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In this repo please add the .md file containing

  • project topic,
  • existing team members,
  • if you need more members, and
  • technology(ies) you plan to use

This folder contains teasers only

Full proposals go to the corresponding project's repo: please use .md file using markup Full proposal preparation will be discussed on Wed and the prropsals will be due Jan 29. Classtime on Jan 22, 24, and 27 will be devoted to the team getting together and writing the proposal: please be there!

Heading: Title, Team Name, Team Members

Section 1: Introduction 1-1.5 page

  • Context Motivation
  • High level description of the proposed solution

Section 2: Customer Value (1 page) - Cite exiting work either products or research - Whats done what gaps remain - Is what you are creating novel

Section 3: Proposed Solution and Technology (1-2 pages) - Some details on the proposed implementation so that you can use it to define sprints - Platform, frameworks, tools, process

Section 4: Team (0.5 page) - Your background (experience) - Why you are the right team


No description, website, or topics provided.






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