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CSBridge Website: Czech Technical University Summer 2019 (Prague)

This site uses GitHub pages with a custom domain. You can find these settings on the main settings page for this project - specifically, all files in the docs folder of the master branch are published.

Website Updates

  1. Change any file templates in templates/

  2. python creates full html pages underneath the docs/ folder.

  3. Any slides or starter code changed in the top directory are symlinked to change the actual files in docs/.

  4. After pushing to GitHub, it may take a few minutes for the changes to appear on the CSBridge website.

Timed Release

This website has the ability to make materials visible at specific dates/times without having to push a new version to GitHub. To make an HTML element visible at a certain date/time, use the "visible-after" class, and add the timestamp as the value for the "data-visible-after" attribute. For instance, to hide a div until July 7, 2019 at 5PM, you would add:

<div class="visible-after" data-visible-after="2019070717">

The timestamps support the format YYYYMMDDHH. The script that handles this hide/show functionality is in docs/js/index.js.

TA Resources

TA resources can be found at the /tas URL. In particular, it includes a special version of the navbar and programs table showing all projects and solutions. It does this by passing an additional parameter to the template that says it is the TA page.

Handling Student Submissions

  • Clicking "Stanford Menu" -> "Submit" allows the student to zip up the current assignment and store it somewhere on their computer.
  • Every student will need an ID number. At CTU, this will be something like CTU0012. Make sure that student nametags have this information (where all the section leaders know these made-up student ID numbers for each of their sections).
  • Once students zip up their assignment, they still need to manually upload it for the staff to access. The students should submit to this URL: This drops files off in a Google Drive on Lisa Yan's Stanford account. For security, please have the Section Leaders write the URL on the board during lab. Students should submit their assignments at the end of the day (not after every assignment).
  • Instructors should have received an invite to the Google Drive submission folder; within this folder, we can create subfolders to organize the project zips that students submit.
  • There are some instructions on the main page of the CSBridge site with information about Eclipse and how to submit.

Break Activity Ideas

Break times in the afternoon are a great time to get students out of lab and do fun activities. Here are some ideas for activities that have been successful in the past, both indoors and outdoors.

  • Where The Wind Blows (using shoes as place markers)
  • Code trace scavenger hunt: clues are programs students have to trace, and they print out the name of the next destination. Clues for a past scavenger hunt can be found in the ScavengerHunt folder. This was previously done on the 3rd day of the class.
  • Ninja
  • Rock-paper-scissors tournament: each lab has students pair up and play a best-of-3 rock-paper-scissors. The winner finds someone else to challenge, while the loser becomes a cheerleader for the winner and follows them to their next match. Eventually, there should be just 1 winner per lab, with everyone else in that lab cheering them on. This continues until their is just one student winner, and all students are cheerleaders for them. This winner plays an instructor in a best-of-5 match.

Ideas For Future Improvement

  • More incoporation of code reviews and pair programming. Maybe supplying checklists at the start and having students do a self check-in for every project. Or working with another student to co-develop a program, or have multiple students each work on one part of a program and build on each others' code to see firsthand the value of good style.
  • More discussion of style/top-down design
  • Some way for teaching team to provide feedback (maybe once?) for some code they submit?
  • 2 sections per day?
  • theme sections based on TA area of interest?


  • Write up Day 1 project TA solutions (code is currently in templates/tas/soln/todo.html but needs to be split into .html files for each problem and have writeups done for each)
  • Refactor bonus problems table in templates/en/bonus-index.html to match the main table style in programTable.ptl in that it is a single table using date variables at the top, and only includes visible-after for non-TA mode.
  • Include a TA version of the bonus table on the /tas page so TAs can see all bonus problems. This should be a shared version of the table across /tas and /bonus-index so changes once are propagated everywhere.


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