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Rebase #1900 (#2009)
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* hash update - bug fix for branches (#83865)

hash updates for xla were failing because the current pinned hash is a branch, so the git command for getting the date couldn't find the branch due to not having a local version of the branch.  Fixed by checking out the branch to make sure it exists locally.

example of failure:

Test plan:
made it pull request trigger and ran, to get this:
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [FSDP] Remove unneeded checks (#83150)

@awgu pointed out these checks aren't really doing anything, as they just make sure we're setting training state in certain ways throughout FSDP and is sort of arbitrary. So, removing them to avoid confusion.

We still keep the checking around `_post_backward_called` because this is needed in `finalize_params` for now.

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [BE] Revert distributed change in (#83181) points out a regression in how inputs / outputs are processed by DDP, blocking their HF use case. It was narrowed down to and reverting the distributed change there fixes the issue.

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Transpose scheduler small dim sizes better support (#1910)

* Optimize transpose copy on CPU using fbgemm transpose (#83327)

### Description
Optimize transpose copy on CPU using fbgemm transpose

### Testing
single socket (28cores):
before: torch.Size([10, 128, 10, 124]) -> torch.Size([10, 128, 124, 10]) fp32: 4.819e-05 ms; bf16: 4.846e-05 ms
        torch.Size([10, 128, 30, 124]) -> torch.Size([10, 128, 124, 30]) fp32: 0.000171 ms; bf16: 0.000129 ms

after: torch.Size([10, 128, 10, 124]) -> torch.Size([10, 128, 124, 10])  fp32: 2.439e-05 ms; bf16: 2.152e-05 ms
        torch.Size([10, 128, 30, 124]) -> torch.Size([10, 128, 124, 30]) fp32: 0.000132 ms; bf16: 3.916e-05 ms
single core:
before: torch.Size([10, 128, 10, 124]) -> torch.Size([10, 128, 124, 10]) fp32: 0.00109 ms;  bf16: 0.00103 ms
        torch.Size([10, 128, 30, 124]) -> torch.Size([10, 128, 124, 30]) fp32: 0.00339 ms; bf16: 0.00295 ms

after: torch.Size([10, 128, 10, 124]) -> torch.Size([10, 128, 124, 10]) fp32: 0.000566  ms; bf16: 0.000382 ms
        torch.Size([10, 128, 30, 124]) -> torch.Size([10, 128, 124, 30]) fp32: 0.00282 ms; bf16: 0.000999 ms
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Grouped grid welford (#1921)

Enables grouping of grid welford ops across iterations. Same functionality as the iteration grouping for GridReduction. This ins intended to improve the outer-norm grid persistence in batchnorm-like fusions.

* [ONNX] Use `errors.SymbolicValueError` for more context (#83332)

Replace runtime errors in torch.onnx with `errors.SymbolicValueError` for more context around jit values.

- Extend `_unimplemented`, `_onnx_unsupported`, `_onnx_opset_unsupported`, `_onnx_opset_unsupported_detailed` errors to include JIT value information
- Replace plain RuntimeError with `errors.SymbolicValueError`
- Clean up: Use `_is_bool` to replace string comparison on jit types
- Clean up: Remove the todo `Remove type ignore after #81112`

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,,

* [quant][fx] Add support for quantized matmul (#83885)

att, probably missed the op during migration to the reference flow

Test Plan:
python test/ TestQuantizeFxOps.test_qmatmul




Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Misc fixes/tuning for transpose scheduler (#1912)

* [nn] split rnn_utils test from (#83675)

Proposed folder structure
-> test
  -> nn
    -> .....

This PR: Moves test related RNN utilities to a different file.
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [optim] rprop: handle complex params as independent real params (#83858)

Ref #65711

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [xla hash update] update the pinned xla hash (#83899)

This PR is auto-generated nightly by [this action](
Update the pinned xla hash.
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [ROCm] More Sparse UTs enablement and more hipification mappings. (#78939)



To enable the above tests had to add some more hip mappings for the hipification process.
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,

* Normalize DLPack stride to 1 where shape < 2 (#83158)

Fixes #83069. Also move all the dlpack tests to a new file., ``.

The fix involves always allocating a "strides" int array when converting to dlPack and deleting the strides when the capsule descructor is called. Then the strides are copied from the tensor, and `strides[i]` is set to `1` where `shape[i] < 2`.
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Remove DBR quantization from the codebase (#83642)


DBR quantization is a no-go for now because it does not align well with
PyTorch 2.0 plans and we do not want to build yet another tracing system.

Deleting it from the codebase for now since there are no plans to develop
this in the near future. We can bring it back at a later time if necessary.

Test plan:


Differential Revision: [D38839556](
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,

* Refactored ops on size to be dispatcher ops (#83719)

An example of how the graph looks now.
def forward(self, x_1):
    size = torch.ops.math.size(x_1, 0)
    size_1 = torch.ops.math.size(x_1, 1);  x_1 = None
    ones = torch.ops.aten.ones.default([1], device = device(type='cpu'), pin_memory = False)
    expand_sym_int = torch.ops.aten.expand.SymInt(ones, [size, size_1]);  ones = size = size_1 = None
    cos_default = torch.ops.aten.cos.default(expand_sym_int);  expand_sym_int = None
    return (cos_default,)

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Fix stride issue with faketensors (#83822)

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,

* Nullary RNGOp (#1892)

* [ROCm] restore MIOpen benchmark flag default to true (#82656)

### Description
PR allowed MIOpen to support the benchmark flag. Previously, the benchmark flag was ignored by MIOpen such that benchmarking was always turned on. This commit restores the behavior that MIOpen benchmarking is by default turned on.

### Testing
CI unit tests cover this capability.  Torchvision models demonstrate the performance delta.

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Update retry action to latest version (#83911)

We're running into EPERM issues when trying to install nvidia tools, see failure example
WARNING: The nvidia-drm module will not be installed. As a result, DRM-KMS will not function with this installation of the NVIDIA driver.

            throw err;

Error: kill EPERM
    at process.kill (internal/process/per_thread.js:199:13)
    at killPid (/home/ec2-user/actions-runner/_work/_actions/nick-fields/retry/71062288b76e2b6214ebde0e673ce0de1755740a/dist/index.js:1059:17)
    at /home/ec2-user/actions-runner/_work/_actions/nick-fields/retry/71062288b76e2b6214ebde0e673ce0de1755740a/dist/index.js:1036:21
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at /home/ec2-user/actions-runner/_work/_actions/nick-fields/retry/71062288b76e2b6214ebde0e673ce0de1755740a/dist/index.js:1034:23
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at killAll (/home/ec2-user/actions-runner/_work/_actions/nick-fields/retry/71062288b76e2b6214ebde0e673ce0de1755740a/dist/index.js:1033:27)
    at /home/ec2-user/actions-runner/_work/_actions/nick-fields/retry/71062288b76e2b6214ebde0e673ce0de1755740a/dist/index.js:1024:13
    at ChildProcess.onClose (/home/ec2-user/actions-runner/_work/_actions/nick-fields/retry/71062288b76e2b6214ebde0e673ce0de1755740a/dist/index.js:1080:17)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:314:20) {
  errno: 'EPERM',
  code: 'EPERM',
  syscall: 'kill'


The root issue probably lies elsewhere but this action is not helping/the errors seem to say it's unable to kill child processes. A more recent commit in that repo uses spawn instead of exec which might make a difference.

Regardless, we should keep our actions up to date anyway.
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [PyTorch] Remove unused sstream/string includes from c10/macros/Macros.h (#83353)

Nothing in the rest of the header seems to use these.

Differential Revision: [D38672680](
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [functorch] add linalg cross batch rule (#83759)

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Improve (#83811)

include device_sqrt
replace reduce_agg by BlockReduce
choose implementation by impl_fptr instead of error-prone copy-and-paste
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* reinplace pass: bugfix for output node replacement (#83845)

Cleaned up some of the arg replacement logic to use tree_map, so it handles FX nodes that have nested containers.

See the added test: when you write a function that returns a list, the `output` node in the FX graph shows up as having `node.args = tuple(immutable_list(...))`

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* reinplace pass: special handling for view_scatter ops (#83846)

There is already special handling in the reinplacing pass for removing `{view}_scatter` ops, but there is another case that needs special handling. In this code:
         def f():
             a = torch.zeros(4, 4, 4)
             a[:, 2:] = torch.ones(4, 2, 4)
             return a

Tracing normally with `make_fx()` gives you:

def forward(self):
    zeros = torch.ops.aten.zeros.default([4, 4, 4], device = device(type='cpu'), pin_memory = False)
    ones = torch.ops.aten.ones.default([4, 2, 4], device = device(type='cpu'), pin_memory = False)
    slice_tensor = torch.ops.aten.slice.Tensor(zeros, 0, 0, 9223372036854775807)
    slice_tensor_1 = torch.ops.aten.slice.Tensor(slice_tensor, 1, 2, 9223372036854775807);  slice_tensor = None
    copy__default = torch.ops.aten.copy_.default(slice_tensor_1, ones);  slice_tensor_1 = ones = None
    return zeros
Functionalizing it gives you:

def forward(self):
    zeros = torch.ops.aten.zeros.default([4, 4, 4], device = device(type='cpu'), pin_memory = False)
    ones = torch.ops.aten.ones.default([4, 2, 4], device = device(type='cpu'), pin_memory = False)
    slice_tensor = torch.ops.aten.slice.Tensor(zeros, 0, 0, 9223372036854775807)
    slice_tensor_1 = torch.ops.aten.slice.Tensor(slice_tensor, 1, 2, 9223372036854775807);  slice_tensor = None
    slice_tensor_2 = torch.ops.aten.slice.Tensor(zeros, 0, 0, 9223372036854775807)
    slice_scatter_default = torch.ops.aten.slice_scatter.default(slice_tensor_2, ones, 1, 2, 9223372036854775807);  slice_tensor_2 = ones = None
    slice_scatter_default_1 = torch.ops.aten.slice_scatter.default(zeros, slice_scatter_default, 0, 0, 9223372036854775807);  zeros = slice_scatter_default = None
    return slice_scatter_default_1

Notice that there are not any functional ops to directly re-inplace! What actually happened is that functionalization turned the `copy_()` into a `copy()`, but the out-of-place `copy()` operator gets optimized away because it's a no-op (when the input and output metadata are the same, `out = copy(a, b)` just returns `b`).

What we actually want is to replace this line:
slice_scatter_default = torch.ops.aten.slice_scatter.default(slice_tensor_2, ones, 1, 2, ...);
with this:
new_slice = torch.ops.aten.slice.Tensor(slice_tensor_2, 1, 2, ...);
_ = torch.ops.aten.copy_.default(new_slice, ones)

In the above, we're taking a fresh slice of the "base" tensor, and performing a `copy_()` on the slice, adding back what functionalization removed.

We actually need to create a fresh "slice" node, because we're not guaranteed that one already exists in the graph (technically there should be one, but it might have been DCE'd by the time we hit re-inplacing)

I also updated the docs for re-inplacing to more closely match the order of the logic.

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Move ATenNVRTC.h include from `jit_utils.h` to `jit_utils.cpp` (#83886)

In general, `.h` files should only include headers that are used in the header

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Allow None arguments for elementwise type promotion wrapper and fix clamp with None arguments (#83586)

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,


Automatically enable `NCCL_DESYNC_DEBUG` when `TORCH_DISTRIBUTED_DEBUG` is set to `DETAIL`.
Saving user from setting two env variables.

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,,

* Strenghten preconditions of linalg.cross (#83798)

This makes `linalg.cross` array API complaint ( and fixes a few bugs.

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Fix view_func replay in no-grad mode (#83872)


Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [vulkan] Add VMA as a third_party subrepo (#83906)

the [VulkanMemoryAllocator]( is a popular library for GPU memory allocation using Vulkan. The Vulkan backend has a dependency on it, but since it is only a single header file we currently include it by checking it into the repo under [aten/src/ATen/native/vulkan/api/vk_mem_alloc.h]( However, it is better to check it in as a third party submodule, since it allows better version tracking.
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [torchgen] Add documentation for `autogen` keyword (#83610)

This is a follow up for #81437. This PR explains what operator can use `autogen` and what will be generated. Also talked about generated kernels and where to find them.
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,

* remove assertEqualIgnoreTypes from test/distributions/ (#83709)

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [fix] edge case in `MaxPool1d` and add ErrorInputs (#83553)

Fixes #83224

cc @kshitij12345 @albanD!
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [complex] conv_transpose1d (#79694)

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Revert "Strenghten preconditions of linalg.cross (#83798)"

This reverts commit 7f0198e7390eff2f2f5fcb33ce36c99ec3b7f55e.

Reverted on behalf of due to Sorry, land race caused functorch issues

* Fix load_extra_only api for flatbuffers and enable flatbuffers in mobile for OSS properly (#83855)

`_load_extra_only_for_mobile` API hasn't handled flatbuffers logic yet. Update the api accordingly.

Also find out mobile build in OSS doesn't build with flatbuffers. Filed task T129996445 to track

Differential Revision: [D38890847](

**NOTE FOR REVIEWERS**: This PR has internal Facebook specific changes or comments, please review them on [Phabricator](!
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Prefer signal from land checks over PR signals (#83715)

# The problem

When a dev forks their branch from a red master build, their branch can fail CI checks for reasons unrelated to their changes, but the same checks would however pass in the land validation commit (which is rebased off of viable/strict)

Today, in the above scenario the `merge -l` command fails because mergebot sees the failing checks in the PR, which is not helpful when that same check passes in land validation.

# The solution
This PR changes the behavior so that:
1. If both the PR and land validation ran a workflow, only look at the results from land validation
2. If only the PR ran a specific workflow (e.g. for CLA Check or a nightly run) then continue to look the result from the PR (which matches existing behavior)

### Bonus fixes
It also includes a few extra BE fixes:
- Replaces the tuple we used to pass workflow check results around with a named tuple so that it's easier to tell what data is being used
- Reduces the number of API calls to github by ~50% during merges.  Before, we were pulling results from github every time and then filtering it down to the relevant category of checks (e.g. failed/pending/startup_failed). Now, our filters share the check results
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Don't introduce new overload for SymInt (#83628)

Previously, we introduced new SymInt overloads for every function we wanted.  This led to a lot of boilerplate, and also a lot of confusion about how the overloads needed to be implemented.

This PR takes a simpler but more risky approach: just take the original function and changes its ints to SymInts.

This is BC-breaking in the following ways:

* The C++ API for registering implementations for aten operators will change from int64_t to SymInt whenever you make this change. Code generated registrations in PyTorch do not change as codegen handles the translation automatically, but manual registrations will need to follow the change.  Typically, if you now accept a SymInt where you previously only took int64_t, you have to convert it back manually.  This will definitely break XLA, see companion PR Note that not all dispatch keys get the automatic translation; all the composite keys and Meta keys are modified to take SymInt directly (because they should handle them directly), and so there are adjustments for this.

This is not BC-breaking in the following ways:

* The user facing C++ API remains compatible.  Even if a function changes from int to SymInt, the default C++ binding still takes only ints.  (e.g., at::empty(IntArrayRef, ...).  To call with SymInts, you must call at::empty_symint instead. This involved adding two more signatures to CppSignatureGroup; in many cases I refactored code to iterate over all signatures in the group instead of hard-coding the two that previously existed.
* This is TorchScript compatible; internally we treat SymInts as ints so there is no change to what happens at runtime in TorchScript. In particular, it's OK to reference an empty schema by its old type (using int types), as long as you're not doing string equality (which you shouldn't be), these parse to the same underyling type.

Structure of the PR:

* The general strategy of this PR is that, even when you write `SymInt` inside `native_functions.yaml`, sometimes, we will treat it *as if* it were an `int`. This idea pervades the codegen changes, where we have a translation from SymInt to c10::SymInt or int64_t, and this is controlled by a symint kwarg which I added and then audited all call sites to decide which I wanted. Here are some of the major places where we pick one or the other:
  * The C++ FunctionSchema representation represents `SymInt` as `int`. There are a few places we do need to know that we actually have a SymInt and we consult `real_type()` to get the real type in this case. In particular:
    * When we do schema validation of C++ operator registration, we must compare against true schema (as the C++ API will provide `c10::SymInt`, and this will only be accepted if the schema is `SymInt`. This is handled with cloneWithRealTypes before we check for schema differences.
    * In `toIValue` argument parsing, we parse against the true schema value. For backwards compatibility reasons, I do still accept ints in many places where Layout/SymInt/etc were expected. (Well, accepting int where SymInt is expected is not BC, it's just the right logic!)
  * In particular, because SymInt never shows up as type() in FunctionSchema, this means that we no longer need a dedicated Tag::SymInt. This is good, because SymInts never show up in mobile anyway.
* Changes to functorch/aten are mostly about tracking changes to the C++ API registration convention. Additionally, since SymInt overloads no longer exist, registrations for SymInt implementations are deleted. In many cases, the old implementations did not properly support SymInts; I did not add any new functionality with this PR, but I did try to annotate with TODOs where this is work to do. Finally, because the signature of `native::` API changed from int to SymInt, I need to find alternative APIs for people who were directly calling these functions to call. Typically, I insert a new dispatch call when perf doesn't matter, or use `at::compositeexplicitautograd` namespace to handle other caes.
* The change to `make_boxed_from_unboxed_functor.h` is so that we accept a plain IntList IValue anywhere a SymIntList is expected; these are read-only arguments so covariant typing is OK.
* I change how unboxing logic works slightly. Previously, we interpret the C++ type for Layout/etc directly as IntType JIT type, which works well because the incoming IValue is tagged as an integer. Now, we interpret the C++ type for Layout as its true type, e.g., LayoutType (change to `jit_type.h`), but then we accept an int IValue for it anyway. This makes it symmetric with SymInt, where we interpret the C++ type as SymIntType, and then accept SymInt and int IValues for it.
* I renamed the `empty.names` overload to `empty_names` to make it less confusing (I kept mixing it up with the real empty overload)
* I deleted the `empty.SymInt` overload, which ended up killing a pile of functions. (This was originally a separate PR but the profiler expect test was giving me grief so I folded it in.)
* I deleted the LazyDynamicOpsTest tests. These were failing after these changes, and I couldn't figure out why they used to be passing: they make use of `narrow_copy` which didn't actually support SymInts; they were immediately converted to ints.
* I bashed LTC into working. The patches made here are not the end of the story. The big problem is that SymInt translates into Value, but what if you have a list of SymInt? This cannot be conveniently represented in the IR today, since variadic Values are not supported. To work around this, I translate SymInt[] into plain int[] (this is fine for tests because LTC dynamic shapes never actually worked); but this will need to be fixed for proper LTC SymInt support. The LTC codegen also looked somewhat questionable; I added comments based on my code reading.

Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <>
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,

* Remove CoreMLMemoryObserver (#83703)

Summary: We added this observer to help us diagnose memory issues that have since resolved. It should be safe to clean this up.

Test Plan: Diff just removed logging, so just build IG and confirm no errors.

Differential Revision: D38843701

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* ci: Remove dead code related to android uploads (#83930)

These uploads actually never got triggeredhappened in nightlies so
removing it altogether. Someone can re-add in the future if they feel
these are important but I can't find an instance of this running since
we migrated so I have a hard time believing anyone will miss it.

Signed-off-by: Eli Uriegas <>
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,

* [fx][pass infra] Adding error catching (#83933)


ERROR: test_pass_manager_error (fx.test_pass_infra.TestPassManager)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/angelayi/Projects/pytorch/torch/fx/passes/infra/", line 285, in __call__
    res = fn(module)
  File "/Users/angelayi/Projects/pytorch/test/fx/", line 164, in pass_fail
    raise RuntimeError("bad")
RuntimeError: bad

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/angelayi/Projects/pytorch/test/fx/", line 170, in test_pass_manager_error
  File "/Users/angelayi/Projects/pytorch/torch/fx/passes/infra/", line 289, in __call__
    raise RuntimeError(msg) from e
RuntimeError: An error occured when running the 'pass_fail' pass after the following passes: ['replace_add_with_mul_pass', 'replace_mul_with_div_pass']


Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Back out "Support regex-style matching for Any and Oneof (#82853)" (#83922)

Reviewed By: hl475

Differential Revision: D38945806

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Fix use-dict-literal lint (#83718)

Fix use-dict-literal pylint suggestions by changing `dict()` to `{}`. This PR should do the change for every Python file except test/jit/, where I think the intent is to test the constructor.
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Revert "Optimize transpose copy on CPU using fbgemm transpose (#83327)"

This reverts commit 04d8da88a6a1abf0da2b11096c85244bf38d3b2a.

Reverted on behalf of due to breaking internal builds/causing out-of-bounds errors/training accuracy

* Add hypothesis to requirements.txt (#83740)

Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <>
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,,

* [fbia] Keep Track of full qualified name before and after remote sharding (#83889)

Summary: track qualname changes in embedding sharding & FX split, and compose target qualname in the end of FBIA transform stage, so we can use the qualname mapping in XL materialize stage

Test Plan:



Reviewed By: lliu315gt

Differential Revision: D38772525

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* add merge blocking to ci: sev template (#83940)

as in title, so that by default, ci: sev will block merges

the line can be removed to not block merges
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,,,

* Move nnapi code from ATen common code to specific library (#83748)

Summary: Currently we include nnapi code in all targets using ATen even if it's not used (actually there is no usage and being deprecated). Move it to `nnapi_backend_lib` for now.

Test Plan: Sandcastle.

Differential Revision: D38761095

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,

* Task: T129772171 remove assertEqualIgnoreTypes from test/ (#83870)

Replaced assertEqualIgnoreType with assertEqual
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [Nested Tensor] Make offset copy and move assignment more explicit. (#83488)

Currently the nested tensor construction for the offset_ parameter takes in references and in the chain of delegation uses value. This could lead to unnecessary copies.  Whenever a nested tensor impl is constructed it should take ownership of all its metadata. The only non-trivially copyable metadata associated with the class is `offsets_`.

The goal of this PR is to make sure that consumers of nested_tensor_impl constructors ensure that they are passing offsets as a temporary - either buy explicitly copying a reference, or by constructing the offsets vector in the scope of construction.
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,

* Remove conj kernels for real dtypes (#80374)

`conj_physical_stub` is currently implemented for all dtypes despite
it just being a plain copy for real dtypes. So, instead we should
defer to the existing copy kernel in these cases.

On my build for one CUDA architecture, I see a 2.2 MB decrease in
`` size.
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,

* [BE][CUDA] Use packed_accessor64 (#83949)

Not sure why we are ignoring those, but alone
generates 100+ lines of warnings:
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ In function ‘at::Tensor at::native::_GLOBAL__N__39f8a8aa_10_SoftMax_cu_75209b9c::get_offsets(const at::Tensor&, const IntArrayRef&, int64_t)’:
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = long int; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto indices_accessor = indices.packed_accessor<int64_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘void at::native::_GLOBAL__N__39f8a8aa_10_SoftMax_cu_75209b9c::cuda_sparse_coo_softmax(at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, int64_t) [with scalar_t = double; bool LogSoftMax = false; int64_t = long int]’:
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/   required from here
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto values_accessor = values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto out_values_accessor = out_values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘void at::native::_GLOBAL__N__39f8a8aa_10_SoftMax_cu_75209b9c::cuda_sparse_coo_softmax(at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, int64_t) [with scalar_t = float; bool LogSoftMax = false; int64_t = long int]’:
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/   required from here
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = float; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto values_accessor = values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = float; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto out_values_accessor = out_values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘void at::native::_GLOBAL__N__39f8a8aa_10_SoftMax_cu_75209b9c::cuda_sparse_coo_softmax(at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, int64_t) [with scalar_t = double; bool LogSoftMax = true; int64_t = long int]’:
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/   required from here
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto values_accessor = values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto out_values_accessor = out_values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘void at::native::_GLOBAL__N__39f8a8aa_10_SoftMax_cu_75209b9c::cuda_sparse_coo_softmax(at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, int64_t) [with scalar_t = float; bool LogSoftMax = true; int64_t = long int]’:
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/   required from here
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = float; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto values_accessor = values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = float; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto out_values_accessor = out_values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘void at::native::_GLOBAL__N__39f8a8aa_10_SoftMax_cu_75209b9c::cuda_sparse_coo_softmax_backward(at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, int64_t, c10::ScalarType) [with scalar_t = double; bool LogSoftMax = false; int64_t = long int]’:
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/   required from here
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto values_accessor = values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto out_values_accessor = out_values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto grad_values_accessor = grad_values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘void at::native::_GLOBAL__N__39f8a8aa_10_SoftMax_cu_75209b9c::cuda_sparse_coo_softmax_backward(at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, int64_t, c10::ScalarType) [with scalar_t = float; bool LogSoftMax = false; int64_t = long int]’:
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/   required from here
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = float; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto values_accessor = values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = float; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto out_values_accessor = out_values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = float; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto grad_values_accessor = grad_values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘void at::native::_GLOBAL__N__39f8a8aa_10_SoftMax_cu_75209b9c::cuda_sparse_coo_softmax_backward(at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, int64_t, c10::ScalarType) [with scalar_t = double; bool LogSoftMax = true; int64_t = long int]’:
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/   required from here
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto values_accessor = values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto out_values_accessor = out_values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto grad_values_accessor = grad_values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘void at::native::_GLOBAL__N__39f8a8aa_10_SoftMax_cu_75209b9c::cuda_sparse_coo_softmax_backward(at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, int64_t, c10::ScalarType) [with scalar_t = float; bool LogSoftMax = true; int64_t = long int]’:
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/   required from here
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = float; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto values_accessor = values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = float; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto out_values_accessor = out_values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = float; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   auto grad_values_accessor = grad_values_2.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 2>();
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘std::tuple<at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor> at::native::_GLOBAL__N__39f8a8aa_10_SoftMax_cu_75209b9c::compute_pool_max(const at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, const IntArrayRef&, int64_t, int64_t) [with scalar_t = double; bool requireMxRows = true; at::IntArrayRef = c10::ArrayRef<long int>; int64_t = long int]’:
/tmp/tmpxft_000040e0_00000000-6_SoftMax.cudafe1.stub.c:16:557:   required from here
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
     auto values_accessor =
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘std::tuple<at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor> at::native::_GLOBAL__N__39f8a8aa_10_SoftMax_cu_75209b9c::compute_pool_max(const at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, const IntArrayRef&, int64_t, int64_t) [with scalar_t = float; bool requireMxRows = true; at::IntArrayRef = c10::ArrayRef<long int>; int64_t = long int]’:
/tmp/tmpxft_000040e0_00000000-6_SoftMax.cudafe1.stub.c:18:556:   required from here
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = float; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
     auto values_accessor =
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘std::tuple<at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor> at::native::_GLOBAL__N__39f8a8aa_10_SoftMax_cu_75209b9c::compute_pool_max(const at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, const IntArrayRef&, int64_t, int64_t) [with scalar_t = double; bool requireMxRows = false; at::IntArrayRef = c10::ArrayRef<long int>; int64_t = long int]’:
/tmp/tmpxft_000040e0_00000000-6_SoftMax.cudafe1.stub.c:20:557:   required from here
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
     auto values_accessor =
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ In instantiation of ‘std::tuple<at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor> at::native::_GLOBAL__N__39f8a8aa_10_SoftMax_cu_75209b9c::compute_pool_max(const at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, const IntArrayRef&, int64_t, int64_t) [with scalar_t = float; bool requireMxRows = false; at::IntArrayRef = c10::ArrayRef<long int>; int64_t = long int]’:
/tmp/tmpxft_000040e0_00000000-6_SoftMax.cudafe1.stub.c:21:556:   required from here
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/cuda/ warning: ‘at::GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> at::Tensor::packed_accessor() const & [with T = float; long unsigned int N = 2; PtrTraits = at::DefaultPtrTraits; index_t = long int]’ is deprecated: packed_accessor is deprecated, use packed_accessor32 or packed_accessor64 instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
     auto values_accessor =
/home/nshulga/git/pytorch/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:245:1: note: declared here
   GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> packed_accessor() const & {
 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Support returning symbolic strides from t.stride() in Python (#83842)

Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <>
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,,

* Support the XPU backend untyped storage (#83952)

Simple add XPU backend in untyped torch storage.

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Support NCCL Premul Sum (#81272)

This PR adds the support for

The major changes include
- convert enum ReduceOp to struct
- add premul sum specific paths to init.cpp and Ops.cpp.

- For pip wheels / conda binaries to support this, ~~I think would be needed~~ landed

The commit titled "add nccl premul" whose current hash is was authored by @mcarilli and @ptrblck.

cc @ptrblck
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Test type promotion assertignoretypes (#83867)

See #38095

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,

* [Profiler] record nn.Module's parameters (#83209)

Record nn.Module's parameters for detaild memory profiling:
- extend 'module_' in value cache  & NNModuleInfo to save parameters
- python binding and unit test case

Test Plan: buck run mode/opt //caffe2/test:profiler -- -r test_nnmodule

Differential Revision: D38379717

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [xla hash update] update the pinned xla hash (#83967)

This PR is auto-generated nightly by [this action](
Update the pinned xla hash.
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Fix `ir_utils::hasBlockSync` + misc fixes in transpose scheduler (#1924)

* Fix LTC build warnings (#83955)

Addresses `Wc++98-compat-extra-semi` warning from by removing extraneous semicolon after autogen LTC native function definitions.

/home/runner/work/torch-mlir/torch-mlir/build/tools/torch-mlir/python/torch_mlir/csrc/base_lazy_backend/generated/LazyNativeFunctions.cpp:4241:6: warning: extra ';' outside of a function is incompatible with C++98 [-Wc++98-compat-extra-semi]

cc: @wconstab @desertfire @ke1337 @antoniojkim
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Strenghten preconditions of linalg.cross (#83798)

This makes `linalg.cross` array API complaint ( and fixes a few bugs.

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Make linalg.inv composite of linalg.solve (#80074)

The `getri` kernel calls inside `getrs` so we can do so explicitly
ourselves and save ourselves from having to maintain an extra kernel.
This way we just need to optimise `lu_factor` and `lu_solve` and `inv`
will be as efficient as it can be, as it'll be choosing the best backend
to perform the factorisation and the best backend (not necessarily the
same) to perform the solve.


The benchmarks:
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,,

* Support a stable double backward on linalg.det for real inputs (#80217)

The complex case still fails. I do not know why.

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,,

* [LTC] Add custom lazy tensor save function (#83294)

We need a custom `save` function for checkpointing a lazy model, similar to what exists in PyTorch/XLA:
The purpose of this function is to move any lazy tensors to CPU before saving the checkpoint.

The way I implemented it was to create a general structure visitor, adapted from a function that we use quite often in Cerebras internal repositories. If there is a better tool already available in PyTorch that does the same things, I'm open to suggestions.

CC: @wconstab @Krovatkin @JackCaoG
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* move pooling test from test_nn to test/nn/test_pooling (#83915)

Ref #63085

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [ONNX] Remove static None graph output (#82623)

Fixes #82370
* Unify the export behavior regarding static None outputs. These are
dropped for both traced graph and TorchScript graph export.
* `Optional` outputs are not affected.
Fixes #82370
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,

* [TorchTidy Fix] Don't try to collect strides for non-strided tensors (#83935)

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:,

* [WIP] Validating input_col for certain datapipes (#80267)

Follow up from #79344.

Currently WIP due to multiple test failures.

Waiting for #80140 to land
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* support more symintnode operations (#83877)

remove debug code
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* add arithmetic ops (#83878)

arithmetic ops tests
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* logical ops (#83879)

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* strip SymIntNodes off in the mobile builds (#83938)

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [pthreadpool] Cap max thread count to fix TSAN issues (#83950)

Summary: Cap the thread count to 64 unconditionally to solve this tsan issue which leads to harder to debug, flaky test failures.

Test Plan: CI

Reviewed By: kimishpatel

Differential Revision: D38136212

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Skip NCCL slimming for cxx11 libtorch builds (#83959)


Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* add hud link to merge failure message (#83946)

as in title, related to
Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* Check all CUDA API calls for errors in benchmarks/cpp/nvfuser (#74920) (#81817)

Summary: Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: Sandcastle

Differential Revision: D35194656

Pull Request resolved:
Approved by:

* [frontend] Fix tensor list alias annotation  (#84005)

For issue and a retry of…
  • Loading branch information
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 1,604 changed files with 95,410 additions and 74,365 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .circleci/cimodel/data/
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@

Expand Down
25 changes: 8 additions & 17 deletions .circleci/cimodel/data/simple/
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def __init__(self, name, custom_build_name=""):

def render(self):
extra_parts = [self.custom_build_name] if len(self.custom_build_name) > 0 else []
return "_".join([] + extra_parts)
return "-".join([] + extra_parts).replace("_", "-")

def get_platform(arch_variant_name):
Expand All @@ -25,30 +25,25 @@ def __init__(self, xcode_version, arch_variant, is_org_member_context=True, extr
self.is_org_member_context = is_org_member_context
self.extra_props = extra_props

def gen_name_parts(self, with_version_dots):

version_parts = self.xcode_version.render_dots_or_parts(with_version_dots)
build_variant_suffix = "_".join([self.arch_variant.render(), "build"])

def gen_name_parts(self):
version_parts = self.xcode_version.render_dots_or_parts("-")
build_variant_suffix = self.arch_variant.render()
return [
] + version_parts + [

def gen_job_name(self):
return "_".join(self.gen_name_parts(False))
return "-".join(self.gen_name_parts())

def gen_tree(self):

platform_name = get_platform(

props_dict = {
"build_environment": "-".join(self.gen_name_parts(True)),
"name": self.gen_job_name(),
"build_environment": self.gen_job_name(),
"ios_platform": platform_name,
"name": self.gen_job_name(),

if self.is_org_member_context:
Expand All @@ -63,16 +58,12 @@ def gen_tree(self):
IOSJob(XCODE_VERSION, ArchVariant("x86_64"), is_org_member_context=False, extra_props={
"lite_interpreter": miniutils.quote(str(int(True)))}),
IOSJob(XCODE_VERSION, ArchVariant("x86_64", "full_jit"), is_org_member_context=False, extra_props={
"lite_interpreter": miniutils.quote(str(int(False)))}),
IOSJob(XCODE_VERSION, ArchVariant("arm64"), extra_props={
"lite_interpreter": miniutils.quote(str(int(True)))}),
IOSJob(XCODE_VERSION, ArchVariant("arm64", "metal"), extra_props={
"use_metal": miniutils.quote(str(int(True))),
"lite_interpreter": miniutils.quote(str(int(True)))}),
IOSJob(XCODE_VERSION, ArchVariant("arm64", "full_jit"), extra_props={
"lite_interpreter": miniutils.quote(str(int(False)))}),
IOSJob(XCODE_VERSION, ArchVariant("arm64", "custom"), extra_props={
IOSJob(XCODE_VERSION, ArchVariant("arm64", "custom-ops"), extra_props={
"op_list": "mobilenetv2.yaml",
"lite_interpreter": miniutils.quote(str(int(True)))}),
IOSJob(XCODE_VERSION, ArchVariant("x86_64", "coreml"), is_org_member_context=False, extra_props={
Expand Down
105 changes: 97 additions & 8 deletions .circleci/cimodel/data/simple/
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
from collections import OrderedDict
from cimodel.lib.miniutils import quote

class MacOsJob:
def __init__(self, os_version, is_build=False, is_test=False, extra_props=tuple()):
# extra_props is tuple type, because mutable data structures for argument defaults
Expand All @@ -11,10 +15,14 @@ def gen_tree(self):
non_phase_parts = ["pytorch", "macos", self.os_version, "py3"]

extra_name_list = [name for name, exist in self.extra_props.items() if exist]
full_job_name_list = non_phase_parts + extra_name_list + [
'build' if self.is_build else None,
'test' if self.is_test else None,
full_job_name_list = (
+ extra_name_list
+ [
"build" if self.is_build else None,
"test" if self.is_test else None,

full_job_name = "_".join(list(filter(None, full_job_name_list)))

Expand All @@ -41,12 +49,93 @@ def gen_tree(self):
"lite_interpreter": True
extra_props=tuple({"lite_interpreter": True}.items()),

def get_new_workflow_jobs():
return [
"mac_build": OrderedDict(
"name": "macos-12-py3-x86-64-build",
"build-environment": "macos-12-py3-x86-64",
"xcode-version": quote("13.3.1"),
"mac_test": OrderedDict(
"name": "macos-12-py3-x86-64-test-1-2-default",
"build-environment": "macos-12-py3-x86-64",
"xcode-version": quote("13.3.1"),
"shard-number": quote("1"),
"num-test-shards": quote("2"),
"requires": ["macos-12-py3-x86-64-build"],
"mac_test": OrderedDict(
"name": "macos-12-py3-x86-64-test-2-2-default",
"build-environment": "macos-12-py3-x86-64",
"xcode-version": quote("13.3.1"),
"shard-number": quote("2"),
"num-test-shards": quote("2"),
"requires": ["macos-12-py3-x86-64-build"],
"mac_test": OrderedDict(
"name": "macos-12-py3-x86-64-test-1-1-functorch",
"build-environment": "macos-12-py3-x86-64",
"xcode-version": quote("13.3.1"),
"shard-number": quote("1"),
"num-test-shards": quote("1"),
"test-config": "functorch",
"requires": ["macos-12-py3-x86-64-build"],
"mac_build": OrderedDict(
"name": "macos-12-py3-x86-64-lite-interpreter-build-test",
"build-environment": "macos-12-py3-lite-interpreter-x86-64",
"xcode-version": quote("13.3.1"),
"build-generates-artifacts": "false",
"mac_build": OrderedDict(
"name": "macos-12-py3-arm64-build",
"build-environment": "macos-12-py3-arm64",
"xcode-version": quote("13.3.1"),
"python-version": quote("3.9.12"),

def get_workflow_jobs():
return [item.gen_tree() for item in WORKFLOW_DATA]
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions .circleci/cimodel/data/simple/
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def __init__(self,
def get_phase_name(self):
return "upload" if self.is_upload else "build"

def get_common_name_pieces(self, with_version_dots):
def get_common_name_pieces(self, sep):

extra_name_suffix = [self.get_phase_name()] if self.is_upload else []

Expand All @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def get_common_name_pieces(self, with_version_dots):
common_name_pieces = [
] + extra_name + [
] + ios_definitions.XCODE_VERSION.render_dots_or_parts(with_version_dots) + [
] + ios_definitions.XCODE_VERSION.render_dots_or_parts(sep) + [
Expand All @@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ def get_common_name_pieces(self, with_version_dots):
return common_name_pieces

def gen_job_name(self):
return "_".join(["pytorch"] + self.get_common_name_pieces(False))
return "_".join(["pytorch"] + self.get_common_name_pieces(None))

def gen_tree(self):
build_configs = BUILD_CONFIGS_FULL_JIT if self.is_full_jit else BUILD_CONFIGS
extra_requires = [x.gen_job_name() for x in build_configs] if self.is_upload else []

props_dict = {
"build_environment": "-".join(["libtorch"] + self.get_common_name_pieces(True)),
"build_environment": "-".join(["libtorch"] + self.get_common_name_pieces(".")),
"requires": extra_requires,
"context": "org-member",
"filters": {"branches": {"only": "nightly"}},
Expand Down
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions .circleci/cimodel/data/simple/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
from typing import OrderedDict

def get_workflow_job():
return [
"upload_test_stats": OrderedDict(
"name": "upload test status",
"requires": [
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions .circleci/cimodel/data/simple/util/
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
from typing import Optional

class MultiPartVersion:
def __init__(self, parts, prefix=""): = parts
Expand All @@ -13,14 +16,11 @@ def prefixed_parts(self):
return [self.prefix]

def render_dots(self):
return ".".join(self.prefixed_parts())

def render_dots_or_parts(self, with_dots):
if with_dots:
return [self.render_dots()]
def render_dots_or_parts(self, sep: Optional[str] = None):
if sep is None:
return self.prefixed_parts()
return [sep.join(self.prefixed_parts())]

class CudaVersion(MultiPartVersion):
Expand Down

0 comments on commit 0372856

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