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SZTE TTIK MI Msc. Programrendszerek fejlesztése lab.

Title: Szállodai foglalórendszer
Author: Csaba Kocsis
This project contains two subproject.
One under the "service" directory containing the node.js app that acts as a REST API.
The other is under the "ui" directory containing an angular app that acts as a web GUI.

Running the application

The root of the project contains a docker-compose.yml file. This file contains all the information to build the subprojects and run them in the proper order. In order to run the application you will to have docker-compose installed on your system. Install documentation: To start the app go to the root of the project and execute:

docker-compose up -d

To stop the app execute:

docker-compose down;

This command will start the following docker containers:

  • prf-hotel-nodejs:1.0
  • prf-hotel-angular:1.0
  • mongo:4.0
  • nginx:1.16.0

It also starts up a temporary container that fills up the mongodb with the example db.

The nginx server in this setup is used as a reverse proxy. It is used so that CORS is not a problem when accessing the nodejs REST API from the angular app.


The docker-compose.yml file contains to unfilled environment variables: EMAIL_USER, EMAIL_PASS.
The application sends out emails for each reservation. These env vars will be used for sending the emails (the email needs to be a gmail account).

Test user:
username: alex
password: pass

Service API

The service directory contains the node.js app serving as a REST API.

Available endpoints:

  • GET /hotel/list This endpoints returns all the stored hotels.
    Content type: application/json
    Response body:
    _id: Number                     // unique identifier
    stars: Number,                  // hotel ratings in stars
    name: String,                   // Registered name of the hotel
    city: String,                   // City where the hotel is located
    extraFeatures: Array,           // list of extra services the hotel offers. e.g.: parking, wifi
    rooms [                         // each object here represent a type of room
            _id: string,            // unique identifier
            numberOfBeds: Number,   // number of beds in the room
            extraFeatures: Array    // list of extra services the room offers. e.g.: TV, hairdryer
  • POST /hotel/find This endpoint offers a way of searching for a room with the intent of reserving one.
    Content type: application/json
    Request body parameters:
    arrival: string            // date of arrival in the hotel. format: YYYY-MM-DD. Required field.
    leaving: string,           // date of leaving the hotel. format: YYYY-MM-DD, Required field.
    cityName: string,          // name of the city the hotel is located. It can be a partial text. Optional field.

Response body:

    _id: Number                      // unique identifier
    stars: Number,                   // hotel ratings in stars
    name: String,                    // Registered name of the hotel
    city: String,                    // City where the hotel is located
    extraFeatures: Array,            // list of extra services the hotel offers. e.g.: parking, wifi
    rooms: [                          // each object here represent a type of room
            _id: string,             // unique identifier
            numberOfBeds: Number,    // number of beds in the room
            price: Number,           // price of the room in dollars for a night
            extraFeatures: Array,    // list of extra services the room offers. e.g.: TV, hairdryer
            remaining: Number        // number of rooms available for reservation for the selected staying interval.
                                     // It will give the minimum remaining amongst each day in the interval.
  • PUT /hotel/add This endpoint adds a new hotel to the database. Content type: application/json
    Request body parameters:
    name: string                   // Name of the hotel. Required field.
    stars: string,                 // Rating of the hotel. A number between 1-5. Required field.
    extraFeatures: Array,          // Array of texts describing features of the hotel. Optional field.
    rooms: [                       // List of rooms available in the hotel. Optional field. (rooms can be added later)
        numberOfBeds: Number,      // Number of beds in the room.
        price: Number,             // Price of the room in dollars for a night.
        available: Number,         // Number of such room available in the hotel.
        extraFeatures: Array       // Array of texts describing the features of the room.
  • POST /hotel/:hotelId/room/add This endpoint adds a room to an existing hotel. Content type: application/json
    Path parameters:
    hotelId: identifier of the hotel to which a new type of room is to be added
    Request body parameters:
    numberOfBeds: Number,      // Number of beds in the room.
    price: Number,             // Price of the room in dollars for a night.
    available: Number,         // Number of such room available in the hotel.
    extraFeatures: Array       // Array of texts describing the features of the room.
  • POST /hotel/:hotelId/room/:roomId/:arrival/:leaving/reserve This endpoint will reserve a room in a hotel for the given date interval. Path parameters:
    hotelId: identifier of the hotel where the room is to be reserved
    roomId: identifier of the room to be reserved
    arrival: date of the check-in to the hotel. format: YYYY-MM-DD.
    leaving: date of the check-out from the hotel. format: YYYY-MM-DD

  • GET /hotel/:hotelId/ratings This endpoint returns the user ratings for a hotel. Path parameters:
    hotelId: identifier of the hotel

  • POST /hotel/:hotelId/rate/:rating This endpoint adds the currently logged in user's rating to the given hotel. Path parameters:
    hotelId: identifier of the hotel
    rating: number between 1-5


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