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Jesse Warren edited this page Jan 29, 2020 · 8 revisions


1. Live Site

2. Background and Overview

goPup, app inspired by Strava but for dog walkers, is a social media application that allows users to share dog walking routes. A user can make friends with other dog owners, track their dog and save routes to their profile.

goPup is primarily built with the MERN stack: MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. We also use GraphQl and Docker, and Google API.

3. Functionality & MVP

  1. Hosting on Heroku ()

  2. Authentication (2 days)

  • Users can sign up, sign in, log out
  • Users can't use certain features without logging in (creating spots & bookings)
  1. Creating/Save Routes (2 days)
  • Logged in users can create routes
  • Users can view a list of routes
  1. Route recommendations (2 days)
  • Logged in users can access a dashboard and receive recommended routes
  1. Routes Stats (2 days)
  • Logged in users can view routes stats (distance, author, pups taken, etc.)
  1. Production README ()

4.Technologies & Challenges

1. Architecture

goPup is built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node). Additionally, bundling of client-side javascript is accomplished by Nodemon, and Babel is used to transpile ES6+ Javascript for backward browser compatibility.

Backend: Node, Express, MongoDB GraphQl: is used so that the client has greater control over the queries sent to our API endpoints Frontend: React and React Native with Redux

2. Technical challenges:

  • Reading data from MongoDB database and organizing for display
  • Docker and GraphQL
  • Implement Routes & Google Maps

5. Group Members & Work Breakdown

Deborah Lee, Corina Schambacher and Jesse Warren

Work Breakdown

Jan 25th, Saturday -
Front-end authentication [Corina and Jesse]

Jan 26th, Sunday -
Finish front-end authentication and plan Routes feature [Deb and Jesse]

Jan 27th, Monday -
Plan and start building the "create a route" feature [all]

Jan 28th, Tuesday -
Continue building the "create a route" feature [all]

Jan 29th, Wednesday -
Final touches "create a route" feature [Jesse],
Route feed feature front-end [Deb],
Route feed feature back-end [Corina]

Jan 30th, Thursday -
Overview [all] and finalization of Route feed feature [Deb],
Route stats feature back-end [Jesse],
Route stats feature front-end [Corina]

Jan 31st, Friday -
Overview [all] and finalization of Route stats feature [all],
review of bonuses [all]