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#group 1

Assuming all programs are running on localhost

#Patchwork, NodeRed and MQTT

  1. install mosquitto, or run Mosquitto server.
  2. run patchwork by executing: bin/device-gateway (the binary which is in this package is for OSX)
  3. install nodejs and node red.
  4. for running sqlite REST server flow, please install sqlite3 via npm: npm install sqlite3
  5. install node-red sqlite wrapper: npm install node-red-node-sqlite


  1. change the WebSocket URL setting in: /static/js/kinect.js and /static/js/websocket.js
  2. UI: open with your websocket enable browser and visit this url (please also include the hashtag part) http://localhost:8080/static/ui/index.html#{"room":"cscw-bplus-04","user":1}

Codes Explanation:

###/static/ui/index.html It is the dashboard html code. ###/static/ui/js/kinect.js It is a js file that contains code that reads kinect body node coordinates sent from Physical activity advisor ###/static/ui/js/websocket.js It is a js file that contains code that reads websocket feed of Air Quality, Coffee Intake, and Physical Activity Advisor

#Air Quality Advisor

  1. open your favorite java IDE

  2. create a new project and import the source code inside /IndoorAirQuality

  3. add these reference to the project:

    a. libraries under /IndoorAirQuality/*.jar

    b. libraries under /websocket_server/websocket_component/lib/*.jar

    c. codes under /websocket_server/websocket_component/src/*

  4. compile and run the

Codes Explanation:

###/IndoorAirQuality/ contain components that form the flow. each explanations are written on each file. ###/IndoorAirQuality/ The network flow of Air Quality Advisor ###/websocket_server/websocket_component/src component that can instantiate a websocket server, and publish messages to its subscriber

#Coffee Intake Advisor

  1. go to /coffee $ cd coffee

  2. run coffee advisor node flow: $ sudo node coffee_red.js

Codes Explanation:

###/coffee/coffee_red.js Contains flow of Coffee Intake Advisor Logic, and SQLite REST interface

#Physical Activity Advisor

  1. open your favorite java IDE

  2. create a new project and import the source code inside: /Movement/Movement/src/

  3. add these reference to the project:

    a. /MessageBoxComponent/

    b. libraries under /IndoorAirQuality/*.jar

    c. libraries under /websocket_server/websocket_component/lib/*.jar

    d. codes under /websocket_server/websocket_component/src/*

  4. compile and run the

  5. To run the Kinect Component, you should have a Kinect device connected and OpenNI and Osceleton running on your system.

Codes Explanation:

###The Package Movement/Movement/src/com/smartoffice/movement contains the network flow of the Physical Activity advisor application ###The Package Movement/Movement/src/com/smartoffice/movement/components contains the components used in the Physical Activity advisor flow ###The Package Movement/Movement/src/com/smartoffice/movement/library contains some library code for Physical Advisor Components ###/MessageBoxComponent/src component that can pop up a AWT message box


Project repository for group #1






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