fields of the model instance and save it, it will modify the underlying database. For example, if you do = "Johnny" then save it with, the row in the database table will then look like (1, "Johnny")

That is how the basic interaction works between models and database tables. Rails models also allow lots of other functionality, including validations and associations, which are discussed later in this document.

##ActiveRecord Migrations Please refer to the Migration guide for more details.

Migrations are how Ruby on Rails create tables and modify schemas in the database. Instead of writing SQL statements, the DDL is written in Ruby.

Rails also allow query access to the tables through the Ruby language, in addition to SQL queries. Database tables can be accessed through Models, which are just Ruby classes.

To create a new migration you can run:

% rails generate migration Something

and that will generate the migration file


However, if you also want to create the associated model along with the migration, you can run:

% rails generate model Something

This will generate the model file and migration file for Something. The files are:


The create statements should be added to the ?_create_somethings.rb migration file. The Migrations guide has more examples on how to create columns. We have already created the migration for Users, and the code is below:

class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :users do |t|
      t.string :name
      t.string :email
      t.string :password_digest


This migration creates a Users table with the columns, name, email, and password_digest. Each of the fields are of type string in the database. The line t.timestamps auto-generates 2 additional fields created_at and updated_at, which are timestamps. Also, all generated migrations have an implicit field named id which is the primary key for that table. Therefore, this migration will create the Users table with 6 columns: id, name, email, password_digest, created_at, updated_at.

For this assignment, you will create additional migrations for the tables you want to create. You do not have to modify the Users migration for this assignment.

###Foreign Keys You may want to create foreign keys between tables in your database. In order to reference another table for a foreign key, you can just add a column with a special name. For example, say you have a Students table and an Enrollments table, and the Enrollments table needs to reference the Students table. The Enrollments table will look like this:

class CreateEnrollments < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :enrollments do |t|
      t.integer :student_id

By specifying student_id, it is telling Rails that the column is a foreign key referencing the id field of the Students table.

Note: the naming in important for Rails to figure out what to reference. The Associations: Tips and Warnings is another good resource in determining how columns should be named.

###Running Migrations In order to actually apply the migrations you create, you have to run them on the database. To apply the migrations, run:

% rake db:migrate

This will execute all the migration files not run since the last execution of db:migrate.

###Modifying Migrations Sometimes you may have to change the schema of an existing table in the database. There are 2 ways to do this.

The first way to change the schema is to just edit the migration file you want to change, and then run:

% rake db:drop
% rake db:migrate

Since this deletes all of your data, if you were already signed in with a user, the app will fail. You may have to visit http://localhost:3000/logout to clear the session data.

This is the simplest way, however, this WILL delete all the data in the database.

The second way to change your schema is to actually create another migration. The migration will not be a new CREATE TABLE, but some other operation. Read section 2.2 Creating a Standalone Migration in the Migration guide.

From the guide:

If the migration name is of the form “AddXXXToYYY” or “RemoveXXXFromYYY” and is followed by a list of column names and types then a migration containing the appropriate add_column and remove_column statements will be created.

% rails generate migration AddPartNumberToProducts part_number:string

will generate

class AddPartNumberToProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    add_column :products, :part_number, :string


% rails generate migration RemovePartNumberFromProducts part_number:string

can be used.

Once these new migrations are created, they can be applied to the database like above with: rake db:migrate.

Note: this method of changing the schema will NOT delete the data from the database.

##ActiveRecord Models Please refer to the Validation guide and the Associations guide for more details.

The models are just classes which can be used to access the associated tables in the database. Models can also be used to enforce constraints (such as foreign key constraints) on the table. In the example above, the generated model file is app/models/something.rb.

Note: Models are not always required for every table/migration created in the database. This is a decision you can make.

Since models are just Ruby classes, you can write methods for the class. Also, the model is associated with the table in the database with the same name. For example, the User model is mapped to the Users table in the database.

Since the User model is mapped to the Users table, all the columns of the table are accessible from the model. For example, if u is an instance of the User class, you can access the columns with, and so on.

Within the model, you can specify validations and associations.

###Validations Validations are used to specify constraints on the data in the model/table. For example, you can define a validation to ensure that all email addresses exist and are unique for users. In the User model provided for you, that validation is defined as:

validates :email, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true

There are many types of validation helpers and the guide lists and explains them all. You will need to use some of these validation helpers for your assignment.

###Associations Associations are used to define the relationships between models. In database terms, they can be thought of as foreign key constraints. However, associations are not actually enforced by the underlying database. They are mainly used as shortcuts for common query patterns.

There are 6 types of associations and some may be useful for this project.

  • belongs_to
  • has_one
  • has_many
  • has_many :through
  • has_one :through
  • has_and_belongs_to_many

We HIGHLY recommend reading the Association guide for more details on all of the associations. In particular, look at the diagrams of how the tables/table names work for each of these associations.

There are many details on each of these associations in the guide. The Associations: Tips and Warnings section is a very good section explaining how some of the naming and schema should look for associations to work well.

We HIGHLY recommend reading the Associations: Tips and Warnings section to better understand how tables and foreign keys should be named.

###Querying the Models The Querying guide has all the details on how to query Rails models.

You can query the data in the database through the models (Ruby classes) and not write SQL queries. Along with associations, models can be very powerful in querying the tables.

Methods are defined on the ActiveRecord models which roughly correspond to different portions of a SQL query. The methods are:

  • where
  • select
  • group
  • order
  • reorder
  • reverse_order
  • limit
  • offset
  • joins
  • includes
  • lock
  • readonly
  • from
  • having

These methods can be used in combination with each other to fully construct a query. For example, Rails will take the following line:

Client.where("orders_count = ?", 123)

and execute

SELECT * FROM Clients WHERE orders_count = 123;

Details on all of these methods are in the Querying guide.

Since associations define the foreign key relationships between models, Rails can use the association information to execute joins without explicitly defining the join. This can sometimes make querying the models even easier. Here is an example.

Say you have two models, Client and Address, and the Client table has a foreign key, address_id, referencing the Address table. The associations in the models look like:

class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_one :address

class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :client

There are two ways to get the address state from a client:

# without using associations
c = Client.find_by_id(2)
# Have to access the address_id first, then find the address of that address_id.
addr = Address.find_by_id(c.address_id).state

# using associations
addr = Client.find_by_id(2).address.state

As you can see, by using the associations, you do not have to explictly find the address id, but have direct access to the associated object, defined in the Client model.

There are many other examples of querying in the Querying guide.

###Modifying the Models and Associations To create a new instance of a model, and then save it to the database, you can call new to create a new instance and save to validate it and save it to the database.

# create a new model
s ={...})
# you can do stuff to s
# save s to the database

To delete a model, just call destroy.


If an association is has_one, that means the association is just a single object, so you can treat it as regular object.

If an association is has_many or has_and_belongs_to_many, the association is not a single object, but a collection of objects. When the association is a collection of objects, you can add or delete to the collection by using:

  • collection << obj_to_add
  • collection.delete(obj_to_delete)

The guides for has_many and has_and_belongs_to_many have more details.

##How does this relate to CS186 concepts?

In this section we will just discuss how CS186 concepts map to Rails constructs.

####DDL Statements Data Definition Language statements in SQL are usually just executed on the database, like CREATE TABLE... or ALTER TABLE.

In Rails, these DDL statements are defined in migrations. Running rake db:migrate will execute the migrations not yet run on the database.

####Create Table Statement In SQL, you would typically create a create table DDL statement like:

  name TEXT,

In Rails, the same create table statement would be in a migration, and look like:

class CreateStudents < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    # the id field is implicitly created, and is the primary key.
    create_table :students do |t|
      t.string :name

####Foreign Keys In SQL foreign keys are defined like:

  name TEXT,

  student_id INTEGER,
  course_id INTEGER,
  FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES Students,
  FOREIGN KEY (course_id) REFERENCES Courses

The equivalent migration in Rails would be:

class CreateEnrolled < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :enrolled do |t|
      t.integer :student_id
      # equivalent to: t.references :student
      t.integer :course_id
      # equivalent: t.references :course

####ER Model Entity and Entity Sets In the [ER model](Entity–relationship model), has the concept of Entities and Entity Sets. These two concepts also exist in Rails. Just to review, an Entity Set is a set or collection of entities, and an Entity is a single instance from an Entity Set.

A Model in Rails maps to the Entity Set in the ER model. For example, the Students model would describe and define the behavior of the collection of all Students.

A single instance (an object) of the model maps to the Entity in the ER model. In the Students example, an single object of the class would be an entity in the ER model.

####Primary Keys In the relational model, most tables have primary keys to uniquely identify a single row in the table. A primary key is defined on the Students table like,

  name TEXT,

In Rails, the default behavior is to implicitly create the primary key field. Rails auto-generates a field named id and is defined to be the primary key.

In the relational model, you can also create composite primary keys. Rails does not support composite primary keys, but the similar functionality can be implemented in Rails with validations (more details in the next section).

####Unique Keys In SQL, to create a unique field you can just define a unique key like UNIQUE KEY (email).

In Rails, the same uniqueness constraint is achieved with a validation defined in the model, validates :email, :uniqueness => true.

To ensure uniqueness across multiple columns in SQL, you can just create a composite unique key. Rails achieves this using scopes for validations. For example, to validate uniqueness across two columns, the model should define, validates :col1 :uniqueness => { :scope => :col2}

####1-to-1 Relationship Set In Rails, the 1-to-1 relationship between entities can be defined by adding associations in the two related models. The 1-to-1 relationship is defined with a has_one association in one model, and the belongs_to association in the other model. Here is an example:

Class Student < ActiveRecord::Base	
  has_one :transcript

Class Transcript < ActiveRecord::Base	
  belongs_to :student

This defines the 1-to-1 relationship between Students and Transcripts.

####1-to-Many (or Many-to-1) Relationship Set In Rails, the 1-to-Many (or Many-to-1) relationship between entities is defined with a has_many association in one model and a belongs_to in the other model.

Class Student < ActiveRecord::Base  
  belongs_to :advisor

Class Advisor < ActiveRecord::Base	
  has_many :students

This defines the 1-to-Many relationship between Advisors and Students. Advisors can have many students, but a student only has a single advisor.

####Many-to-Many Relationship Set The Many-to-Many relationship is defined by using the has_and_belongs_to_many association on both models.

Class Student < ActiveRecord::Base  
  has_and_belongs_to_many :courses

Class Course < ActiveRecord::Base  
  has_and_belongs_to_many :students

This defines the Many-to-Many relationship between Students and Courses. Students can take multiple courses, and a course can have multiple students.

The has_and_belongs_to_many guide has a useful figure on how the database tables should look like, and the tips and warnings has useful information on how the tables should be named.